Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 830: Xuanyuan Halberd

Chapter 830: Xuanyuan Halberd

The two armies fought fiercely, shouting and killing, and life continued to flow away.

Every force of death, every soul, every bit of bright red blood, was constantly flowing towards the stone maple above Ao Li.

The war situation was under the control of Shifeng and Luo Qingchuan, two peerless powerhouses. Although the sergeants on their side had suffered about 15,000 casualties, the casualties on the Xuanyuan Army were even more serious.

Originally, when General Yun Yun died in battle, morale has plummeted. Xuanyuan Army, to the present, the casualties have reached 80,000!

The assassination continued, and Shi Feng and the martial arts realm finally stepped into the six-star Wu Emperor's realm, devouring so many souls, and the power of the soul has reached the nine-star holy level. a step far.

The Xuanyuan Army suddenly found in horror that those companions who had died in battle turned into dry bodies, suddenly stood up again, and chopped the butcher knife in their hands to themselves.

Shi Feng, the army of dead corpses that had run out of power, withdrew from the **** stone stele, and once again laid out a large army of corpses, controlling 10,000 dead corpses to kill the enemy.

Although these dead bodies were too weak to be as good as they were during their lives, they were not afraid of butchering knives. They moved forward bravely, and they suddenly stood up and gave Xuanyuan Army a knife to kill them by surprise.

Most importantly, it caused unknown fear to the enemy.

Immediately after, Shi Feng saw that a white light suddenly flashed into the enemy's troops. In this slaughter, Luo Qingchuan beheaded a five-star warrior and killed countless enemies. Jiuyou Gong, after swallowing up the power of their death, successfully entered the five-star Wudi realm.

In this cruel war, not only Shi Feng was harvested, but even Luo Qingchuan.

"Kill!" Strike, still going on.

The blood and blood flames burning the ground are still rushing towards the enemy forces. After time passes slowly, the Xuanyuan Army has another 100,000 British souls!

This assassination did not stop until the battle from day to dusk and then to night!

Above the earth, there is still a sea of ​​bloody fire, as if boundless, extending to endless distances, turning this heaven and earth, rendering the ground red, exuding an extremely cold atmosphere.

The war is finally over. The 300,000 people in Xuanyuan Army were finally massacred without leaving a living.

Shi Feng, still proud of the void, looked indifferent, looking at the fiery sea of ​​flames burning on the earth.

At this time, Luo Qingchuan flew to the void and came to Shi Feng's side, reporting to Shi Fengyu: "Feng Shao, 300,000 enemy troops have been wiped out, more than 5,000 wounded and 30,000 dead in our army I am! "

"Huh!" Shi Feng gave a quiet response when he heard Luo Qingchuan's obituary, and nodded.

After a pause, Shi Feng said, "Go and tell these people that they are free and can leave."

The next war was his own battle with Xuanyuan Changyun. Shi Feng mainly used them to try to elicit Xuanyuan Changyun or that cloud.

Now Yun Yun was successfully killed by himself. His martial arts successfully entered the six-star Emperor Wudi. Not only that, after swallowing so many souls, Shi Feng's soul power also successfully entered one star. Emperor level, these sergeants, he has no use.

"Yes!" Luo Qingchuan responded, then fell in shape to convey Shi Feng's order.

After Luo Qingchuan departed, Shi Feng thought, and the fiery sea of ​​flames burning in the earth seemed to be strongly attracted, rising from the earth, burning Shi Feng to the void.

At one touch, Shi Feng's body was sucked back into Shi Feng.


The main hall of Xuanyuan City.

At this moment, an angry roar sounded like a beast:

"What! What did you say! General Yun Yun was killed! My 300,000 army, all killed! How is this possible! How is this possible! Come, this person lied to the military situation, and pulled out and chopped this seat!"

This angry voice is the roar of Xuanyuan City Lord, Xuanyuan Changyun!

At this moment, he was yelling at a scout kneeling down with his fingers.

Under the command of the Lord of the City Lord, two gold armored soldiers walked into the hall at once, and one person held one arm of the scout.

"The protagonist's life! The protagonist's life! I didn't lie about the military situation! This is indeed true! The protagonist's life, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

However, despite the scout's begging for mercy, the two gold armored soldiers eventually dragged him out of the hall. "Ah!" A painful and grieving sound came from outside the hall.

"Yun Yun is dead! The 300,000 army in this seat is destroyed!" Xuan Yuan Chang Yun sat on the golden dragon chair, clenched his fists with both hands, and his body was constantly trembling.

The news of Yun Ji's death has actually been received from him not long ago, and his subordinates reported that the soul stone of General Yun Qi has been broken.

"Damn! Damn it! Damn it! These two people, these two Nine Insidious Thieves! I am Xuanyuan Changyun, and I must kill them with my own hands!"

"Come!" At this moment, Yun Zheng again snarled: "Take this mount and bring your own artifact! This seat! This seat will go out in person!"

"Yes!" Dozens of people responded in unison in front of the hall.

This time Xuanyuan Changyun was furious. No one under the civil and military officials dared to speak out to dissuade him. Xuanyuan Changyun was going to go on his own. The Zhuge Xiao was silent and stopped talking.

Let 300,000 troops join the army and be led by Yun Zheng. This was his idea. Originally, Zhuge Xiao thought that the other person ’s martial arts were repaired in the Five-Star Emperor Realm and one was in the Four-Star Emperor Realm.

The general Yun Yun, who is the power of Qixing Wudi's realm, has compiled and returned the rebels to deal with these two people, which is more than enough.

It was really not expected that such a big accident happened. These two people killed the great general Yun Qi of the Seven Star Wudi Realm and made such an anti- heavenly move.

No one at this time could have imagined that these two people could kill Yun Yan.

Soon, a golden unicorn was dragged into the hall by a gold armored soldier. This unicorn is the mount of Xuanyuan Changyun, the golden unicorn.

However, it is naturally not the true ancient beast unicorn, but the blood of the beast unicorn is circulated in the body. Although it is not pure, it is also the blood of the unicorn. Close to the six-star emperor class.

"Roar! Roar!" As soon as Jin Qilin entered the hall, two fists and big eyes glared at the man in the hall with a burst of roar, exuding a strong breath on his body.

Not long after, a golden halberd shining brightly was moved into this hall together by fifteen gold armored soldiers.

This halberd is called Xuanyuan halberd! It is rumored that Xuanyuan, the ancestor of Xuanyuan, swept across a large area of ​​the Western Regions and established the Xuanyuan dynasty. The Xuanyuan halberd was held in that year.

On weekdays, Xuanyuan halberd has been dedicated to Xuanyuan ancestral temple.

(End of this chapter)

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