Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 834: Guild Wars (2)

Chapter 834 Fierce Battle (2)

"Haha! Hahaha!" Xuanyuan Changyun continued to laugh at the center of the battlefield. At this moment, the silver light beneath him also disappeared, revealing the golden figure of that golden unicorn.

At this moment, Jin Qilin's body was full of knife marks, and the blood was constantly flowing to the ground.

Regarding Jin Qilin, Xuanyuan Changyun didn't have any interest to pay attention. He still gazed at the **** figure in front of him, and laughed: "I really think that you are a peerless monster, and you can really be with the Six-Star Emperor Realm and this seat Fight to this.

But did not expect that you rely on this magic soldier in your hands. "

"Huh!" His face was full of burns, and the cold face of the past was gone. A horrible stone maple sent out a cold hum and said coldly: "You can fight with me to this point, not because of the Xuanyuan in your hand. Halberd! If there is no Xuanyuan Halberd, your Xuanyuan burns the sky and can give you the prestige just now. "

"Huh!" At this time, Xuanyuan Changyun also snorted, and Xuanyuan War Halberd in his hand pointed directly at the stone maple in front of him, and yelled, "If you read this seat correctly, your power of this magical soldier is now exhausted, you What power is there to fight this seat again! "

"You Xuanyuan Changyun, launched Xuanyuan burned the sky to cut, and suffered such a fierce slash from Ben Shao, how much combat power do you have now!" Shi Feng continued to say coldly.

"This seat! It's an immortal body! Although the combat power is not as good as before, it will kill you! It's enough!" As soon as the voice fell, I saw the stinging knife mark on Xuanyuan Changyun's face, at a speed visible to the flesh. Healing fast.

Shi Feng immediately felt that the breath of Xuanyuan Changyun was rising rapidly.


"Go to death!" The Xuanyuan War Halberd in Xuanyuan Changyun's hand suddenly moved and pierced Shi Feng.

This rebel, the artifact power is exhausted, and the body's elemental power has also been exhausted. This blow is enough to kill it!

Xuanyuan Changyun said secretly in his heart.

Facing Xuanyuan Changyun and launching an attack on himself again, Shi Feng was not afraid, and her right fist quietly held up, and a punch exploded towards the straight halberd!

Shi Feng's punch slammed into the pike that came straight.

"Oh!" The ground blew loudly, and it suddenly sounded in the quiet world.

"Huh?" Xuanyuan War Halberd hit the man's fist violently, Xuanyuan Changyun's face suddenly changed at this moment! This person is supposed to be exhausted, why is there such a ferocious force.

Immediately afterwards, the overbearing force that was introduced into Xuanyuan Halberd shocked Xuanyuan Changyun's body through Xuanyuan War Halberd, and Xuanyuan Changyun's body was immediately shocked and flew out.

"This .. how is this possible! Why can he still have such power!" He had clearly sensed that the strength of the opponent's body had been exhausted.

why! Why is there such an attack.

Just a moment ago, he launched a stunt combat skill Xuan Yuan to burn the sky. In fact, his power of Xuan Yuan Chang Yun has already consumed little land and was seriously injured.

However, he was in a state of unrest, and possessed the legendary immortal body. The physical body was healing rapidly, and with the healing of the physical body, the combat power was rapidly recovering.

However, the other side, apparently exhausted, was seriously injured physically, but still gave Zhenfei himself.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Xuanyuan Changyun was shocked, but Jin Qilin at his feet was still there. When he saw the master Qi Qilin, who had suffered a loss and was bruised, he roared loudly towards Shi Feng, who was preparing to chase, fiercely. Rushed away.

"Sin beast! If you are wounded like this, you dare to be crazy, and you ca n’t do without pets." Looking at Jin Qilin suddenly rushing, Shi Feng sang coldly, followed closely, a huge **** light, in front of Shi Feng Shining.

"Oh!" A loud whistling sound like the awakening of a ferocious beast, a three-colored three-headed snake was released from the blood-colored space by Shi Feng.

It is the three avatars of the snake-man family of eight-separated snakes.

As soon as the three big snakes came out, they were confused with the huge snake tails of red, blue, and purple. They suddenly flung and flew away towards the golden unicorn.

"Pop! Roar!" After a while, he hit Jin Qilin's body, and Jin Qilin was immediately flung out.

The body is full of knife marks, and it is still flowing with blood. Although it is in the five-star emperor level, it is so badly damaged. Like his master Xuanyuan Changyun, it has long lost its previous combat power.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The three big snakes issued three big buzzers in unison, and the huge body suddenly moved toward the gold unicorn that flew away and flew away.

At the same time, Shi Feng no longer cares about the battle between the three-headed snake and Jin Qilin. He is flying and chasing towards Xuanyuan Changyun.

"The power of the flesh! It is the power of the flesh! These nine rebellious thieves not only practice martial arts, but also the power of the flesh, they are also cultivated so powerfully. It is said that the ghost, martial arts, flesh, soul, three fellow initiates, flesh, Going against the sky, achieving the acquired deities, the nine ghosts! "

Xuanyuan Changyun, whose body is still flying quickly, suddenly thought of that person, and the reason for such combat power.

"Have you figured it out?" Just then, a cold voice suddenly sounded above Xuanyuan Changyun.

Xuanyuan Changyun saw that a blood-colored figure suddenly appeared above himself, kicking suddenly towards his body. "Ben Shao is to see if your legendary immortal body is really immortal!"

After speaking, Shi Feng's foot trampled down and stepped towards Xuanyuan Changyun's chest.

"You! You! You will not die!" Xuanyuan Changyun burst into an angry roar when he saw the foot that trampled on.

"Oh! Ah!" A violent impact, and Xuanyuan Changyun's painful gurgling sounded at the same time.

Xuanyuan Changyun's original shape of flying backwards was immediately trampled down by Shi Feng to the ground.

"No! What's going on here! The protagonist ... the protagonist he ... was trampled!"

Looking at the battlefield ahead, Xuanyuan was five thousand elite, and then exclaimed with sorrowful voices. They couldn't believe the portrait they saw. The invincible protagonist Xuan Yuan Changyun was trampled on by people like this.

Also sent such a painful big cock.

Stepping on the foot of Xuanyuan Changyun, it took a moment to step into the heart of the five thousand Xuanyuan army, and each heart was like a knife.

"When Ben Shao killed Xuanyuan's unknown name, he did not expect that after many years, he came to kill Xuanyuan's nameless grandson, you Xuanyuan Changyun! It seems that Ben Shao, with your Xuanyuan family, has deep roots!"

Xuanyuan Changyun, who was falling rapidly, heard a cold sound again, and passed it into his ear.

When Xuanyuan Changyun heard this sound, her face changed again!

(End of this chapter)

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