Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 836: Advanced Bloodlust Sword

Chapter 836: Advanced Bloodlust Sword

"Dead! Lord, really dead!"

Xuanyuan Changyun went on his own expedition and fell into this world. The five thousand Xuanyuan were elite, and each one sent out a sorrowful sorrow.

For Xuanyuan Changyun, they are not only loyal, but also faith! That was the invincible God of War in their hearts.

The God of War fell and myth shattered.

Hearing the sorrow over there, Shi Feng's cold face lifted up. Under the blood of immortality and the ancient words of life, the burn on Shi Feng's face had been restored unconsciously, and he had become the cold and solemn, Junyi's face.

Then, Shi Feng drank coldly and said, "Roll back to Xuanyuan City and open the gate to welcome Ben Shao. Otherwise, all will die like Xuanyuan Changyun."

Shi Feng's cold voice echoed and passed into those five thousand Xuanyuan's delicate ears.


After hearing the cold voice, Wuqian Xuanyuan was astute, and quickly returned from the grief of Xuanyuan Changyun's death.

One by one realized immediately that what they should face now is not the death of Xuanyuan Changyun, but the mad monster who killed 300,000 Xuanyuan soldiers yesterday.

At this time, one of Xuanyuan's elite warriors quickly folded his hands and bowed, and shouted at Shi Feng: "Observe! Return to Xuanyuan City immediately, open the gate and welcome the adults!"

After speaking, the Xuanyuan warrior turned around quickly and drank in a deep voice to the crowd: "Let's go! Back to Xuanyuan City, open the gate!"

"Yes!" Xuanyuan echoed in unison, then did not dare to stay here anymore, and the army turned around and quickly broke into Xuanyuan City.

After seeing these people go, Shi Feng's gaze once again gazed at the warrior Xuanyuan Halberd in his own hands!

Eight-star emperor-level mystery, nowadays, on this Heng mainland, it can also be regarded as a real magic soldier.

Shi Feng said, his right hand was suddenly shaken, the Xuanyuan War Halberd in his hand was thrown out, flying through the air and shooting at Luo Qingchuan in the distance.

Then, Shi Feng's voice sounded again and again between the heavens and the earth: "Qing Chuan, this Xuanyuan Halberd, I will give it to you."

"Thank you very much!" After hearing this voice of Shi Feng, Luo Qingchuan's face was immediately a joy, his body suddenly moved, towards the Xuanyuan War Halberd that flew, and quickly broke through.

The Xuanyuan halberd of Xuanyuan City is a well-known magic soldier in the entire Tianheng continent. How can Luo Qingchuan not be pleased to have such a magic weapon.

He quickly broke through the body, suddenly holding the Xuanyuan halberd from the shot, Luo Qingchuan raised his sky, and his long hair fluttered with the violent wind, laughing happily: "Haha! Hahaha!"

Shi Feng no longer cares about Luo Qingchuan, but turns her eyes and looks at the other side of the battlefield.

"Hoohoo! Huh! Huh!"

The fierce screams of fierce beasts kept ringing in the little heaven and earth.

The three pythons are still fighting the golden unicorn, and they are indeed pregnant with the ancient blood of the ancient unicorn unicorn. Even if the wounds are scarred, they are still snarling violently at the moment, spewing golden flames in their mouths and burning the three pythons.

"Roar! Roar!" The three-headed python continued to scream. The fire-red snake head spewed red flames, the blue snake head spewed ice-blue ice, and the purple snake head.

A purple light spewed out, and under the purple light, those burning golden flames were immediately extinguished.

And the three-colored snake tail suddenly threw it out again, "snapped" with a crisp sound, and threw it **** the golden unicorn again.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Jin Qilin twitched in pain and uttered a sorrowful wailing.

Shi Feng looked at the battle between the two beasts on the other side. The gold unicorn was under his silver blade at the time. Although he was seriously injured and lost his original combat power, he was a five-star emperor monster. For a time, two beasts Can't tell the difference!

A **** light shone in Shi Feng's right hand and appeared in Shi Feng's right hand.

Looking down at the bloodthirsty sword, sensing the sword spirit **** beast inside, Shi Feng whispered: "You, it's time to advance!"

When Shi Feng was talking, the bloodthirsty sword trembled in his hands, the sword spirit **** beast, now is a seventh-level honorable monster, naturally understands Shi Feng's words.

Later, Shi Feng shook his right hand, and the bloodthirsty sword turned into a **** light flying stab, and shot and killed the golden unicorn who was fighting with the three giant pythons!

"Roar! Roar!" Opened his mouth wide, and was about to flutter towards the golden unicorn in the middle of the blue snake head. Suddenly, the golden beast trembled, an unusually dangerous breath rising in his heart.

And Jin Qilin immediately sensed that the unusually dangerous breath came from behind him and was approaching quickly towards himself.

Jin Qilin suddenly turned around, and at this time, he saw a **** streamer, just like a **** meteor, gliding towards himself.

In this **** streamer, Jin Qilin felt a force that he could hardly compete with.

"Roar! Roar!" Jin Qilin yelled suddenly, his hoofs flew over, and his body fled quickly towards the top.

But the **** streamer was faster than Jin Qilin, and shot into Jin Qilin's throat, showing the hilt of the bloodthirsty sword.

Jin Qilin's eyes widened with two fists and followed closely. Its body, like his master Xuanyuan Changyun, quickly dried up, until it became a dry unicorn corpse.

A five-star emperor-level unicorn beast fell, falling!

Kirin died, and his dried body quickly fell towards the ground below. The bloodthirsty sword suddenly moved, pulled out of Jin Qilin's throat, and suspended in the void.

At this time, **** rays continued to shine in the bloodthirsty sword.

"Roar roar roar!" The roar of fierce beasts continued to emerge from the bloodthirsty sword. At this time, the roar of the blood beast, the soul beast with ancient blood.

Shi Feng's figure also suddenly appeared on the battlefield of this fierce beast. When he grasped the bloodthirsty sword whose **** light was still shining, he stared at the bloodthirsty sword with his eyes until the shining light completely changed from Dissipated in the sword!

The original appearance of the bloodthirsty sword was re-exposed!

With his left **** bent, a flick of the sword towards the Bloodthirsty Sword, a squeak, and a sword screaming from the Bloodthirsty Sword.

After the bloodthirsty sword swallowed the blood of the unicorn of the five-star emperor peak, Shi Feng had sensed that this sword had advanced to the nine-star emperor peak and was about to be promoted to the nine-level emperor soldier.

And Shi Feng's right hand suddenly trembled again, "Roar!" A fierce roar sounded again, and a huge **** shadow rose from the bloodthirsty sword.

The head has a single horn, and the body is covered with patches of **** unicorns, with a vicious appearance. This phantom is the phantom of the **** beast.

After devouring the blood of that golden unicorn, the **** beast actually completed its growth, and evolved from adolescence to adulthood.

And at this moment, the breath on the **** beast, it has directly evolved from the seventh-order honorable realm to the ninth-order royal realm!

(End of this chapter)

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