Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 840: Huangquan Road

Chapter 840: Huang Quan Road

The huge ancient cross-region teleportation altar revealed the entire altar. Shifeng and Luo Qingchuan stood above the altar, but the handprints in Shifeng's hands have not stopped. The dense golden runes are still floating. Out.

Floating down to the altar.

Although the altar has appeared, it still needs to be opened!

Then, Shi Feng drank lowly: "Qingchuan, you fill the grooves with stones! Fill all eight grooves."

"Yes!" Luo Qingchuan responded with a drink, hurried to the edge of the altar, and kept filling the Yuanshi in the groove.

There are a total of eight grooves, and the energy activated by the transmission array is exactly drawn from the elementary stone, activated, and then started!

As Shifeng's golden runes continued to fall, Luo Qingchuan's Yuanshi constantly filled the eight grooves. At this moment, the golden light of this golden altar has become more and more dazzling.

"Coordinates! Adjustment! Road to Huangquan!" Shi Feng drank again, and began to adjust the coordinates of this ancient altar with his heart, and the place name he drank turned out to be on the Tianheng continent. A place name I have never heard of is called Huangquan Road!

Immediately, a huge golden beam of light emerged from the altar, and in a moment, the bodies of Shi Feng and Luo Qingchuan were devoured, and then the golden beam of light burst into the void.

Rushing towards the boundless horizon.

"Ghost Purgatory! Ghost Purgatory! Ben Shao, finally coming back!" Shi Feng's voice faintly heard in the golden beam of light.

Soon, this golden beam of light gradually disappeared in the sky, I do not know where to go.

. .

In a dim world, a ray of yellow flames slowly fluttered in this world, like a ray of ghost fire.

Suddenly, in the dim sky, a huge beam of golden light appeared, and then suddenly fell towards this land, and banged "bang", hitting it.

The huge golden light beam dissipated, and gradually revealed a red, white and two figures, it is the stone maple in **** armor, and Luo Qingchuan in white.

"Here, is the road you just spoke to Huang Quan, the road leading to the Nether Purgatory?" Looking at this dim sky and the yellow flames, Luo Qingchuan asked Shi Feng.

"Here, it's just the beginning. There is still some distance from the real Huangquan road. Let's go! Now, there will be no danger for now, don't be vigilant." Shi Feng said to Luo Qingchuan, and then Be the first to walk forward.

When Luo Qingchuan was walking, although Shi Feng said that there would be no danger here, he remained vigilant and still did not relax, and looked at the Quartet carefully.

Then Luo Qingchuan asked, "What kind of flames are these dancing flames?"

"This is the fire of Huangquan. It was born from Huangquan and belongs to the negative flame." Shi Feng said.

"Oh!" Luo Qingchuan nodded his head.

Subsequently, the two continued to walk in the beginning of the film, "Right!" Shi Feng suddenly made a whisper, and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Hearing Shi Feng's murmur, and seeing Shi Feng's sudden pause, Luo Qingchuan's face appeared confused, and asked.

"I almost forgot about it." Shi Feng said, and then, turning his right hand, three jade boxes appeared in his hands. These three jade boxes were obtained from Wanbao Commercial Building and were equipped with blood-shade suits. Jade box.

The blood evil suit is useless to others, but for Shi Feng, this is a holy sword fragment, which can promote the bloodthirsty sword to promote holy sword fragments.

An intense white spirit immediately circulated in the palm of Shi Feng's palm, "Papa!" Suddenly, three bursts of crisp sounds rang, and the three jade boxes in Shi Feng's hands burst suddenly, leaving only Three pieces of blood evil jewelry, still in Shi Feng's hands.

Then, Shi Feng's left hand formed a handprint, covering three blood-colored jewellery in the right hand.

On the same day in the Wanbao Commercial Building, Shi Feng had sensed these three blood-sharp jewelry. Among these three jewelry, a seal of prohibition was laid, even at that time, his bloodthirsty sword was not sensed.

"Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha!" Three sounds rang slightly from Shi Feng's hands, and the three blood-colored jewelry trembled. Then, Shi Feng took away the left hand of the connective fingerprint, eyes, and again Gaze towards this right palm.

A strong blood-sharp killing gas rose from the three jewelry in his hand.

Immediately, Shi Feng ’s **** with a scarlet sword pattern trembled continuously. It seems that the bloodthirsty sword turned into a sword pattern has sensed the existence of the three blood evil ornaments and can no longer hold back.

As soon as Shi Feng thought, in his right hand, a blood-colored sword flickered, and the bloodthirsty sword appeared, suspended in Shi Feng's palm.

As soon as the Bloodthirsty Sword appeared, the Bloodshade Necklace, Bloodshade Bracelet, and a pair of Bloodshade Earrings seemed to be attracted by the strong bloodthirsty.

"呯! 呯! 呯! 呯!" Four sweet and crisp sounds followed, the necklace, bracelet, earrings, affixed to the blade of the bloodthirsty sword, followed by a bright **** light, again Shining from bloodthirsty.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" With the blood shining, it was still the roar of fierce beasts. This is the roar of the bloodthirsty sword and spirit, and the **** beast.

"This sword has followed Ben Shao for so long, and finally can be upgraded to Jiupin Emperor!" Staring at the blood in front of him, Shi Feng murmured.

"Advance is Jiupin Emperor! A sword capable of advancing!" After hearing Shi Feng's words, Luo Qingchuan next to him was followed by a shock. "It's unheard of to have advanced mysteries. Tianheng continent even has such a magic weapon."

At that time, the bloodthirsty sword devoured Jin Qilin's advanced blood, Luo Qingchuan's attention, at that time, all focused on that he had just acquired the Xuanyuan War Halberd, and did not notice the abnormality of the bloodthirsty sword.

Luo Qingchuan has also seen Shi Feng used this sword. He originally thought that it was only an eighth-order holy mystery, but now he didn't expect it to be a sword that broke his common sense.

"This sword originated from ancient times. Presumably only ancient magicians can forge such a sword! By the way, on the Undead Mountain that day, you were bewitched and lost by that evil animal in the Bloodweave group. Deity, this sword is from that family. "Shi Feng said.

"Bloodprint tribe!" Hearing these three words, Luo Qingchuan followed his fists, holding the immortal mountain himself, and the ancient monster that guarded and suppressed for generations was the same.

Now that the **** egg escaped the suppression of the Undead Mountain, the Bloodweave tribe was born again. In the northern region, several cities and tens of millions of people died tragically. They had long suspected that the bloodweave tribe had done it.

(End of this chapter)

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