Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 843: Seems to be true, not to be false

Chapter 843 Seems True and Not True, Seems False and Not False

Luo Qingchuan basically endured the pain of heartache, looking at the realistic portraits, and stepped forward step by step.

Gradually, Luo Qingchuan saw that he finally got out of this ruin and came into a void.

Finding himself in the void, Luo Qingchuan sighed secretly, but at this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded in Luo Qingchuan's ears.

"Haha! Hahaha!" A black armor, like a demon-like figure, appeared in front of Luo Qingchuan's eyes, looked up to the sky, and laughed cheerfully.

When seeing this figure, Luo Qingchuan followed a shock and his words blurted out: "Master!"

That's right, the void in front, in Luo Qingchuan's eyes, is the Nine You Emperor Nether!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Qingchuan saw violent energies, mines, fire, wind, dazzling light, and ten thousand swords, emerging from all directions, rushing toward the dimness at the center.

Immediately after, the seven figures loomed in the void, enveloping the Nether, blocking all retreats from him.

"Hahahahaha!" And the ghostly man-like ghost continued to laugh upright and yelled: "Kill, kill, kill, kill! I am naughty, I want to chop up all your residue today! Qingchuan, come and help me One battle! "

"Master!" Luo Qingchuan's body followed a sudden shock!

"Qing Chuan, come and help the teacher fight a battle!" Followed by, the murmur of drinking sounded again. At the same time, violent energies bombarded the nether body fiercely.

"Ah! Ahhhhh! Ah!" Roared in pain, roaring out of Ghost's mouth. "Qing Chuan, you wicked, help you fight for the division! Don't you just watch the division be killed by these seven people!"

"No! Fake! Everything is fake! Everything is an illusion! Illusion!" Luo Qingchuan's mind was once again fixed, his mind was iron, he ignored the scene in front of him, and walked resolutely under his feet.

Step by step, walking towards it, the battlefield ahead seemed to have nothing to do with yourself.

Even if Luo Qingchuan approached, he ignored the violent energies, and ignored the sorrowful mourning demon man in front of him. The body penetrated through those violent energies, and then penetrated the demon man's body. .

"Luo Qingchuan! You traitor! I am ghostless, without a criminal like you, from now on, you will be expelled from Jiuyouyi and no longer my ghostly disciple!"

Luo Qingchuan walked step by step forward, and the anger behind him continued to growl. But Luo Qingchuan was unmoved at all! Gradually, the familiar voice went away.

At this moment, Luo Qingchuan saw the sight in front of him, and suddenly changed. He found that he was back at the center of the turbulent Huangquan and stood on the end of the Naihe Bridge. The figure, looking at himself, looked indifferent, and said to himself:

"Well, Qingchuan, you did not disappoint your teacher. You walked this Huangquan road, and you crossed this bridge!"

"Master!" Luo Qingchuan murmured, seeing back here again, seeing this familiar figure again, secretly sighing, and then completely relaxed his body and mind. Only this relaxation, Luo Qingchuan felt Exhausted.

"Master, it's finally over!" Luo Qingchuan murmured and said.

Those real scenes were really tortured, Luo Qingchuan really didn't want to see again. Watching the close relatives be killed alive, this taste is really like a knife cut.

"It's over!" Shi Feng said calmly, and said. Then he turned around and murmured, "Let's go!"

"Huh!" Luo Qingchuan nodded secretly.

And the moment Shi Feng turned around, Luo Qingchuan suddenly saw that a hand and a long sword suddenly appeared above Shi Feng's head, and suddenly chopped down towards Shi Feng's head!

"Master .. Master!" Luo Qingchuan, who saw this scene, was shocked, and the sword was about to cut into Shi Feng's head!

"Master!" Luo Qingchuan sent out a panic roar, and his right hand Sen white shone with white light, ready to slam away at the sword, but at this moment, Luo Qingchuan snapped his palm again!

"Illusion! This is another illusion!" Luo Qingchuan murmured. That sword appeared so clearly, how could it not be felt by the master's consciousness! And he was still under this sword at the moment, motionless!

Let it be slaughtered! This is not a master at all! Nei Heqiao, not yet finished!

At this moment, Luo Qingchuan resolutely went forward again.

"Ah!" A terrible pain sounded, Luo Qingchuan watched again, his beloved was chopped into two by the sword, blood splattered, and fell into the sea of ​​Huangquan on both sides.

"If it was a master, how could I be killed so easily! How would I believe Luo Qingchuan!" Luo Qingchuan said firmly, the steps under his feet, stepped firmly, step by step.

And Luo Qingchuan saw again that a figure covered with blood-colored lines was looming in the turbulent rolling Huangquan in front of him, and the sword that was cut by the master was stabbed towards himself.

"If it is true, the master died under this sword, and I Luo Qingchuan watched with indifferent eyes, but I was indifferent. If this sword was stabbed to death, it would be my Luo Qingchuan damn!

Faced with the sword coming from the sprint, Luo Qingchuan said to himself again, ignore it.

Soon, the sword that came from the sword stabbed into his brows!

"Illusion, it really is!" Immediately following, Fei Jian disappeared, and the **** figure in the yellow spring disappeared like a fog.

At the foot of Luo Qingchuan, Naihe Bridge, who had already reached the end, appeared again under his own feet, but with his own steps, he found himself at the end!

The front is the turbulent shore of the Yellow River. Not only did the Hehe Bridge come to an end, but even the Huangquan Road has reached its end.

"This is, have you really walked through this Neihe Bridge?" But now, Luo Qingchuan is a little disbelieving. This Naihe Bridge is really difficult to tell whether it is true or false.

"Whether it's finished or not, whether it's true or not, just keep going." Luo Qingchuan continued to move forward, taking eight steps in a row, and both feet on the shore!

And at this moment, a figure in a scarlet battle armor appeared again in front of Luo Qingchuan. The young face and expression were almost exactly the same as what I saw just be cut in two.

"Very well, I will know for the teacher that you will successfully complete this path!" Shi Feng said to Luo Qingchuan.

Then he said, "You have successfully gone through the Huangquan Road, crossed the bridge of Naihe, and your mind has been exercised. When you calm down, remember well and feel everything you see is bound to be good for your mood! "

(End of this chapter)

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