Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 846: Eight big ghosts are coming!

Chapter 846 Eight Great Ghosts Are Appearing!

In the dim sky, the seven figures appearing behind the three giants of the bright camp are the seven great emperors who joined forces to kill the sky and kill the Nine You Emperor!

At this time, the life emperor Mo Fanchen looked down and looked down at the three Shi Feng masters and apprentices, his face was full of mischief and said: "I have ten people joining hands today, I want to see who is in this world Can save this ghost! "

When Mo Fanchen was talking, he turned his eyes to the Dark Emperor, destroying the Emperor and destroying the sky, and sneered again: "The three of you are here, but to bury with the Nether. In the future, there will be no dark camp in Zhongzhou. Existence is necessary. "

"Really, so arrogant!" Shi Feng grinned and sneered after hearing the words of Mo Fanchen.

"I didn't find it at that time. There were so many words by you Mo Fanchen. I knew this was so, and this year, I broke into the camp of light and gave you Fanfan a slap to death!"

"Haha! Hahaha!" When she heard Shi Feng's words, Mo Fanchen's face did not show the slightest anger, but laughed:

"That year? Haha, that year! When you were so dim, Mo Fanchen really wanted to avoid your three-pointer, but now you, a little six-star Emperor, are qualified to speak to me."

After hearing Mo Fanchen's words, Ling Yefeng was furious again, pointing at the sky angrily and screaming: "Mo Fanchen! You **** it! How dare you speak to my master like this, I swear, Ling Yefeng You're insane! "

Hearing Ling Yefeng's words, Mo Fanchen laughed disdain again: "Ha ha ha, make this seat a thousand swords? Today's situation, you Ling Yefeng also do not open your eyes to see who is who, who Swordsman! "

"Okay! Mo Fanchen, you don't need to talk nonsense anymore, you can kill the ghosts as soon as possible, so as to avoid extracurricular branches!" At this time, among the seven people behind the Bright Camp, someone said, it is the thunder **** Emperor.

Followed by, Emperor Yan of the Flames also said, "Yes, it's useless to talk more about the mouth. Only the ghost soul can fly away and I can be completely at ease!"

"Slay the Nether!"

"Yu Ning!"

Then, sound after sound followed. All to kill the Nether.

"Ha ha!" Upon hearing the words of one person after another, Shi Feng smiled and said, "You residues, like before, are too confident in yourself! Do you really think that this seat will die today? Anymore? "

"I'll wait together, you are dim, you will die today!" Someone replied coldly, responding.

Shi Feng looked at the man who said this, and said, "Sword Emperor! Yue Xiao! Now, the more you live, the more powerful you are. If you dared to say this sentence in this seat, this seat would really die with a slap. you!"

"Hum!" Yue Xiao snorted coldly. At that time, he was high above the sword emperor, and indeed he was slapped by the nether fan, but he did not dare to take the shot, did not dare to stigmatize.

"A dying man, this seat is not helpful to you!" After Yue Xiao said this, he ignored Shi Feng.

"Okay everyone, let's take a shot together. First, kill the three obstructing evil barriers of the dark camp, and then kill the ghost." At this time, the bright emperor Jing Tianyu said to everyone.

"Hmm! Do it!"


With the sound of drinking and killing, the top ten nine-star Emperor Wudi began to urge the attack.

The violent flames appeared in the void, and the sword energy began to cross. Then, the wind screamed, the turbulence was strong, and the lightning flashed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Looking at the energies appearing in the air, Shi Feng will not doubt that, as of today, as long as those powers fall, as long as they will fall into this world again.

Even Ling Yefeng was on Luo Qingchuan's face. With those powerful energies appearing, her face was in horror, but Shi Feng laughed.

Then, Shi Feng laughed and said, "You guys, if you want to kill this seat, don't keep your eyes open. What is this place?"

At the door of this house, you actually want to kill this seat. Are you really the eight ghosts of this seat? Are you vegetarian? "

Afterwards, Shi Feng sighed in the air and said, "Eight of you, you can't show up soon. This is so lively. Do you want to see this seat being killed by these residues again?"

"Haha, we are so well concealed that it was discovered by the emperor!"

"That's nature. Who is the Emperor! Even the soul is flying, you can be born again!"

"This time, we should be punished again!"

"Brothers, kill!"

At this moment, sounds suddenly sounded in the huge black vortex, followed closely by one after another, dressed in black armor, flying from the huge black vortex.

A total of eight figures are the eight ghosts under the seat of Emperor Jiuyou!

The eight ghosts will come out, standing proudly in the void, gazing at the ten figures in front of the light camp, and the wind and wind will soon become extremely cold between heaven and earth!

"Eight! The Eight Great Ghosts! Well, it's really great!" Looking at the eight Great Ghosts that appeared, the horror on Luo Qingchuan's face dissipated and said excitedly.

"Haha! Eight big ghosts!" Ling Yefeng also laughed.



The dark emperor, the dark emperor, and the destroying emperor and the sky, saw the appearance of the eight great ghosts, and also swept the haze from the previous complexion.

Although the two of them are also Jiuxing Peerless Emperor Wudi, but with Ling Yefeng, they are only three, and each other, but ten Jiuxing Emperor Wudi are killed.

There was no suspense at all.

However, the appearance of the Eight Great Ghosts is completely different. Although the Eight Ghosts are the bodies of ghosts, their combat power is all at the level of Jiuxing Emperor!

Immediately, the dark cricket and the annihilation of the sky sent out two battles and a drink, and the figure flew towards the eight people ahead, and they would be in one place.

The ten people on the other side of the bright camp saw the appearance of the eight major ghosts, and their faces changed greatly. They had thought that the situation was under their own control and thought that the ghost would die, but they did not expect that the eight dead ghosts from the inside. Ran out!

"Anyway, cut and kill the ghosts first!" At this time, the sword emperor Yue Xiao, facing the remaining nine Great Emperors, uttered a deep voice.

At that time, the seven people who set off the world were the most desperate for him to die!

"I have Ling Yefeng here, who will come down to try it!" Ling Yefeng, who was standing in front of Shi Feng, heard the sound of Yue Xiao's drinking. At the same time, a thick black mist of death, like a black pillar of death, erupted from Ling Yefeng's body.

"Boom!" At this moment, the earth began to tremble violently, one after another, breaking through the earth. "Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" There was a roar like a fierce beast.

It is the corpses of Ling Yefeng's corpse!

(End of this chapter)

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