Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 857: Ling Yefeng VS Demon Wastes

Chapter 857 Ling Yefeng VS Demon Wastes

Fierce war has erupted in Tianyao Mountain!

The millions of ghost soldiers under Shi Feng have already rushed into the Tianyao Mountain, and they will fight with the 100,000 monsters and demons of the Yao tribe. The sound of misery, pain, and continually in the void, ringing in the Tianyao mountain. .

Shi Feng and Mo Xiaoyao stood proudly in the void, looking down at the battlefield below.

Shi Feng calmly opened his mouth and said, "These sixteen years have passed, these ghost soldiers have not been baptized with blood for a long time, and they have been tempered by war. This time, this is also an opportunity. In the future, more battlefields are waiting. they."

"But these sixteen years of rest and recuperation, the master ’s ghost soldiers, not only did not reduce their combat effectiveness, but more like a wolf like a tiger than they have ever seen!" Mo Xiaoyao also looked at the fierce ghost soldiers , Said.

After listening to Mo Xiaoyao's words, Shi Feng grinned and said, "I once fought with this seat, and each one was baptized to become a militant. They have not experienced war for so many years, and they are still a long time away."

The battle between the ghost soldiers and the demon soldiers is fierce, but the most fierce battle is Ling Yefeng's battle with the demon wasteland.

Thousands of corpses have been summoned by Ling Yefeng. The dense army of corpses is suspended under Ling Yefeng, and a large array of corpses has been laid by Ling Yefeng in this world.

Subsequently, a ray of death and black mist overflowed from the corpses, all floating towards Ling Yefeng's right hand, and the stronger force of death rose in Ling Yefeng's right paw, which surrounded the black mist. The son of the demon emperor facing the front, demon shortage, grabbed it suddenly.

The son of the demon emperor is desolate, wearing a golden battle armor, long golden hair, and a cold, handsome face. It looks like he is only fifteen or sixteen years old. He is holding a golden battle sword and saw Ling Yefeng grab it suddenly. At that blow, the golden battle sword shone with dazzling golden awns and pierced straight forward.

"Tian Yao Jian!" Looking at the golden battle sword in the hands of Yao Huang, Shi Feng murmured. This sword turned out to be a Jiuxing Emperor-level mystery, exactly like the legendary sword Tian Yao Sword among the monsters.

Upon hearing the murmur of Shi Feng, Mo Xiaoyao nodded indifferently and said, "It is rumored that the Demon Clan has a warrior, the Heavenly Demon Sword, which has been passed down from generation to generation. However, the generation of the Demon Emperor more than a thousand years ago fell, and The demon sword has since disappeared, nowhere to be found.

But it was not expected that it was found by this desolate wasteland! Nine-star Emperor-level soldiers, coupled with the demon waste urging with the power of Nine-star Emperor-level, the power is really strong! "

There was a blast of noise in the ground, a huge tremor in space, and Ling Yefeng's claw condensing the forces of the corpses, and the desolation slammed the strike of the Jiuxing Emperor-level Heaven Demon Sword, and slammed together.

Subsequently, under the strength of the other side, the two bodies were shocked and flew out at the same time. This time, a violent collision between the two men led to a draw.

The figure of Ling Yefeng's rapid retreat suddenly stopped, and the other side's desolate wasteland stopped immediately, and the two of them stared at each other not far away.

"The demon clan sword, the demon sword! It really is extraordinary!" Ling Yefeng stared at the demon waste, stared at the demon waste in the hands of the demon waste, he has also recognized that the demon waste in the hands of the nine-star emperor-level sword, is The demon tribe lost the Millennium Demon Sword for a thousand years and yelled coldly.

"The big disciple under the Nether seat, the dead Emperor Ling Yefeng, the power of all corpses, surely, I look down on you!" Staring at Ling Yefeng's desolate wasteland, he followed the cold drink.

Immediately, the two figures moved together again, as if there was a strong magnet in the center, sucking the two together quickly.

A more violent collision followed.

"Eh! Hh! Hh! Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh because so long, Ye Yefeng and the son of the demon emperor fought together, and they collided with each other, blasting again and again, the space trembling.

"Although the demon wasteland has a sky demon sword, but the big brother's corpse is full of battles, but you have to master your true biography, plus the master's combat experience, the demon waste is defeated, that is sooner or later!" Looking at the bottom below intensely Mo Xiaoyao said in the collision.

"That's right! From tonight, these remnants of the demon clan in the demon mountain will be completely destroyed." Shi Feng nodded and said. This time

Conquering Tianyao Mountain, Shi Feng came with Ling Yefeng and Mo Xiaoyao, and there were millions of ghost soldiers, and she had a pretty good chance.

"Huh?" Shi Feng and Mo Xiaoyao's brows froze suddenly. At the same time, cold killings appeared on their faces, turned around, and looked at the endless night sky behind them.

The two have sensed that in the distance, an army is flying towards this side, and among those army, there are three extremely powerful breaths!

Followed closely, not only the front, but also the back, left, right, and in all directions, there were armies, and in each direction, a few powerful breaths were felt.

"These residues are here for fun!"

"Damn it!"

Shi Feng and Mo Xiaoyao again voiced their voices at the same time. They already knew that it was the camp of light and the remnants of Emperor Wu that had arrived. At this moment, they had been surrounded.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha!" A loud burst of laughter rang out ahead.

The three figures appeared, the three giants of the light camp, the light emperor, the life emperor, and the fate emperor, and it was the life emperor, Mo Fanchen who gave out the laughter.

Then, turning into a green meteor, Mo Fanchen, who flew into the air, laughed again: "Nether, now you have become one of the best, and tonight, you are sure to die!"

Followed by the dense army of light, wearing a bright armor, followed by the three of them, where they passed, the bright armor of the body, the dark night, shining a bright, holy light gosh.

"Nether will die!"

"Nether! Mo Xiaoyao, Ling Yefeng! I see how you can live tonight!"

Then followed closely, drinking coldly, ringing in all directions of Shi Feng and Mo Xiaoyao, a powerful peerless Emperor appeared, still following the dense crowd.

In order to deal with Shi Feng and his one million ghost soldiers, the great peerless emperors have brought their disciples and strong men under their door.

For a time, this night sky in Tianyaoshan was full of people.

The strong men of all major forces add up to millions.

"Thirteen people!" Feeling the breath of a peerless Emperor Wu Di appearing from all directions, Shi Feng shouted coldly: "I didn't expect to kill my ghost, three more people!

it is good! well! It seems that tonight, I am faint and want to sensational Tianheng again! "

"If I have Mo Xiaoyao here, who dares to come up and try it, I will let him come back and let the spirit fly away!" Mo Xiaoyao looked at the Quartet coldly, followed by a cold drink and a sound, echoing in this night sky!

(End of this chapter)

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