Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 859: Take a shot and kill the ghost!

Chapter 859: Qi Li Shoots, Kills the Nether!

Lingsang, who was angry, spit black blood, and then snarled at Mo Xiaoyao in front of him: "I! I chopped you!"

Looking at Lingsang, howling like a crazy dog, Mo Xiaoyao's face was still disdainful, and he said, "Come! This seat is here for you to kill, if you have the courage, come over!"

"You! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Looking at Mo Xiaoyao's appearance, Lingsang gritted his teeth and spit out his voice.

To say that he was so alone, he was seriously hurt at the moment, and he did not dare to pass.

"Huh, what the successor of Emperor Lingwu is a waste is a kind of waste. If anyone learns to practice martial arts, he should go back to his hometown to plant land." Mo Xiaoyao continued to ironically.


"Well, Ling Brother, it's just some dying people. You don't need to be angry with the words of the dead." Seeing Ling Sang's constant anger, the bright emperor Jing Tianyu spoke and comforted him.

After Jing Tianyu finished talking, Mo Xiaoyao and Shi Feng were staring at the front again, followed, and the voice echoed:

"Okay, we all shot together to destroy the three ghost masters and apprentices, as well as those ghost soldiers who harmed the people! And the demon waste and his evil demon remnants will kill it together, we are the people of the world, remove These are great calamities. "

"Well! Let's do it together! This ghost, ten days ago, was only in the realm of Emperor Wuxing. In just ten days, he actually entered the realm of Emperor Wuxing, and he will not get rid of it anymore. He will regret it late!"

Leading the martial arts to stand proudly behind Duan Xingyu, the mountain emperor behind Shi Feng and his apprentices, he heard the words of Jing Tianyu, and then responded.

Then, a famous emperor Wudi also responded with an open mouth and said, "Well! Let's all do it together!"

"The old man is far away from overseas islands, but he doesn't know that there are people who can reach the pinnacle of martial arts and physical body. This is truly extraordinary!" Overseas powerhouse, red-haired and red-bearded ancestor Hong Kun, Followed.

One man had a long red sword with one foot, and he pulled it out of the storage ring. This big sword turned out to be a nine-grade, one-star emperor-level mystery.

Each of the peerless powerhouses spoke, and there was only one of the peerless powerhouses wearing a cat face mask and a black robe, and remained silent.

"Kill!" At this moment, Emperor Jing Tianyu of Guangming tomorrow, condensed his sword with his right hand, and pierced the sky. Suddenly, a huge white holy lightsaber broke through the black sky and landed from the night sky.

The holy light baptizes the whole world.

After seeing Jing Tianyu launching a strong attack, the rest of the peerless also shot, launching the strongest force.

A huge white light chain appeared, and this was the shot of Destiny Emperor Wu Xuan, who launched the mysterious martial arts of Destiny and the destiny chain.

"Life! Devour!" The life emperor Mo Fanchen whispered, his hands are connected with fingerprints, and a huge green vortex emerges in this heaven and earth, producing a strong force of devour, which is the force of life!

"Alas! Boom! Alas! Alas!"

At the same time, one after another, extremely powerful, with devastating attacks one after another, flames tumbling, Hong Tao raging, lightning flashing, howling winds, giant mountains appeared, gorgeous aurora swords, and then surged towards the center.

"Ha! Roar!" Hong Kun's ancestor opened his mouth and made a roar like a lion. The red sword in his hand was chopped out fiercely, and a huge shadow of a red knife shrouded the sky and the world.

"Oh!" At this moment, Ling Yefeng, the son of the demon emperor, fought wildly, and the right palm, which wrapped around the dark mist of death, snapped again. The battle until now, the demon waste holding the sky demon sword, has fallen on Downwind, Ling Yefeng slapped him in the palm of his hand.

At the heart of the desolate wasteland, there was left a slick palmhole blood hole, overflowing with black death fog, golden blood, constantly pouring out of his heart.

Originally at this moment, Ling Yefeng was the best time to capture the demon waste, but those **** peerless emperors followed the arrival of the light camp and launched a fierce bombardment towards them. Ling Yefeng had to give up killing the monster waste With a move, it broke into the sky and flew to Shi Feng and Mo Xiaoyao!

"Damn!" Mo Xiaoyao, who was standing beside Shi Feng, looked at the attack coming from all directions, and scolded him. Twelve peerless Emperors came from the other side, Lingsang was injured by himself, and one person was not. Knowing what the reason was, no shot was taken, but the attacks of these ten peerless attacks depended on only a few of them, and it was difficult to counteract.

However, although it is difficult to compete, Mo Xiaoyao didn't stop here. The master who slaughtered has his right hand into a palm and his left hand into a fist. At the same time, his hands shone with the bright white light of the forest.

Shi Feng's face was full of indifference. 2600 corpses had been summoned by him from the space of the blood-colored stele. His left hand had clasped a large silver sickle and urged all his strength into the silver sickle. in.

"Master, second brother, I'll help you!" At this time, Ling Yefeng followed, and stopped beside Shi Feng, forming a left and right with Mo Xiaoyao to protect the middle Shi Feng. There was a thick black mist of death all over his body, his hands turned into claws, and he roared.

A huge, dark shadow exuding a strong death breath appeared in their sky, taking the lead to meet the bright emperor Jing Tianyu, the sword of bright divine punishment.

"Boom!" Two strong and huge energies, first hit each other.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Xiaoyao's right palm followed, and a huge forest white palm print was blown out, bombarding the shadow of the red knife that was cut down to that Hong Kun ancestor. Fate chain.

"Kill!" Shi Feng drank coldly, looking at the huge green vortex launched by the life emperor Mo Fanchen. The existence of this vortex is devouring their life force and must be broken.

The left hand was shaken suddenly, and the silver sickle flew out, chopping towards the green vortex.

"Huh! Ghost! Ling Yefeng, Mo Xiaoyao, in the face of our joint attack, you dare to resist, all the resistance, just let you live a few more seconds!"

The life emperor, Mo Fanchen, sneered sneerly at the three stone maples in the center. Twelve Peerless Emperors arrived, even if that Lingsang was seriously injured by Mo Xiaoyao, but they still had eleven, killing three of the ghosts, more than enough!

"Huh! Really?" After Shi Feng's silver sickle flew out, he turned his head, sneer on his face, and looked at Mo Fanchen.

I don't know why, when Mo Fanchen saw the young face with that cold smile, he was shocked in his heart, and a bad premonition appeared in his heart!

"Why! Why! Ghostly is already in the middle of it, and we can be bombed into **** by us later, why do I have such a bad feeling!"

(End of this chapter)

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