Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 862: Ling Yefeng's gifted disciples

Chapter 862: Ling Yefeng's Talented Disciples

Ling Yefeng stared at the back in the center of the two armed forces in front, her face appeared cold, and she said coldly, "It is this wicked!"

"I didn't expect it to be this kid! I didn't expect that he would enter the realm of Jiuxing Wudi!" At this moment, Mo Xiao looked at the figure in front of him, followed his mouth, and continued:

"This boy, I admired him very much that year. The disciples we received from our brothers and sisters are also considered geniuses, but compared to this boy, no one can match it!"

Shi Feng also didn't expect that at the time in the forbidden area, I didn't know what the martial arts practice had reached. Now seeing him again, we can see that his martial arts practice was a peerless powerhouse of Jiuxing Wudi Realm!

At this moment, the figure at the center of the two armed forces in front of them turned slowly, and the face wearing a cat face mask faced Fang Shifeng, Ling Yefeng and others.

Then, the man reached out and took off his full face mask, revealing a young and handsome face.

It was Ning Cheng, the perverted disciple that Shi Feng encountered in the forbidden area.

"The ancestor, the master, and the second uncle are on, please worship Ningcheng!" Ning Cheng sank, his face was serious, and he drank with a deep voice, and his knees were in this night sky toward the three of Shi Feng. Suddenly kneeling down, his head was deep.

"Master! Master! Second Master!" Hearing Ning Cheng's drinking in front, the Bright Camp side, one by one, followed his expression.

"Unexpectedly, this is another Jiuyou Remains! Damn Jiuyou Remains, you must die!"

"You wicked, I have already expelled you from the division. You are no longer my disciple!"

Ling Yefeng looked at Ning Cheng in front of her, drinking coldly.

"Master!" After hearing Ling Yefeng's words, Ning Cheng sighed in sorrow.

"Hehe ... hehehehe ..." Suddenly, the grief on Ning Cheng's face disappeared, his mouth cracked and he laughed.

Suddenly, Ning Cheng laughed like crazy: "Haha ... hahahaha ... I know, I know, even after so many years, the master will not forgive me!"

"This boy is all right, it's easy to commit madness." Mo Xiaoyao turned his head and sighed at Shi Feng.

After sighing, he looked at Ling Yefeng again.

At this time, the life emperor Mo Fanchen whispered to Jing Tianyu and Wu Xuanxuan, "Bright traitor, Xuan Xing, Ning Cheng, it looks like they don't buy him, now we three are Shoot together and kill the traitor first! "

"Huh!" Jing Tianyu and Wu Yanxuan nodded at the same time after hearing Mo Fanchen's words.

Followed by, Jing Tianyu's right hand quietly turned into claws, and Mo Fanchen and Wu Yanxuan also quietly printed their hands at the same time.

"Boy Ning Cheng, now the enemy is now, so don't commit your madness again. Come to the uncle's side and kill the enemy with the uncle!

Uncle has been looking at you pleasing to the eye. After tonight, uncle will help you to persuade your master! Even if Uncle Shi can't persuade, you see, is n’t there still your Shizu! "Mo Xiaoyao shouted at Ning Cheng ahead.

"Master!" After listening to Mo Xiaoyao's words, Ning Cheng laughed and stopped suddenly, whispered, yes, there is a master!

Ning Cheng has practiced martial arts with Ling Yefeng for many years. He knows better than anyone that the most respected master in his life is his ancestor Youmou.

If the ancestor begged the master for himself, then the master might really forgive himself!

"Master!" Ning Cheng showed a longing look and looked at Shi Feng.

"Shizu, that year they met in a forbidden place. Only Sun Ningcheng didn't know you, Shizu, you have to offend that day, please forgive me!"

"Death is forbidden, and you got the shot that day, so I escaped. After the incident tonight, you can tell me what happened between your teacher and apprentice!" Shi Feng said.

The meaning of the words is already very clear. At the time of the forbidden area, Shi Feng was only in Wuzun Realm, facing the old chrysanthemum with Wu Shengjing. At that time, the metamorphic Ning shot and killed the old chrysanthemum with the power of abnormality. Wait for the talent to escape.

If Ning Cheng told himself about Ling Yefeng, and if he would forgive him, then he would unlock the knot between him and Ling Yefeng for him.

"Huh?" At this moment, Shi Feng's brow suddenly froze, and with the power of Shi Feng's Emperor's soul, the action of the three giants of the bright camp, even if he caught him.

Not only the three giants, but also the bright camp, other peerless emperors have also understood the intentions of the three giants.

One by one, they are also preparing to launch an attack quietly. They would rather kill the traitor first so as not to suffer later.

"Ningcheng, be careful! Everyone, go to war, kill!" Shi Feng chuckled coldly, yelling, and then echoed in this night sky.

"Kill!" At this time, in the bright camp, the bright emperor Jing Tianyu was the first to issue a big drink.

The right claw lifted up to the sky, followed by a huge bright claw, breaking through the night sky, appearing above Ning Cheng's head, like Ning Cheng's hand, covering Ning Cheng below.

Then, dense green runes, like the green sea, emerged in Ning Cheng's body and drowned Ning Cheng's body.

"Fate! The chain!" Then, the fate chain of the fateful emperor reappeared, falling into the dense green runes, and rolled towards Ning Cheng.

Followed by, the sky is full of flames, the sky blue beast condensed by Hong Tao, the gorgeous aurora sword, huge mountain, and the attack, all banged fiercely towards Ningcheng.

The figure of Ning Cheng has long been submerged without trace under those energies.

"Damn! Despicable, even a sudden attack!"

When Mo Xiaoyao responded, he was scolded, his body moved sharply, and he shot quickly into the air.

"This evil man!" Looking at the evil man in his mouth was bombarded and devoured by those energy, Ling Yefeng's face showed a complex look.

However, Ling Yefeng didn't hesitate. Once again, a thick black mist of death erupted on her body, followed Mo Xiaoyao and rushed forward.

At this moment, Anshen and Mingtian followed the curse and rushed out of shape.

"You also go up, just leave one to protect this seat!" Shi Feng ordered to the seven ghosts.

The six ghost generals flickered without hesitation.

Only the eight ghost generals under the seat of the Nine You Emperor remain, and the only female general is guarded by ghosts.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Immediately afterwards, the blasts continued to ring again and again in this world.

The ten strong men flying out of Shi Feng launched a full-scale attack, violently colliding with the violent energy that devoured Ningcheng.



"Kill the ghosts!"

When the Emperor Jingtianyu of the Bright Camp first flew to the center battlefield, the other eleven peerless Emperors also followed their shape quickly.

A world-famous battle on Tianheng continent is about to erupt.

(End of this chapter)

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