Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 871: Switch to Zhongzhou

Chapter 871: Fighting Into The State

"But if one day, he dare to disrespect the master again, the disciple must have killed him with his own hands!" Ling Yefeng said coldly, turning her head, looking at Ningcheng.

After hearing Ling Yefeng's words, Shi Feng smiled indifferently and said to Ning Cheng, "I'm not happy to thank your master for your forgiveness."

Shi Feng's voice dropped, and Ning Cheng's body followed a slight tremor, his face full of excitement and ecstasy, facing the master Ling Yefeng, stepped forward, bowed to the void on one knee, and yelled: " Ning Cheng would like to thank the Master for forgiveness! In the future, I will definitely not do such a rebellious thing. Please rest assured! "

Following this, Ning Cheng turned to Shi Feng again: "Thank you Master!"

"Well, you get up!" Ling Yefeng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Master!" Ning Cheng shouted, stood up, followed, hands raised towards Ling Yefeng, a fist-sized green flame, beating continuously in his hands full of the dark mist of death, for a while Thunder, from the cyan flames kept coming out.

Ning Cheng said to Ling Yefeng: "This is the sky fire cherished by Aurora. It is rumored to be the thunderous thunder, and it is dedicated to the master in return for the master's martial arts teaching."

"Thunder of the world!" Looking at the green flames that Ning Cheng held in his hands, Ling Yefeng's eyes followed closely, and the day-level flame of the thunder **** Emperor Lai Xing destroyed the world of thunder, he naturally heard something.

But this gift is too heavy!

Although Ling Yefeng didn't speak, Shi Feng had already seen his mind through his expression, and said, "Since your apprentice honors you, you will accept it. But you also pay for yourself Disciple, don't hide it, you will pass the ancient word that represents the law of death to Ningcheng.

For Ning Cheng, this erasure of the thunder should not be as good as that ancient text, and it is of great benefit to him. "

"Eh!" Ling Yefeng nodded when she heard Shi Feng's words, so she no longer hesitated, stretched out her right hand, and accepted the thunderous thunder that Ning Cheng offered.

Next, Ling Yefeng leaned out with her left hand and yelled at Ning Cheng: "You can see clearly!" When Ling Yefeng's drinking sounded, a black quaint, quaint and ancient, suddenly appeared on the palm of his left hand. The writing, a breath of death, swept away from this ancient writing in all directions.

This ancient script is exactly what Shi Feng taught him, representing the ancient script of death.

"This is!" Ning Cheng gazed at the characters in Ling Yefeng's hands, and the power of death in his body followed the faint vibration, as if resonating with the ancient writing.

In Ling Yefeng's deliberate manifestation of death, even if Ning Chengxuan understood what this ancient character meant, he immediately followed this ancient writing into his mind.

With his perverted understanding, this ancient writing was quickly written down.

At this time, Ning Cheng thanked Ling Yefeng again, "Thank you Master, this ancient character of the law of death, for the disciples, the world-thundering thunder can't really be compared with it, just at that moment, The disciples have benefited a lot! "

"This ancient character represents the law of death, and is also taught by your ancestors for the teacher. In the future, you must remember that your achievements today or my future are derived from your ancestors, cut Don't be disrespectful to your ancestors anymore! "Ling Yefeng taught to Ning Cheng.

"Please rest assured, the disciples must keep in mind, never forget it!" Ning Cheng yelled firmly.

Looking at the two teachers and apprentices reconciling with each other, Shi Feng was also very relieved. At this time, he looked at the millions of ghost soldiers who came back, and felt his heart a bit, and knew that the battle of Tian Yao Shan, although one hundred thousand soldiers and demons will be destroyed, it can be said that it was a great success. Victory, but his elite ghost soldiers were also destroyed by 10,000 people.

But this is the case with war, there is death with battle!

In the end, Shi Feng's eyes looked at Ling Yefeng again, saying: "Ye Feng, now you get the sky-level fire extinction thunder, and in the future you will surely be a great help to strengthen your combat power. Lightning attributes, then as a teacher, I will teach you this ancient text representing the law of lightning. "

Shi Feng said that the ancient text that represented the rule of thunder and lightning also followed his manifestation on the palm of his hand. Above the text, the forest white thunder flowed.

"Thank you, Master!" Ling Yefeng also turned around and thanked Shi Feng.

At the same time, Shi Feng yelled, yelled, and began to echo in this void:

"The bright camp has always been hostile to me, and has fought with me all year round, killing countless brothers! At this moment, we will go to Zhongzhou together and uproot this bright camp. From then on, Zhongzhou can only have Our dark camp! "

As soon as Shi Feng said this, in the army of the dark camp, there was a cheering expression on each face. In particular, from now on, Zhongzhou can only have our dark camp.





Immediately after, the battle and applause began to respond, ringing the world.

The people in the dark camp know that in front of them at this moment are the 12 most powerful Nine-Star Peerless Emperors in this heaven and earth, as well as those who have been born again. The first strongest in the sky, Jiuyou Great Emperor!

Previously, under the deterrence of the strong camp of the bright camp, the army of the bright camp, they fled like dogs of the family.

But now, they lead themselves back to Zhongzhou and destroy the bright camp. That is just around the corner!



"Kill the light, from then on, Zhongzhou can only have our dark camp!"

"Kill the light, from then on, Zhongzhou can only have our dark camp!"

The inspiring battle and applause continued to echo in this world.

At this time, Shi Feng emerged, representing the ancient characters of the thunder and lightning rule, which had been remembered by Ling Yefeng.

At this time, Shi Feng said to Ling Yefeng: "Let your dark camp forces all be happy and enter the mysterious space of the division."

"Understand!" Ling Yefeng nodded in response, followed closely, and his drinking sounded in the void: "My soldiers in the dark camp listen to the orders, all happy!"

"Yes!" The dark camp army responded in unison, and immediately followed, the mind was completely released.

As soon as Shi Feng was thinking, a large block of dark camp troops shone **** light, not only the dark army, but even the million ghost soldiers under the stone maple seat, but also the **** light continued to shine.

Soon, a million troops were swept away by Shi Feng, and all entered Shi Feng's **** stele.

"Let's go! Xuanyuan City!" Shi Feng yelled at those peerless powerhouses.

(End of this chapter)

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