Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 881: Emperor Jiuxing

Chapter 881: Nine Star Martial Emperor

The tragic war, the relentless fall of life. A dead corpse turned into a dry corpse, and fell to the ground like a rainstorm.

The power of Shi Feng ’s soul is also breaking through. At this moment, he has entered the state of four-star emperor, and the bright camp, millions of troops, flee, death, and now only less than half.

And the energy in Shi Fengdan Tian, ​​with the death force formed after millions of people died, the blood swallowed by millions of people, has gradually reached fullness, and has reached the edge of breakthrough!

Coming back to Jiuxing Peerless Emperor!

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!" In the void battlefield, they shouted and shouted, still drinking and shouting.

Dried corpses are still falling into the earth.

At this moment, Shi Feng's body suddenly flashed a white light. Shi Feng finally returned to the realm of Jiuxing Wudi!

"Congratulations on your return to the top!"

"Congratulations, Master, back to the top!"

Seeing Shi Feng's breakthrough, he guarded the ghosts, and Ning Cheng, who was next to Ling Yefeng, congratulated him immediately.

At this moment, Ling Yefeng was still holding the sickle of death, kneeling in the black void, and continued to absorb the information that came into his mind.

"Jiuxing Wudi! The power of this seat!" Shi Feng at this moment, still sneer on his face, his hands into claws, sensed his martial arts power today.

At this moment, Shi Feng can feel that he is now entering the martial arts power of the Jiuxing Emperor Class, which is more advanced than ever!

In this life, I went all the way, full of danger and ups and downs, and almost fell into the world again. In this world, Dantian merged the flame, and the energy needed to break through was not comparable to the previous life.

Now, after entering the realm of Jiuxing Wudi at this moment, this martial power has surpassed the past.

But immediately afterwards, Shi Feng, who fuses the flames of the flames in his inner body, suddenly felt another shock. He found that the flames of the flames and the flames of the flames had completely turned into a bottomless pit!

He can feel it. Next, the energy he needs cannot be filled at all! It is that I have devoured the death force and Dantian of a hundred peerless Emperor Wudi, and it is estimated that they cannot fill it up.

And Tianheng continent, where did so many peerless Wudi let him kill and let him devour it!

The Jiuyou Emperor of the previous life, the martial arts realm is in the Jiuxing martial arts realm, but the energy in his dantian is already full, but the martial arts sentiment of the divine realm has not been comprehended, and it is impossible to break through.

In this life, Shi Feng found at this moment that even if he controlled the secret of becoming a **** and felt the divine realm, but now this perverted Dan Tian, ​​he should stop him!

Shi Feng, who was so relieved that the martial arts power was better than the previous life, then gave a bitter smile and whispered, "Did I dim, in this life, I really have no chance with the divine realm! Divine realm! Divine realm!"

Unwilling Shi Feng, communicating the flame with the power of the soul, asked, "How did you evolve to the Divine Realm?"

"Hum!" After hearing Shi Feng's words, the holy flame issued a disdainful cold hum, followed by disdain: "At that time, how could the creatures on Tianheng's continent be so weak today?"

When I was born, I had the power to devour, and my powerful bloodline tribe, even god-like creatures, have sacrificed to this seat, how can it be like you. "

Hearing the words of the torch, Shi Feng followed, and at that time, he and he were simply two completely different worlds.

In ancient times, let alone more than a hundred Jiuxing Wudi, even the creatures in the divine realm are not unusual.

And now this world where he is. .

"Ah!" Shi Feng sighed for a while, followed immediately, Jiuyou Mingli continued to run, and began to devour madly.

At the same time, Shi Feng's blood flashed in his hand, and the Bloodthirsty Sword appeared in his hand. The growing-up Spiritual Bloody Beast also appeared, opening his swallowed mouth, exposing two rows of sharp crickets. tooth.

Shi Feng let bloodthirsty swords, **** beasts, and themselves, devour the sea of ​​blood that surged wildly.

Nowadays, the ranks of bloodthirsty swords and the ranks of the instrumental spirits and **** beasts are in the one-star emperor level, and if they can continue to break through, they can continue to strengthen their combat power!

The power of death, blood, and soul are still being absorbed by Shi Feng constantly. Until Shi Feng's soul power enters the five-star emperor level, the surging energy begins to gradually decrease and eventually becomes empty. .

The battlefield ahead has stopped, and the army of light, which is close to ten million, has been wiped out, and the void is filled with strong blood.

In the meantime, the bloodthirsty sword in Shi Feng's hands and the **** beast of the instrumental spirit flashed three **** rays. They have evolved from a one-star emperor level to a four-star emperor level.

Staring at a dense figure in dark armor in front of him, Shi Feng's mind moved, and the instrumental **** beast returned to the bloodthirsty sword. The bloodthirsty sword followed the **** light and flashed on Shifeng's right middle finger. , Into a scarlet sword pattern.

In Tianheng continent, it can be said that the most violent war in the past millennium has finally stopped. This battle is enough to load into the history of Tianheng continent. From now on, there will be only a dark army in Zhongzhou, and there will be no more light!

However, Shi Feng also felt a bit. From the ghost purgatory, he brought out a million elite ghost soldiers. In Tianyao Mountain and this fierce battle, more than 60,000 ghost soldiers have fallen.

Only 938,977 ghost soldiers remain.

However, after the baptism of these two wars, Shi Feng could feel it, and the remaining ghost soldiers, war intentions, murderous, have become more and more intense.

After the fierce battle, the rest is the soldiers who survived the battle, jubilant!

The enemies of light and darkness for thousands of years, now they have inherited the ancestors' wishes and completely destroyed the light, how can they not be happy.

Although some people died in battle, some people even lost their biological brothers, fathers, or biological sons, but their emotions did not affect millions of troops at all.

"Come back!" Shi Feng murmured and looked up at the dense army in front of him. At this moment, he saw that Mo Xiaoyao and the three ghosts under him would fly back.

And Mo Xiaoyao's hand, carrying a person, is exactly the woman who looks like fog, Wu Yanxuan.

One of the Eight Great Ghosts is in the hands of Guijie, full of disappointment, and at a glance is the devastated life emperor, Mo Fanchen.

Wu Yanxuan's surface looks intact. It seems that Mo Xiaoyao is worthy of his romantic name. He really understands compassion and loves jade, not as rough and cruel as a ghost.

When they saw Jing Tianyu's death, they started to flee. Mo Xiaoyao and three ghosts will chase after him. The remaining two ghosts will join forces with the dark prince and destroy the sky to destroy the army of light.

"Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Mo Xiaoya approached, and heard a hearty laughter from his mouth. It seemed that he caught Wu Yanxuan in a happy mood.

(End of this chapter)

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