Chapter 885: Return

Shi Feng communicated the flame with the power of her soul and asked, "You are from ancient beings. Have you heard of these rumors?"

As soon as Shi Feng talked to himself again, even if the flame of fire was not angry, "I wait for the existence of gods. Naturally, unlike you and other weak creatures, they will perish because of the passage of time. In the years when this seat was born, no Like today, even god-like creatures cannot be seen.

And this seat was suppressed by Yue Tianyu's beast with Bingsha and Tianmu Bingmo Peak for so long, and the ghost knew what happened to those people in this world. "

It is true that when Shi Feng asked the torch, he did ask the wrong person. It had been suppressed and isolated from the outside world, and how did he know what was happening outside.

Followed by, Shi Feng will not tangled in this matter, as for the ancient times, where did the strong men go. Not something he should know now.

What if you know it? Even if it really is what Ling Yefeng said, those powerful people go to an unknown world, what can they do!

That world is too far away from them. It is not a long distance, but its strength. It has a world where countless god-level powerhouses are located. If he enters, he may fall like a ant.

Only when I become strong and when I can truly enter the realm of God can I be qualified to explore those.

Then, Shi Feng looked up and looked into the dark void ahead. A white light and shadow had emerged from the dark void and rushed into the air in this direction.

The visitor is Mo Xiaoyao, who was just Shi Feng, who limited him to half of the job. And Mo Xiaoyao, who is returning at this moment, looks cheerful and cheerful.

The fate of the earth in her hands was misty, her hair was loose, her clothes were messy, and her face looked as if she had lost her soul.

It seems that although she was once a big overlord and a peerless Wudi, but after all, she is a woman, how can she withstand the woes and crumbles of Mo Xiaoyao.

"Ha ha ha! Master, brother, five brothers!" Mo Xiaoyao returned, facing the master, Ling Yefeng, and Xiao Tian also laughed cheerfully.

Shi Feng only took a light look at Wu Xuanxuan in Mo Xiaoyao's hand, and followed his thoughts. Wu Xuanxuan's body shone with a **** light, and then disappeared. Shi Feng was inhaled and Xiao Tian also took it at this moment. Among the **** steles in the hand.

Seeing that people had arrived, Shi Feng turned around and drank in a deep voice at the 940,000 ghost soldiers in the bright area: "This is the place, the ghost soldiers will be happy, and follow me back to Nether Purgatory!"

"Yes!" A neat drinking sound followed immediately, followed by the 940 thousand ghost soldiers. Qi Qi let go of his mind, and a large **** light flashed, making that bright area instantly. It was swallowed by the **** light, the **** light fell, and the 940 thousand ghost soldiers were also sucked into the **** stone monument.

At this time, in the bright area, there were five powerful figures flying towards this side. Just now, when they fought for the army of light, in addition to the two giants of the dark camp, the Dark Lord and the extermination of the sky, there were three big ones under the stone maple. Ghost soldier.

"Thank you for your help! I just heard you say you're leaving, and I'll see you off!" Dark Earth secretly fell in front of Shi Feng and said.

Several of them were direct people and didn't say much polite words.

"Emperor, brother Xiaoyao, seven generals, you are well on your way, Zhongzhou, Zhongzhou will always welcome you." Destroying the emperor and destroying the sky, also said to Shi Feng and others.

"Take care, too! If you need help in the future, let me know!" Shi Feng said to the two of them.

At this time, Ling Yefeng also spoke, and said to the two brothers: "I will go back to Nether Purgatory with my master first, Zhongzhou, so I will bother you both!"

"You can rest assured! Go early and return early!" Aya nodded.




A group of peerless strongmen, after saying goodbye one by one, Shi Feng followed, and flew towards the bright area ahead.

Immediately after, every figure followed the break, followed by Shi Feng.

From Zhongzhou to Nether Purgatory, Shi Feng had been there before. Thinking about that year, he broke into the bright temple of the Emperor Guangming alone, and no one could stop it, but now, he has not come out to stop him.

The Big Three of the Light is dead, and two others are captured by him, and are preparing to be brought back to Nether Purgatory for slaughter.

. .

In the Tianheng continent, the rebirth of Jiuyou Emperor is now well known.

And another major event about Emperor Jiuyou, like a gale, swept across the entire Tianheng continent.

"Have you heard of it? Emperor Jiuyou reborn, leading the eight great ghosts and seven disciples under him to destroy the Zhongzhou Light Camp! From then on, there was only darkness and no light in Zhongzhou!"

"It's true, I heard it too! The Light Camp, which has been at war with the Dark Camp, has intensified in recent years, and the death of the Dark Camp, Emperor Ling Yefeng, was the Great of Jiuyou Emperor. Disciple, the Great Emperor's rebirth will naturally help the dead Emperor destroy the light. "

"I didn't expect it! Emperor Jiuyou, who has fallen for sixteen years, will be born again in this world! Jiuyou Emperor, deserves to be Jiuyou Emperor, and deserves to be the first power of our Tianheng continent! what!"

"Now in this world, Emperor Jiuyou is back. Whatever is best in the world, other people don't have to fight again! It doesn't make any sense to fight again, who can be the enemy of Emperor Jiuyou!"

"Exactly! Nine You Emperor Nether! First in the world! Who fights!"

"Nine You Emperor! You Ning!" In a tavern in a run-down town, a man in black clothes with a bucket hat and white gauze wrapped on his face could not see his face. Hearing the opinions of others around him, he calmly appeared Sound channel.

The voice is old, hoarse, and gloomy!

Then, he spoke again, and his voice was full of hate: "Nine quiet one pulse! Nine quiet descendants! It is him! It is his descendant that destroyed my corpse Xuanzong and killed my corpse Xuan's descendants!"

It turned out that this person had been sleeping underneath the corpse Xuanzong for many years. The ancestor of the corpse Xuanzong, the strong one three thousand years ago, corpse Xuan!

During this time, when Xu Xuan learned that his door was full, it was destroyed by someone from "Nine Secrets and One Pulse." Exhausted.

But until now, he hasn't succeeded, and even a person about Jiuyou has not been killed.

He heard that there was a Luo family in the Undead Mountain in the Northern Territory, and the owner of the Luo family was Luo Qingchuan, who was the disciple of Emperor Jiuyou and the ancestor of the dead body.

Then he rushed to the Immortal Mountain and gave the Luo family a destroyer.

But when he came to the Undead Mountain, he was completely empty, and no half figure was seen. He killed all the beasts of the Undead Mountain to relieve his hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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