Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 887: Strong faith

Chapter 887: Strong Faith

The void between Shi Feng and others and Luo Qingchuan, Mo Fanchen and Wu Yanxuan, who seemed to be full of wolves, remained silent.

They seem to have realized that their lives are coming to an end, and it is no different to say anything more.

At this time, Shi Feng no longer said any nonsense. He condensed his sword fingers in his right hand and swept forward. For a while, Mo Fanchen and Wu Yanxuan's two heads flew into the sky, leaving only two. Dead headless bodies, constantly sprayed with red blood.

Luo Qingchuan didn't dare to neglect, he quickly printed his hands, and Jiuyou Gong immediately started to work. Suddenly, the powerful force of death was inhaled by Luo Qingchuan and flowed into Dantian.

At the same time, Shi Feng turned his hands into claws and approached the two headless corpses that were gushing with blood.

Two bright red blood rushed towards Shi Feng's palm. The two bodies began to dry out quickly.

And the two flying heads also had blood spraying down, and Wu Yanxuan's handsome face of Qingcheng also dried up and aged quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the flurry of souls from all directions, like the tide, rushed towards the two heads, with their mouths wide open, as if to bite!

"It's a shame! It's a shame!" Mo Xiaoyao looked at the head of the city that had become obsolete and dried up, and was drowned by the ghosts, and saw that the tempting body turned into a corpse, shaking his head for a while and sighing, a pity appeared on his face Color.

The chic and handsome appearance seemed to be sighing that a perfect artwork was destroyed.

"Everyone said one hundred husband and wife for one night, second brother, talk about your feelings now." Xiao Tianyi looked at Mo Xiaoyao with a smile on his face.

"Go!" Mo Xiaoyao scolded angrily when he heard Xiao Tianyi's laughter.

"Haha!" Xiao Tian also chuckled, and said nothing.

At this moment, Shi Feng screamed in front of him: "Ye Feng, draw out the soul of these two people!"

As soon as Shi Feng's words fell, Ling Yefeng's response sounded: "Yes!"

Immediately afterwards, Ling Yefeng's figure flew up, flying towards the two heads drowned by the dense ghosts.

"Go!" Ling Yefeng drank coldly at those dense ghosts. For a moment, a ghost with a ghost, flew away in horror, leaving only two dry, full of tooth marks, and the black skull was still suspended in the air. that.

Two peerless Emperors, handsome men and beautiful women, became this respect after death.

Ling Yefeng drew her hands into claws and took a breath towards the two terrible heads. Suddenly, two translucent souls were sucked out of the two skulls by Ling Yefeng.

And at this moment, Shi Feng's thoughts were moving again. A blazing flame of blood was shot out by the blood tablet in the hands of Xiao Tianyi. There was a burst of horrible pain in the blood flame. Scream.

This voice is the voice of the peerless Jiuxing Wudi and the thunder **** Emperor Aurora.

Ao Laixing was defeated in the hands of Ning Cheng by Tian Yao Shan, captured by Ning Cheng, and died tragically in the hands of Shi Feng, who has been burning his soul with extremely cold **** flames.

Until he returned to Nether Purgatory, allowing him to experience even more horrible bites of all ghosts.

The **** flame that continued to scream the proud and screaming of Ao Laixing until it flew over to Ling Yefeng over the sky. Shi Feng's thoughts moved again, and the **** flame disappeared, revealing an abnormal look. A weak soul blows it out like a wind blows.

However, Shi Feng naturally will not let it perish and die, but let him be bitten by all ghosts forever and ever!

Shi Feng opened her mouth, and yelled at Ling Yefeng over the sky: "Ye Feng, the souls of these three evil beasts were driven into the blood river and bitten by all ghosts!"

"Yes! Master!" Ling Yefeng responded, swiping with her right hand, and with one hand, she grasped the three strands of soul in her hand cruelly, followed closely, her body moved quickly towards the direction of the Blood River, Quickly broke through.

Three Peerless Emperor Wudi who fell into a lone soul are waiting for them with a new life that is better to die.

The blood of two Jiuxing Peerless Emperor Wudi has been swallowed up by Shi Feng. The two dark black heads and the dried-up headless corpses were no longer taken care of by them and fell towards the bottom.

But below, there were already rushing ghosts there, screaming with teeth and screaming, waiting for them to come.

Those, Shi Feng, will not pay attention anymore. At this moment, their eyes are focused on Luo Qingchuan.

Luo Qingchuan at this moment has digested the death force of the two peerless nine-star Emperor Wudi. The nine meditation powers in his dantian are already full, and the rest is the sentiment in martial arts.

"Come on!" Shi Feng whispered and said to Luo Qingchuan. Followed by, Shi Feng's right hand coagulated into a sword finger again, and the sword finger began to stroke in front of him.

Suddenly, a vigorous and powerful white character, written by Shi Feng in the void, is the "nine" character of Jiuyou!

Then, Shi Feng's figure moved towards the next one, and soon, another big white character was written by Shi Feng, but it was the "star" character of the stars!

The body moves again, and then writes. Next, it is the martial arts word of martial arts!

The last word, "Emperor" of the Emperor!

"Nine! Stars! Wu! Emperor!" After the four large white characters that looked vigorous and vigorously written down, Shi Feng swung his fingers and looked at Luo Qingchuan.

"Jiuxing Wudi!" Luo Qingchuan murmured softly as he watched the four characters written by the master. The bland four characters look simple.

"From these four words, what do you see!" At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly spoke and asked Luo Qingchuan.

"I saw the power of the world, the power of the world! I saw the realm I could not reach, even ..." At that moment, Luo Qingchuan's voice suddenly stopped.

"Even what?" Shi Feng murmured, and continued to ask.

"Even I used to think that in my life, it was impossible to reach this state!" Luo Qingchuan answered truthfully.

"What about you now?" Shi Feng asked again.

"Now! I am now! I am now in the realm of the Eight-Star Emperor Wudi. The Nine Ghost Forces in my body are already full, and I am getting closer and closer to it. It only takes one step to step in! It wo n’t be long before I will It is also a peerless powerhouse of Jiuxing Wudi Realm! "

Luo Qingchuan was talking, his face suddenly appeared full of confidence and arrogance.

Seeing the expression on Luo Qingchuan's face, Shi Feng nodded with satisfaction. Martial arts, the most important thing is to recognize one's strong beliefs. If you don't have a strong belief, how can you impact higher martial arts?

What Shi Feng is doing now is to introduce Luo Qingchuan's strong belief in himself first!

(End of this chapter)

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