Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 894: Lingyin Peak

Chapter 894: Spirit Hidden Peak

"Linghua, too!"

The young masters of the Ling family have discovered that not only did the three people flying away suddenly yell suddenly like crazy, but the three of them who fell down at the moment were all dead.

These three people are all powerful men in Wusheng Realm. Such a high fall cannot kill them at all, and their cause should be the sudden sorrow of pain in the void just now.

An invisible force took their lives silently.

And this thing will be done, presumably the name in front of them, it seems that they are only sixteen or seven years old, and in martial arts, none of them can see through.

Suddenly, looking at the masters of the spirit family of Shi Feng, I felt a colder chill.

Shi Feng looked at these young masters again, his eyes were frozen, his face showed a clear indifference, and he said coldly again: "If this person asks you, if anyone dares to escape again, you see me in the end. Arrived.

Ten breaths, if no one answers this seat after ten breaths, then you all die! "


When the word sounded, there was a silence in this world, and the young masters of the Ling family were full of dignity.

Linghuang's tongue was cut, and three young masters died silently. At this moment, no one would doubt the words of this young boy.

"Two!" The dull "two" sounded again. Many young masters shivered when they heard the word.

"Three!" And just as Shifeng spit out the word "Three", at this moment, there was a master Lingjia who could no longer withstand this dull atmosphere, and shouted, "I know! I tell you where she is! "

As soon as this person said something, someone made a noise and reminded him: "Lingyan, are you crazy? If you let the homeowner know that you told outsiders about the evil barrier, the homeowner must pick your skin."

"Ye Lingling! You know the importance of the evil barrier to our spiritual family! Even if you are not dead now, let the homeowner know that you have revealed the news of the evil barrier to outsiders. You will definitely go to the law enforcement hall. At that time, you will not be dead. , You have to peel the skin. "

"I ..." After hearing the words of the two masters of the Ling family, the young man named Ling Yan, hesitated again.

And Shi Feng, eyes narrowed slightly, his face showed a displeased cold color.



Immediately afterwards, two screams of fierce screams followed again in this world.

It was from the mouths of the two young masters who persuaded Lingyan to shout out. Not only that, the faces of the two men were distorted, shivering, showing the color of extreme pain. Then, the body fell down, "slamming" twice, Yang Lying on the ground.

The remaining masters of the Ling family have discovered that they have sensed these two. . Like the previous three, there is no breath, and he has died!

There were fifteen people, all of whom were masters of the spirit family. I had an appointment, and I was going to leave the spiritual house and go to the world with a wide sky outside and have a good time.

Now it is not expected that five people have died before leaving the house of spirits. There is also a spirit shortage, with their tongues pulled out and falling into their hands. The tragic ending is not difficult to imagine.

The nine masters of the spirit family suddenly felt that the air they were in was getting colder, and that they were all cold.

Shi Feng's eyes condensed on the young man named Ling Yan, facing him, and said coldly again: "Four!"



As time passed, the master of the Ling family struggled violently in his heart. The invisible and cruel man has counted to six at this moment. If there are four suckers, then they will all die.

"Seven!" Only three sucked.

"Say! I say! I tell you! She's on Lingyin Peak!" It was the young man named Ling Yan who spoke.

After doing another strenuous struggle in my heart just now, Ling Yan thought that if he didn't say it, he would die immediately. It would be better to tell the person where the evil barrier is located, perhaps, he could escape.

It is mainly these people next to him. If they don't say it, who knows, the news was revealed by themselves.

When he disclosed the news, he not only saved himself, but even saved them!

"Lingyinfeng, where is it?" Shi Feng said again, asking this flame.

Lingyan pointed to the east with his hand and said, "You have been flying eastward, and you will see thirteen peaks. The one with the thickest fog is Lingyin Peak."

"I know this seat!" Shi Feng replied calmly.

Followed, speaking quietly, the voice echoed between this world: "Let's go!"

"Master! This person disposes?" Luo Qingchuan heard Shi Feng saying that he was leaving, raised the spiritual waste in his hand and asked.

Shi Feng did not return his head, and replied: "This man has a vicious heart, and it is cheap to kill him. Break his Dantian and make him a useless waste alive."

"Ah! Ah, ah, ah!" The spirit waste that Luo Qingchuan raised in his hands, naturally also heard Shi Feng's words, and his face was even more terrified. His tongue has been pulled and he doesn't know what he's calling.

However, the spiritual shortage must have never thought that his fate today is in the hands of the waste residue from the Eastern Region.

"Ah!" Another scream screamed, as Luo Qingchuan flicked his finger at Lingtian Dantian, it sounded from Linghuang's mouth.

Seeing this scene again, the young masters of the Ling family, seeing the painful expression of the Linghuang, watching the Linghuang being broken by Dan Tian, ​​his heart trembled violently.

As a warrior, as a warrior of the spiritual family, Dan Tian was broken, and eternal life was reduced to waste. It is simply a matter of life!

Moreover, the spiritual waste is usually arrogant and has caused a lot of enemies. This time, I am afraid that the future will not be better.

After learning that Linger was at that Lingyin Peak, Shi Feng no longer stayed here, and her figure began to lift off.

Immediately following, Ling Yefeng below, the eight ghosts will wait for someone, and his shape will also lift off with Shi Feng.

Luo Qingchuan threw the spiritual waste in his hands like a litter on the ground, and followed the masses and flew into the air.

A group of people, following Shi Feng, quickly flew into the spirit house, headed east, and shot towards the Lingyin Peak, the master of the spirit house.

The nine masters of the spirit family below looked up at those figures who had left in the air, one by one, and then slowly relaxed their minds and bodies.

The feeling just now is really like walking around in front of the ghost gate, myself. . Those people themselves, just a little bit, are going to die.

"Then ... these people ... who are they! They ... they don't seem to be jealous of our spiritual family. Especially the young man, facing him, gives me a kind of face to the homeowner, and to the old ancestors, then A breathless feeling. "

(End of this chapter)

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