Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 900: Xiao Tianyi! The way the sorcerer fights!

900 Xiao Tianyi! The way the sorcerer fights!

Lingsang's blow severely damaged the two elders of the Ningxing Emperor Wuling of the Ling family. Judging from the situation, the situation has really changed.

The people of the Ling family, launching attacks, are also constantly attacking Ling Sang. Under multiple attacks, Ling Sang has already been hit hard. Looking at the appearance, it is estimated that it is not far from death.

At this time, the four disciples of Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng, Mo Xiaoyao, Luo Qingchuan, and Xiao Tianyi, who flew in front of them, also followed. Behind them, there are eight ghosts who will follow Ning Cheng.

Lingsang was hit hard and can no longer be ill. The attacks of the powerful men of the Ling family immediately changed and they blasted away towards Ling Yefeng, and multiple attacks gathered on Xiao Tianyi's body.

The powerful men of the Ling family found that this man was not a Jiuxing Peerless Emperor Realm but had a strange feeling, and it was even more bizarre that he even flew over with those Peerless Emperor Realms.

All the palm prints, palm shadows, claw shadows, sword qi, and sword shadows swept through, powerful and colorful.

Xiao Tian naturally also sensed that those forces were basically concentrated on himself. And Xiao Tianyi, with a look of indifference, a look of indifference, continued to fly towards the front.

Ling Yefeng, Mo Xiaoyao, Luo Qingchuan, Ning Cheng, and the Eight Great Ghosts, seeing the attack coming ahead, they have already shot.

A forest of white sword qi, forest white flames, black ghost claws, huge black skull, black sword of death. . All the attacks were also bombarded by them, facing the attack of the strong home spirit.

And just after Ling Yefeng's attacks came out, Xiao Tianyi's hands followed.

I saw Xiao Tianyi dancing with both hands, and snow-white soldiers kept flying out of his hands.

There are ice-colored swords, ice-colored war halberds, ice-colored battle axes, ice-colored swords, and ice-colored spears. . The dense warrior mysteries fluttered like money. Xiao Tian also swayed 30 war soldiers, and all of them were eight-grade holy warriors.

In this world, it is estimated that only this master Xiao, known as the first master of the world, can get so many holy mysteries at once.

The attacks of the Lingjia warriors quickly collided with Ling Yefeng and the Eight Great Ghosts. The void in the two sides has become more chaotic. In the bombardment and collision of strong forces, Underneath, space is constantly being broken, and dark voids are constantly appearing.

Followed closely, the thirty warrior mysteries that Xiao Tian also controlled also arrived quickly. At this moment, Xiao Tian also uttered a low drink: "Burst!"

With the sound of "Boom", ten holy mysteries exploded suddenly under Xiao Tianyi's applause, and a violent force rose up, and then with Ling Yefeng and the eight ghosts took their The strength merged and began to devour the attacks of the spirit home strong.

In this world, it is estimated that few people have seen the world's first spell master, Master Xiao participated in the battle, but he did not expect that if he did not fight, it was okay. In the battle, he would explode ten superb holy artifacts. .

This kind of profligacy, a few people in Tianheng continent can afford it.

Under the bombardment of ten holy mysteries, and under the assault of Ling Yefeng, Mo Xiaoyao, Luo Qingchuan, Ning Cheng, and the Eight Great Demon Generals, the attacks of the spirit house strongmen have been completely destroyed. And the space is even more chaotic, becoming extremely chaotic.

At this moment, Xiao Tian also manipulated the remaining twenty holy mysteries again, and continued to shoot at the powerful men of the spirit family. Then, he drank again from Xiao Tianyi's mouth. Drinking low: "Burst!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Under Xiao Tianyi's applause, twenty holy-class mysteries began to explode. A violent and fierce force formed just now, like a sea of ​​fire, violently surging towards the powerful men of the spirit family.

"Damn! Damn it! The power of the twelve sacred mysteries to explode! Who is this guy! It is such a waste to have so many sacred mystics!"

Seeing the violent amount of violence coming from the front, the warriors of the Ling family yelled.

As we all know, in this world, the highest skill is the Holy Level Master, who can make the highest grade, but it is only the Holy Level Mystery.

And in this world, how many holy masters and sacred masters can exist! And the guy in front of them actually took out 30 pieces as soon as he took them, and blasted them with force to attack them.

Of course, these people of the Ling family don't know yet. This is the guy in front of them. Today, the realm of refining has entered the emperor level. In this world, the highest skill of refining is not the holy level, but the guy in front of them.

Xiao Tian also detonated 20 sacred mysteries again, and produced a powerful and violent force. Ling Yefeng, the eight ghosts will be them, naturally will not miss this opportunity.

Quickly launched another attack again and again, sweeping towards the soul family.

Originally thought, and the world is also saying that under the throne of the emperor, the strongest combat force is the physical body of martial arts, and the emperor Mo Xiaoyao who has stepped into the peak of the nine-star emperor Mo Xiaoyao. Eye-opener.

Originally in the minds of everyone, Wen Wen's weak magician could even explode such powerful attacks. It is estimated that only these sorcerers can afford such attacks.

The Eight Great Ghosts also know that now that this Xiao Tianyi, the practice of refining has entered the ninth-order emperor-level realm, and it is possible to make emperor-level mysteries.

These holy mysteries can now be launched to attack such forces, and if these holy mysteries are replaced with imperial mysteries, they will attack. . It is unimaginable.

However, the premise is that there are so many nine-grade refining materials in the world for Xiao Tian to refine.

Twenty pieces of holy mystery detonated the power, coupled with the attack from the twelve nine-star Emperor Wu Di, the powerful men of the spiritual family, one by one, his face changed dramatically.

The hateful Lingsang severely damaged the two elders, Lingxu and Lingyin, from fifteen peerless Emperors to thirteen and fighting power. Their strength has been greatly reduced.

"Launch all your strength to break through these attacks! We, but the people of the Ling family, we, but the descendants of the Emperor Ling Wu! We must not be defeated!" At this moment, the master of the Ling family was full of spirits, staring at the rushing ahead Coming fiercely, he tried his best again, hissing and yelling loudly.

The peerless warriors of the Ling family appeared with a dignified color on their faces. This attack is very important! The violent energy sweeping forward must be blocked!

Unstoppable, they lose! They lost, and the entire spirit family was completely over!

(End of this chapter)

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