Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 939: Jiutou Black Phoenix

Chapter 939: Nine-Headed Black Phoenix

"It's almost here, where is it?" When Shi Feng heard the voice of the man in black robe, his eyebrows were twisted, his face was incomprehensible, he asked in a voice.

Because Shi Feng heard him say, it would take a month at the earliest to leave the wilderness by shuttle.

It takes a month to shuttle the earth. Although it takes a lot of time to break through the air, it takes at least 20 days. How can it be here now.

Therefore, Shi Feng thinks that the old man is saying that it is coming. It must not be that they have left this great wasteland, but somewhere else.

Looking down, there is still a vast expanse of forests reflected in Shi Feng's eyes.

"Hehe!" Heipao people did not answer Shi Feng's words, but issued a "he" laugh, followed by a smile: "You will know soon."

Hearing his words, Shi Feng frowned even deeper, and said lowly, "What the **** are you doing! Where do you want to take Ben?"

Although the two have faced the enemy together several times, it is still only a cooperative relationship, and Shi Feng's watchfulness on him has never diminished.

Even at this moment, Shi Feng's broken body suddenly stopped for a while, and he didn't figure out that he would naturally not follow this old immortal fly.

At this time, the man in black robe again made a loud voice and laughed: "Hey boy, these days, the old man and you have been living together to death, and even passed you the sword in the void, you even suspect the old man?"

"Although it was you who gave me the bones that killed the sword in the void, it was just a transaction between you and me!" Shi Feng said, followed by: "Since you have no wrongdoing, then Ben asked you where you were. Why don't you answer Ben Shao? "

"Boy, look at it!" Said the man in black.

"Sky?" After hearing the inexplicable words of the black robe man, Shi Feng murmured, and then looked at the sky.

The man in black robe said again: "The old man told you that the night is coming, the old man's secret method can be more magical! If the day is about to dawn, if we continue to fly, hehe, just wait for them to be surrounded and killed."

According to the Heipao people, Shi Feng noticed that this day was indeed going to be bright.

The old man did tell himself that when heaven and earth return to darkness, when night falls, he can help him hide from himself.

Later, Shi Feng said, "So where did you take me before?"

"Very demon mountains!" Black Robe humanely.

"Very demon mountains?" Hearing these four words, what appeared in Shifeng's mind should be the same as the monster mountains of Tianheng mainland.

"There is a powerful and fierce savage demon mountain. Since this day is about to dawn, at that time our whereabouts may be discovered by those people, we will temporarily hide in this savage mountain range!

Even if those people dare to enter the wild demon mountains to chase you and me, if we are really not defeated, we will motivate those powerful wild demon beasts! "Said the man in black.

The final words of the Heipao people were not clear and complete, but Shi Feng already knew that if they did not meet the powerful enemies that came after them, they would seduce the barbarian monsters in the mountains, and then they would both lose or both.

But Shi Feng didn't ignore it. This old ghost has the mysterious mystery. If he really reaches the step they think, I am afraid he and the hunted-down person must face the demon in the mountain, and this dead old ghost must be Will sneak away.

However, innocence is about to dawn, and now that the territories of the tribe have been killed a few days ago, the situation is already different from the previous one. Now, it seems that he has no choice but to enter the wild demon mountain range.

Even the people in the black robes said that the wild monsters in the wild monster mountains are powerful, so they must be strong. Be careful when you enter the wild monster mountains, and then those who follow up must follow with them, and they must also be cautious. Be careful.

Unlike the previous, unbridled arrogance in the void, or broken. There is a powerful savage demon, and their sight and induction must be greatly restricted and affected.

"Well, now that we have no way to go, let's go into the wild demon mountains." Shi Feng said, and said to the black robe man.

"Go!" The old, hoarse voice of the Heipao people resounded, and then Shi Feng felt that the breath from the Heipao people began to move quickly again.

At this time, Shi Feng's body quickly followed, feeling the breath, chasing through the air!

The bodies of Shi Feng and the Heipao people are galloping in the night sky secretly, and the sky is gradually passing by with time, slowly becoming gray.

At this moment, Shi Feng, who was still running through the air, suddenly sensed that the breath from the old man in the black robe swooped down.

Shi Feng, who sensed the change of breath, quickly no longer hesitated, and her body dived downward. With this downward trajectory, she glanced down and landed on the large continuous mountain.

Presumably, the large mountain range is the wild demon mountain that the old thing said.

Shi Feng did feel that a fierce atmosphere was coming from that mountain.

There were even a few of them, which made Shi Feng feel palpitations.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" Followed by a roar of the beast, followed by a sound from the mountain.

In the void, the roar of fierce beasts often causes shocks like water waves.

"Hey!" At this moment, a strange howling sounded like a strange bird, and Shi Feng saw a large, dark bird with nine feathers and a huge monster from below. Flying out of the mountains.

Two equally huge black wings spread, and the nine huge black birds were flying quickly.

"Oh!" A series of fierce and fierce screams, like a heartbreaking howl, kept coming from the heads of the nine huge birds.

Almost all of Shi Feng's eyes were condensed on the nine-headed bird approaching himself.

The nine big birds seemed to see through the secret method that the black robe man cast on Shi Feng. The nine bird heads faced Shi Feng all together, full of fierce violence.

"It looks a bit like the ancient gods and beasts on Tianheng's continent, nine heads and black phoenixes!" Shi Feng murmured coldly, glaring at the nine big birds who were obviously coming at himself.

Following this, Shi Feng said, "However, the ancient **** beast Jiu head black phoenix is ​​a god-level **** beast. This demon beast has evolved to the level of Jiu Xing Emperor. It may not be the descendants of nine head black phoenix.

This reckless continent has an unclear and unknown relationship with Tianheng Continent! "

When Shi Feng's rushing body was about to approach the rapidly rising nine black monster birds, Shi Feng's right hand had been condensed into a sword finger, followed by a burst of low drinking: "Void, sword kill!"

A powerful invisible sword power, when Shi Feng screamed loudly, shone down towards the huge nine-headed black bird below.

"唳! 唳! 唳! 唳! 唳!"

The heads of the nine **** birds were soon more vicious, and they sounded louder and louder, sounding more violent and ferocious howling.

But immediately afterwards, they saw the nine **** bird heads, as if severely slaughtered by an invisible large sword, soared into the sky together.

Void sword killing, under the action of Shi Feng, will kill this fierce, violent, nine-headed black monster with nine-star imperial power to beheaded.

(End of this chapter)

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