Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 964: Surging parties

Chapter 964: All Surges

With such great movements and such a vision of the heavens and the earth in the wild demon mountains, all the tribes in this wild desert quickly learned the news. Countless strong men and warriors of various tribes gathered towards the wild demon mountains.

Some people say that this is a symptom of the birth of a peerless treasure in the Wild Demon Mountains.

Some people have speculated that this wild demon mountain range is mysterious. Maybe any wild demon in the mountain accidentally touched the ancient array of ancient times. The powerful ancient array opened, and this huge vortex appeared. It has the power of extinction. Black Thunder.

Some people have speculated that the Peerless Mountain has a Peerless Anti-Big Demon. This is the Peerless Anti-Bad Demon's advanced, a vision of heaven and earth has appeared, and it has descended from ancient legends. Only the undead **** has been bombarded by the Devil Black. mine!

Anyway, for a while, rumors circulated in this wild wilderness, and all of them were in shape, approaching the wild demon mountain in an instant, in order to find out.

There are demigods on the Megatron side, tribal leaders, and talented men and women in this great wilderness. There are also some tribal warriors of all races who are not strong but have the heart of the strong and seek the way of the strong.

The wild demon mountains became more lively for a while. Not only did the strong human race go to the land of visions, but also a wild demon, they were also attracted by the vision of the mountains.

. .

Among the dazzling heavens and earth, the dazzling world, the huge vortex is still slowly rotating in the sky, and the huge black thunder blasted from the vortex is like a huge Optimus black pillar, connecting and supporting this heaven and earth. Instead, they are spreading and growing in all directions.

Extermination Black Thunder, not only did not dissipate and weakened with the passage of time, but became more and more violent, the power of destruction became more and more intimidating, daunting, and did not dare to approach.

"The son of that mountain witch, presumably has been under the power of this exorcist and black thunder, and it has died out!

Although his talent was against the sky, he actually caused the exterminator Hei Lei to blast him, but how could this exterminator Hei Lei be able to resist. Humph! Anti-Genius, I like to watch this Anti-Genius fall with my own eyes. "

The demigod who practiced the power of thunder looked at the exterminator Heiru ruthlessly, expecting and cursing the anti-natural talent in the exterminator Heilei.

Human nature is like this, always looking forward to those who are stronger and better than themselves, a bad end.

He is a demigod, and he can be regarded as a strong person in this wilderness. His honorable character is also called genius by many people.

A narrow-minded genius naturally doesn't want to see the birth of an anti-genius who is much stronger than his own talent.

"Huh! What a pity that demigod combat skills, and the mouthpiece of the earth tribe's earth **** bell! Will be buried with him!"

The invincible genius in Devil and Black Thunder is now alive or dead or unknown, this person has determined that he must die.

At this moment, in the distant void, a strong man holding a simple bronze mirror flashed. It was Jinfu who had the earth **** mirror. Just after Jinfu appeared, he soon saw the body that was shining with purple thunder. Figure.

Jin Fu's body flashed again, toward the demigod who practiced the power of Thunder.

"Jinfu! You bastard!" At that moment, the man with the thunder shining all over him quickly found that Jinfu, who was approaching to him quickly, was full of thunder, his face was full of thunder.

This beast introduced six of them into the dangerous area of ​​the Wild Demon Mountains. Six of them and four of them have been wiped out in the ancient array, and even the grain and dregs have not been left. He himself almost came to them. Footsteps.

At this moment, when I saw this animal and husband, I wished that he had unloaded eight pieces in order to vent his heart.

Immediately, the man's body suddenly burst into a purple thunder that was even more violent than it is now, flashing in shape and flashing towards the current husband.

"Huh!" After seeing the man's arrival, a strong fighting and killing erupted. The flashing figure of the husband suddenly stopped and made a disdainful hum.

Subsequently, Jin Fu's right hand moved, and the thousand-mile magic mirror in his hand suddenly radiated a green light toward the Thunder Demigod that was close to him.

"Huh! This man is so stupid, knowing the power of my earth **** mirror, even dare to come towards me aggressively, it is just asking for trouble."

"Angel Thunder Knife!" At this moment, the Thunder demigod screamed in the sky, a giant sword condensed by a purple Thunder appeared in front of him, carrying the violent Thunder destruction power, and then headed towards that This husband is cut off in anger.

I want to use this power, break the power of the mirror of a thousand miles, and then cut this husband.

But the idea is good, and the reality is cruel. In the face of the angry thunder knife, Jinfu grinned disdainfully again, revealing a touch of contempt.

Immediately, under the light of the thousands of miles of mirrors, the raging thunder knife carrying the power of violent destruction suddenly broke apart and turned into a tiny purple current like a rush, running around, power All lost.

"Hahaha!" At this moment, Jinfu laughed proudly and said, "Just you, would you like to fight with my Jinfu? Let me ask the mirror in my hand."

"I ask your sister!" At this moment, a burst of rage suddenly sounded behind Jin Fu, a powerful and strong figure suddenly appeared behind Jin Fu, punched to the Jin Fu's Back.

The person who suddenly appeared was the other one of the six demigods.

Like the Thunder Demigod, this person was shocked by the invisible sword killed by the Void Sword, and then he saw the sky drop the Demon Black Thunder to destroy the evil animal of the Mountain Witch tribe. The movement of Hei Lei will wait for the opportunity to move.

Unexpectedly, I saw the husband and wife of this animal, hurriedly bypassing the Devil Black Thunder, and then this scene happened, and he launched a fierce punch to the husband and vowed to kill the cattle and animal. The body must be pierced severely before the hatred of the heart can be resolved.

"Ah! No! Damn!" Jinfu hurriedly exclaimed a moment ago. He was so angry that he didn't pay attention at all. Now the other side suddenly approached his despicable sneak attack and caught him by surprise.

Immediately after that, the thousand-mile miracle in Jinfu's hand moved quickly and shone at himself. His body was randomly bathed in a green field.

"Well!" A loud noise rang suddenly in Jinfu's body. Although this husband has a green mans body, he still shows pain, and he is blown away by the violent and powerful punch.

It seems that the husband who suffered the punch is not comfortable.

"Good job!" The Thunder Demigod saw Jin Fu being bombed off, and still flew towards himself, sneered and yelled loudly.

Followed by his right fist, he clenched tightly, and his violent thunder shone all over, then all rushed towards his right fist and gathered. .

(End of this chapter)

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