Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 987: Death statue

Chapter 987: Death Stone Statue


Shi Feng and Heipao are in this constantly turbulent world, but their attention is focused on the giant mountain in front of them like a grave.

Just then, a loud thunder rang out from the sky and the earth.

The huge mountain suddenly collapsed under the gaze of the two of them, turning into a rock.

"It seems that our way is not wrong. When this mountain collapses, you should be able to see the true colors below." Shi Feng said to the Heipao people.

The man in black robe nodded.

Then they waited for the collapsed mountain to calm down completely.

And under that giant mountain, at this moment, it seems that a huge bottomless pit appears.

The giant mountain collapsed, "falling apart", and turned into big stones. And the big stones, at this moment, looked like they were being swallowed by a huge mouth.

Even the stones that fell from above constantly fell, disappearing without a trace.

As the stones continued to sink, Shi Feng and the Heipao people saw that a huge black bottomless cave had indeed appeared under the original huge mountain peak. The ground fell into this huge black hole.

"Maybe this is the way to go down. Let's go and look at everything. Be careful." When the huge black hole, like a bottomless pit, appeared, the black robe man made a loud voice to Shi Feng.

Then, their figures flashed at the same time, and soon they flashed over the huge black hole, looking down.

However, after looking at them for a while, they couldn't see through the scene below. This huge black hole seemed to have a mysterious power. With the eyes of the two of them, they could not understand.

"No!" At this moment, the man in black robe exclaimed, turning his head to the back, as if looking through the night, he could see the endless distance in the night.

At this time, Shi Feng's face also showed coldness, and he had sensed that there were countless fierce and violent breaths, and he was approaching quickly towards himself, with an extremely powerful breath.

"It's those pretty monsters! And the black king of the demon king! They are coming here quickly." Shi Feng said coldly.

That powerful breath is not wrong, it is the blackbird of the two-star demigod! When the bloodthirsty sword was advanced, the vision of the heavens and the earth was exactly the same as when I felt the breath!

"It's really dark, follow its savage army!" The man in black robe also made a deep voice, his voice was full and solemn.

Then, Shi Feng lowered her head, took all other attention away, stared at the huge black hole below, and said, "Let's go!"

"Go!" The Heipao people also responded, and then their figures turned into a black, white and two streamers, like a meteor, and they fell quickly towards the bottom.

Instantly rushed into the huge black hole.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Shortly after Shi Feng and the Heipao people entered the huge black hole, an extremely fierce roar sounded in this night sky.

Then, a huge black demon dragon appeared above the huge black hole. Lombok looked down at the huge black hole below and uttered words: "The inheritance of the demon **** seems to be below this! The two little mice run first! "

"Roar! The eye-obscured little mouse, the king is here to catch you." The blackbird yelled again, screaming loudly, and then the huge black dragon suddenly made a sudden movement towards the bottom. Into the hole.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Shortly after the blackbird entered the black hole, the roar of fierce beasts rang from the distance.

In this world of dead silence, dead silence has been broken.


After Shi Feng and Heipaoren fell into the black giant hole, their bodies continued to fall towards the bottom. This underground hole seemed to be a bottomless bottomless hole!

It wasn't until they sensed that the two feet were on a solid ground, and the sight in front of them gradually came into his eyes.

At this moment, as if they were in an empty underground cave, a cold, icy, and dying breath was flowing towards them from all directions.

"This space is so densely cold and deadly! There must be a strong death creature in this deadly air! And there are a lot of them." The deadly air, which is induced by the flow of the Quartet, is extremely sensitive to death. Shi Feng exclaimed.

"Aura of death?" The man in black robe followed. Subsequently, the eyes of the two began to sweep in this empty underground space.

Soon, they saw four dozen directions in front, left, rear, and right not far from them. There were more than a dozen huge black stone statues suspended in mid-air. These stone statues added up to about fifty. At first glance, it is a statue of a pretty monster.

However, Shi Feng and the Heipao people have sensed that those cold and cold breaths are emitted from these stone statues, and then surge towards them.

"They are moving! Although they are moving very slowly, they cannot escape my induction! They should have been asleep just now, and they are gradually waking up at this moment. Let's go! If we don't leave, we will be too late." Anxious, said to the man in black.

From the strong death breath emanating from these black stone statues, he can sense that the realm of each of these sleeping death creatures is at least in the state of demigods!

And there is an unusually tall black stone statue, Shi Feng feels its breath, and is comparable to that of the blackbird.

Fifty demigod death creatures, plus a two-star demigod death creature, if they don't leave here, then they don't have to leave.

"Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha!" Suddenly, all of them sounded as if they were cracking open, and immediately echoed in this empty underground space.

Shi Feng and the Heipao people have already seen that there are cracks on the black stone figures suspended in the air, like black spider webs. The cracks are still spreading on the stone figures.

"There's a hole there, we'll rush right there." At this time, the black robe man's full voice sounded again, stretched out his white and slender right hand, and pointed to the right towards Shi Feng.

There is a big hole as big as the gate of the city, and you can't see the end at a glance. I don't know where it leads.

"Go!" Shi Feng and the Heipaoren didn't hesitate at all. At the same time, their body flickered suddenly, toward the big hole.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!" At this moment, loud noises continued to sound, a huge black body fell to the ground, and the earth shook with a violent earthquake.

And the big hole that Shi Feng and the Heipao people were about to flash into, at this moment, seven or eight huge black bodies also fell, exuding a thicker death scent than before.

(End of this chapter)

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