Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 997: Old man in a spooky jungle

Chapter 997: Old Man In The Ghostly Jungle


In the dark and gloomy jungle, Shi Feng screamed angrily, and a violent black thunder erupted along with him, his body rushing up towards the night sky.

But immediately afterwards, there was an invisible and powerful force, which suddenly appeared above Shi Feng, shooting Shi Feng, who turned into black thunder, into the dark and gloomy jungle.

Plus this time, Shi Feng couldn't remember how many times he was shot back into the jungle by that force.

"Dead, die, die!" Then, the sound of death echoed again and again in this jungle.

Hears impatient!

"Ah!" Shi Feng has now become full of madness, and I can't wait to catch the monster hiding in the dark and let it fly away.

Originally, he returned to the original road, but every time the original road was gone, he went to a road he had never walked.

He broke into the air and was shot back by an invisible and powerful force.

Controlled by this weird jungle everywhere, he is like a bird trapped in a cage.

And the black robe man in the earth **** bell has become weaker and scarred. In order to hold the life-saving blessing twice, Shi Feng has passed to him the ancient text representing the law of life, hoping that he would use this word The ancient words of life can be sustained.

"Who is it?" At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly sensed that there was a change in the forest in front of her, and a figure was approaching quickly. Shi Feng immediately screamed and yelled at him.

"Who are you? After so many years, there are no other creatures here. I didn't expect to come in alive tonight." At this moment, an old, extremely husky, sounded like a sandy sound, sounding in front.

Then, not far in front of Shi Feng, a shadow flickered.

Followed closely, a small figure appeared in front of Shi Feng.

This is an old cricket who is only one meter tall and looks very old. She has left a lot of marks on her body over the years, and her old face is full of gullies, wrinkled like crumpled paper. I knew she had lived a long time.

But it is also natural. Since the old lady said that there were no other creatures here, she proved that she was here.

Since she is living in this ancient ruins, her longevity must be terrible.

But most importantly, Shi Feng couldn't see through the old man's practice at all. Although his figure was short, his breath was long, like an endless abyss.

However, in this weird jungle, seeing such an old lady, Shi Feng stared at her more alertly.

"You are coming from the barren continent of the outside world?" The old man also looked at Shi Feng, and looked at the earth bell that Shi Feng was carrying on his right shoulder.

Since she said you, it seems that he has also found the black robe man in the bell of the earth god.

"Yes!" Shi Feng nodded and answered.

"Come with me." Just then, the old man suddenly turned around and said to Shi Feng.

As soon as I met, I told myself to follow her, alerting her to Shi Feng, frowning, naturally she would not follow her.

The old man turned around and walked a few steps. When he saw Shi Feng, he did not keep up, he turned his head again, and looked at Shi Feng again:

"Both you and this girl are under the spell of death. If you don't follow me, then wait for this girl to die, and then you slowly wait for your own death."

"Death Spell?" After hearing the words of this old man, Shi Feng was shocked, and the Death Spell! In ancient times, there was a **** in the Tianheng continent, called the **** of death. The silver sickle that he once obtained was the thing of the **** of death, called the **** of death.

And that sound is called the death spell by this old man, is it not related to death?

What made Shi Feng even more shocked was that she said the word "girl", and Shi Feng looked strangely at the earth bell on her shoulder.

In Shi Feng's mind, the black figure in a black robe naturally appeared, and the old hoarse old man voice.

In particular, the voice and the word "girl" cannot be combined at all.

However, Shi Feng remembered those white, slender hands like women.

"Is this really a woman?" Thinking of this, Shi Feng stared again at the unfathomable old lady.

But after the old man said the previous words, he no longer cared about Shi Feng, moved his feet, and walked forward.

When she saw the old woman, she went on her way, and Shi Feng quickly moved her legs to keep up. At this moment, the old woman was the only hope to save the black robe.

Shi Feng has sensed that the atmosphere in the bell of the earth **** has become weaker and weaker, and it will not be long before this black robe man estimates that the lamp will be exhausted.

"Come on, let's die! Die!" Just then, the sound of death's curse sounded again in this spooky jungle.

Just then, the old man walking in front of him suddenly made a shout, "Drink!"

When the drinking sound rang, Shi Feng didn't sense the slightest fluctuation of strength, but just under the drinking sound of this old woman, the strange sound called the sound of death spell by old woman suddenly stopped.

Later, Shi Feng suddenly saw a weird purple rune that floated from the front and floated on the earth **** clock at a rapid speed.

"Oh!" The earth bell sounded a slight trembling sound.

"This ..." The earth **** bell was shocked by the purple rune, and Shi Feng was shocked.

But immediately afterwards, Qian Yi once again heard the old husky's hoarse voice: "Don't be nervous, I just broke the power of the Death Spell remaining in this girl's body."

The old **** did not look back when she spoke, and after speaking, she moved on.

When Shi Feng heard the words of the old lady, she felt the earth **** bell a bit, and then she felt relieved.

The old man did not lie to himself, the atmosphere of the black robe in the bell of earth **** gradually calmed down.

Later, Shi Feng followed the old man again, and when he came behind the old man, he humbly said, "Senior, thank you for your life-saving grace. Excuse me, where are we going?"

Since this person has rescued both of them, his strength is unfathomable, and he has lived a long time, and it is worth humbling to call her senior.

After Shi Feng's voice fell for a while, the old man's voice rang again: "The reason why I save you is that I have something to do with this girl. Otherwise, you are dead or alive, it has nothing to do with me.

Don't ask so many other questions. If you want to follow, you will follow. "

When the old lady said at the end, she could hear her impatience.

Originally, Shi Feng wanted to ask her more about this ancient ruins, but at this moment, she would not say it.

However, this old lady should not be malicious to herself. If she is really malicious, she will not be able to compete with her.

Shi Feng continued to look at this unfathomable old lady, thinking in her heart, what kind of cultivation has this old lady achieved?

(End of this chapter)

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