Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 999: Lightning Power of Nine Days

Chapter 999: The Nine-day Power of Thunder

The black hoodie turned back to the black robe man's head silently, and the moment when he would cover up the beautiful beauty again, Shi Feng saw that those smart eyes suddenly opened again.

Then, the beautiful face was covered by the black hat again.

At this moment, Shi Feng felt as if she had found something, and she felt a little guilty, and her squatting body stood up slowly, saying:

"You'll recover from your injuries, so I won't bother you. I'll just walk around here and take a look at the terrain in this area."

After speaking, Shi Feng wanted to turn away.

"Stop!" But just as Shi Feng turned around, a cold voice sounded immediately behind him.

The voice was still that old, hoarse voice.

After hearing the indifferent voice, Shi Feng said secretly in her heart: "It seems that she was found out."

Then, Shi Feng turned around, bowed her head slightly, and smiled toward the man in black robe, and said, "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

"When you look at you, you are doing something detrimental! Why didn't you see my face without my permission!" Heipao continued to speak coldly to Shi Feng with the voice of the old man.

"Oh, that's a misunderstanding." Shi Feng still smiled on her face, explaining to her: "When you are unconscious, after a bump all the way, your black hat accidentally fell off."

Shi Feng didn't blink or beat when she spoke. When he reached his realm, these were naturally under control.

Later, Shi Feng said, "But it's okay. It's a beautiful woman, but it always makes people think that it's a wretched old man."

"My black robe, if it weren't for taking off my black hat, it wouldn't have fallen off!" For a moment, the voice of the black robe man became even colder.

"So it is!" Shi Feng nodded thoughtfully after listening to the words of the Heipaoren, and then revealed a sorrowful color, saying:

"I see. It must be the monster that made the sound. When you and I weren't paying attention, you lifted your black hat and let you show your true content. The monster is silent and we can't sense its existence. .It's crazy! "

"Really?" The black robe man uttered coldly again, but from her cold voice, she clearly heard her distrust of Shi Feng's words.

"This must be the case! Well, you don't have to think about other things, it is not good for your injury. Rest assured here, you can call me anything," Shi Feng said.

However, after Shi Feng finished this time, without waiting for the Heipao people to say anything, his body flickered and disappeared.

In this gloomy world, only the black robe man who was still immersed in the spring water of Yin Yang was left.

"This boy!" Looking at the empty front, the man in black robe made a cold voice and spit out those three words.

Shi Feng's leaving body appeared far behind the man in the black robe. Looking at the black figure in the distance, he murmured: "I just ran like this, will it seem that I am a thief? But, should ... no Yes, I think what I'm talking about is quite reasonable. "

"Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore. The demigod warfare technique I just learned has thundered for nine days, and I still need to practice it well. I can use it freely when I fight with others in the future."

"Thunder for nine days!" At this moment, Shi Feng drank aloud, and immediately, a violent black thunder erupted on her body, shining black thunder light, and the whole person turned into a black thunderman.

Now, while the man in black robes is recovering from his injury, practice this thunder tactics here, and wait for the man in black robes to get out of the water pond before entering again.

But the old man said, if the person who listened to the sound of death, if he doesn't wash his body with this yin and yang spring water, he will be found by the monster in the future.


"Huh? Devil Black Thunder? Real Demon Thunder?"

In a gloomy mid-air, a short body sits suspended with his knees crossed. When he senses the fluctuation of the power not far below, he is immediately attracted by that power, turns his head and looks at it, his mouth murmurs.

"He's a real demon, it looks very unfamiliar, it should just be cultivated. It seems that after he entered here, he met the guy who taught him the real demon and thunder.

After so many years, it seems that he has not forgotten! "

The old man said, shaking his head with some emotion.


"Drink!" On the murky dark ground, Shi Feng, who turned into a black thunder, uttered a thunderous thunder.

Suddenly, the black thunder on his body was raging in all directions, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Thunder and roar burst out, and thunder thundered for nine days, a total of nine thunders.

Every thunder was stronger than every thunder, and every thunder sounded, these raging black thunder also became more violent.

Under the raging of the Black Thunder, the vines surrounding the python have long been reduced to shattering.

This demi-god-level combat technique used by Shi Feng is like being born specifically for the Devil Black Thunder. It will excite the Devil Black Thunder in Shi Feng's body in the strongest state.

Moreover, the ancient text representing the law of thunder appeared in the raging raging black thunder, which made this move thunder for nine days and become more riotous.

"Drink!" At this moment, Shi Feng once again burst into a sudden drink, and those raging black thunders immediately dissipated under the shout of Shi Feng.

The body that had been drowned by the black thunder appeared again.

At this moment, Shi Feng's face, because she had previously sensed the power of that move for nine days, revealed a sense of indulgence.

"God is really thunderous, thunder moves for nine days! With this trick, combined with the ancient text that represents thunder, my combat power is much stronger than before."

"Very good! Even you who burst out of real power, even I have dreaded you." Just then, an old, hoarse voice like the old man suddenly sounded in front of Shi Feng.

Shi Feng raised his head and looked at him.

Now, she has stepped out of the water pond, and after the recovery of the yin-yang spring water, it seems that her injury has been recovered.

"Are you all right?" Shi Feng asked, asking her.

"Well! It's no big deal, the spring in this water pond is really extraordinary!" Heipaoren nodded and replied.

After hearing the words of the Heipao people, Shi Feng nodded slightly, and then she opened her mouth and said to her:

"The reason why we were able to escape in that jungle was the appearance of a mysterious strongman, and she said that it has something to do with you."

"Are you related to me?" Heipao's voice was a little surprised when he heard Shi Feng's words.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded again, answering. Followed again: "And I see her, she should have lived a long time in this ancient ruins, she told me to tell you, if you wake up, go to her."

(End of this chapter)

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