Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 1061: 8th day

Without any hindrance, she boarded the eighth heavenly temple hillside.

I thought there would be something new. Wu Hao considers that the level here is slightly higher than the monthly order, or even the Xuanyue level, it should be a very special place.

Through perception, it is a bit strange to see that no one is monitoring around.

Where is the old place? She tried to explore her own explorations on the hillside, but encountered difficulties.

Wu Hao’s perception is different from that of Xuanqi. He only uses the details of the wind and grass to judge whether someone exists. This method and the sneak peek have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that no matter how much the other person is more than himself, how to hide his own mystery will always exist in nature. Then Wu Hao can rely on the slight hindrance of the wind and the grass, and find the existence of people who are difficult to conceal.

The disadvantage is that it is very difficult to go to the foothills such as the high places, because the wind and other conditions change greatly, the calculations involved are more, and the conclusion is more difficult or inaccurate.

There are many hill steps on the ninth heaven in the upper layer, and the height is much higher than the previous layers. Wu Hao’s ability to detect is greatly reduced. In addition, if the master like the old is concealed, it is even more difficult to confirm the situation.

"Isn't there here?" Wu Hao can only be sure that the eighth heaven is not as old as it is, and he will go to the book hall with confidence.

The 9 colors of this book hall are also different from the previous Heavenly Temples.

It used to be the red paint color of ordinary building wood, but there is a layer of white jade trim.

The whole book hall is like a treasure land surrounded by white jade. Although the texture of this white jade is not high, but it can be used in such a large amount, it is also possible for Wu to have this financial power. This is also an emphasis on the book.

The door lock of the book hall door is also inlaid with white jade. Wu Hao poured the mysterious gas into it, but found that the nine-star Xuanqi of his own soul was not enough to open it.

Wu Hao thinks this design is very interesting. It is no wonder that there is a mysterious lock on the door of the bookstore, and to a certain extent, it prevents the eunuchs from stealing lessons.

Before the seventh day, it was a little hard, and it was no accident to unlock it here. This is obviously a clever design of the Wu Kingdom. Each grade of the book is separated by a certain level. Deliberately arrange for the military to see a class of merits higher than their own level.

Wu Hao didn't think of it. In fact, this mysterious door lock was opened by people who were not able to guard against the level. Those who do not reach the mysterious level have opened the book hall of high level, and the practice of cultivation is often harmful. The elite who can come to the Sanctuary of the Temple and the Wu State are naturally to avoid damage.

She is standing and talking without hurting. How can someone who has never had a swearing at the level of Xuanqi understand the good intentions of Wu’s arrangement?

"This can be troublesome." Wu Hao touched the door lock with white jade a bit worried.

The soul level of the soul is not enough, and the total amount and level of the infused suffocation are not enough to make the door lock open.

Although Wu Hao's evolutionary body is the original Xuanqi. That is to say, in the Qi State to the level above the moon level, Xuanqi can completely open this lock, but she dares to use it here?

The answer is of course not to dare.

The mysterious level that I have disclosed in the Wu State is the peak of the nine-star, and at most, the half-step, how can I open this lock? If you open it, I am afraid to be suspicious.

Wu Hao tried to see where there was a flaw in this lock. Is there a trick to open it? But the result was disappointing to her. It was originally a lock that was not opened with a key. Where can I find flaws?

She tried to unlock with the vitality, but the result was still the same as Xuanqi. Not enough to open.

The destructive power of the vitality is far less than the mysterious, and the effect on the lock is even worse.

Wu Hao gave up the lock and began to circle around the book hall.

She wants to jump into the window.

However, this book hall did not consider the issue of ventilation at all. The passage of the house is made of iron and wood. Although Wu’s strength is enough to destroy the book hall, the acquiescence of one can not do so.

Here is the temple of the Wu Kingdom. Do you want to destroy the building to get the book?

Wu Hao turned around and found no flaws in the book hall.

If you want to go in, you must destroy the building of the book hall. Otherwise there is no place for the window. How can I enter only some vents on the eaves?

and many more. Room?

Wu Hao slaps his head and screams that he is really stupid. Why is there a profession called Liang Shangjun?

Awkwardly, Wu Hao has jumped to the roof.

The white jade tile on the roof gave a crisp slamming sound, which was the sound of Wu Hao’s falling.

The sound is extremely light. If Wu Hao wants to control it, it can be heard at a slight half. But that level slightly exceeds Wu Hao’s current level of Zhou Ruo.

Tilt down. Wu Hao tried to start uncovering the tiles.

The so-called Shangfang Jiewa is a must-have skill for bear children. Wu Hao can only be regarded as a bear girl, but she is not afraid to do so.

With her different control power, it is easy to uncover a large piece of white jade tiles. The beams were exposed and the gap was large enough for people to enter.

"The anti-gentleman is not against the villain." Wu Xiao smiled. As soon as the figure sank, he jumped in.

The design of Wuguo is also speechless. I really didn't think about the warriors who can get here, and I will do things like Wu Hao.

After landing, the furnishings in the room are not much different from the previous days. Only the edge of the bookshelf is also set with white jade, which seems to be white and clean.

Due to the large amount of mercury infusion and anti-corrosion, there is no mosquito web here, only some dust. But I can see that someone cleaned it every once in a while.

The sky is dark, the door is not open, and the moonlight can only be faintly injected through a little vent. However, this is not a problem for Wu Although it is more difficult to see, as long as there is a little light, it is enough for her to read.

No one bothered, she began to tell the book.

A book in the upper part of this new moon, the first section of the Xuanyue, and the middle section began to be seen by Wu Hao.

"Leopard old... oh old..." Wu Hao saw a lot of familiar elders' exercises. Many of them were not learned by Wu Hao, but in the part that was taught to Wu Hao, it can be seen that several elders did not hide.

"There are still the old tigers, and the nasty old ones?" Wu Hao was more pleased to look at it. Although the speed did not slow down, she read it more carefully, instead of looking at it as a speed recorder.

When Wu Hao was obsessed with reading, he suddenly felt a shock.

Huh - When the **** shadow of the head rushed down, it was unceremoniously hit.

The sound is like a hurricane, and the sneak peek can't resist! (To be continued.)


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