Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 1084: Important figures

"Telling Zhou Tongling, I said that the three teenagers were somewhat dissatisfied and wanted to play in two games." Xuanwu Emperor told Peng Da to pass the message.

"The slaves follow the instructions." Peng Dajun ran all the way.

"The emperor, is it that you are planning..." Hong Lao Marshal stood up.

"Yes, the knowledgeable person, the old marshal also." Xuanwu Huang haha ​​smiled.

Marshal Hong’s old man also smiled and moved out from the wine table: “The old minister really saw it half-hearted and came to the game. The emperor could not favor the little girl.”

"Tell me to say." Xuanwu Emperor raised the glass: "Jourun and the thin wine for the old marshals to sing."

Hong Lao Marshal quickly picked up the glass.

Everyone even claimed to be good, and they all followed the Xuanwu Emperor.

After the old marshal gave a gift, he walked over to the red tent. After entering, I saw that three of them were still complaining about each other.

The old marshal said: "The mismatch between the war and the war, the implementation of the strategy, the defeat is justifiable, what is it that blames each other?"

The three teenagers quickly gave gifts. The larger Zhao Baidao said: "Returning to Marshal, our brothers are not convinced. I feel that although Zhou Zhiling’s tricks are endless, they are only lucky to win. If we are careful, we may not lose."

3% "Do you both think so?" The old marshal squatted to Zhao Qi and Zhao Wei.

The two looked at each other and held a fist and shook hands together: "Returning to the Marshal, I think so."

"Okay, then give you another chance." The old marshal happily smiled and waved: "We sit down, and you will wait until you order."

"Marshal, really?" The three teenagers suddenly excited again.

The Marshal sat down and said, "Give you three old guys to sell your old face. Others can think that the next strategic arrangement is what the old man did. You have to wait for the old man to lose face."

"Yes! Thank you Marshal!" The three teenagers quickly thanked.

The fourth game game began, and the strategic design content was sent over.

The old Marshal ordered the three teenagers to open the strategic essays. I saw that the two sides said: "The two sides of the red and yellow sides are 20,000 knives, 15,000 soldiers, 5,000 archers, and 10,000 cavalry. The battlefield is the Heihe Valley. zone……"

“Is the same?!” The three teenagers scratched their heads.

"Ha ha ha. The emperor really understands the old man's mind. This same setting is naturally not prepared for the old man, but to let your three little guys have the opportunity to come back without conviction." Hong Lao Marshal no need to laugh.

The three teenagers realized that the emperor had already understood the plan of the old Marshal’s guardian of the scorpion, and he really gave this opportunity to compete again.

They see this situation, and I feel that the opportunity is rare, not only to face the face of the old marshal. There must be performance in front of the emperor.

Zhao Baizheng said: "The two brothers, we can't have any psychological dissatisfaction with each other. Let me wait aside and deal with the week leader. If you lose to her, it is really..."

"My brother said it." Zhao Qi and Zhao Wei are clenching their hands, and their faces are no longer arrogant.

The old Marshal Hong looked at them like this, and he said in his heart: If Zhou Hao is a strong enemy, he can let them know that there are days outside the sky, and people on the people are also rare. Even if the marching chess game does not win, it is not worth the battle.

It is good for young people to be tempered more, and Marshal Hong’s marshal is indeed unable to do so. In the past, in the army. Other people are not willing to offend these three masters, it is difficult to breed their arrogant emotions. Today, I eat in front of the emperor. Although I have lost the reputation and impression of the three teenagers, in the long run, the benefits are still greater than the disadvantages.

Marching chess started the game, and the three teenagers shook their spirits and worked together as never before.

A military order was issued, and one piece of feedback was studied together.

Most of the three are studying together, and only when the occasional fleet is fleeting will a decision be made by a certain teenager.

There are occasional disputes between each other. But it is very sensible to choose the right method, or the minority obeys the majority.

When the three teenagers disagree. It was made by the older Zhao Bai, and the other two did not object.

The old Marshal Hong nodded in the side of the side, and he was very pleased.

The scorpion can teach, no more than this. Three pieces of good Saitama, with a little carving, can give off a dazzling brilliance.

Marshal Hong is also paying attention to the changes in the situation.

Not bad, every military order is quite stable. Although the old killing of the veteran battlefield of Hong Lao Marshal will be in the eye. The decision of the three teenagers is still innocent, but compared to the previous command, the effect of the three teenagers is almost perfect.

On the basis of previous failures, their commanders have not repeated the mistakes just made. Some of the fighter vulnerabilities that the other party seized last time were well resisted.

The game has been running for two teas, and Red has always occupied the advantage of the battlefield. Even the overwhelming battlefield has begun.

However, when the Red Party began to occupy more than half of the battlefield, the commander suddenly brought a message in the way of meteors.

"Report - report to the coach, our army camp floods, has been caught in a water show! The soldiers washed away most of the rest, the rest of the Huang Fang enemy army who was almost taken the raft to shoot the water with bows and arrows!"

The situation suddenly reversed!

Not to mention that the three teenagers will be stupid, and even the old Marshal Hung will stand up and suddenly pull down the white beard.

But very, Hong Lao Marshal suddenly shot his thigh: "A good Zhou even drowning himself!"

Wu Hao made the move of Guan Yu flooded the Seventh Army. No matter what part of his army was still on the battlefield, he directly released the river that had been secretly accumulating for a few days.

This accumulation of river water is naturally quietly commanded, and Xuanwu Emperor knows as a referee. However, because Wu Hao issued a command to slowly block part of the river water in the upstream, gradually increasing the accumulation of a long time for a long time, and did not cause a large reduction in river water, so in practice, under normal circumstances will not lead to enemy detection. Such instructions will not be passed into the red tent.

The three teenagers listened to the old marshal and said it. Although I still want to find some reason for myself, I know that the three people have not considered the water attack technique of the opponent blocking the river. If they have not made a warning order, even the central referee of Xuanwuhuang will not give a hint. .

The old Marshal Hong said: "The loss is good. Whether it is Zhou Yiruo, or all three of you, you have done a good job. Only the other side can use the glue on the battlefield to confuse us, and even let us not know that the other party has concealed the force to contain it. River water. This is a kind of skill, are you three people still not convinced?"

The three youngsters have not yet said that the Xuanwu Emperor has come in: "The old Marshal is sitting in the middle of the center and sitting on it, it is itchy." To be continued. .

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