Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 549: Shiko’s interest judgment

Wu Hao was so eager to find the owner of the county, but did not find that the world's self-proclaimed I do not know when it gradually became [I], not the weekdays. Watermark advertising test watermark advertising test

In the past, especially in the presence of the courtiers, the world is also called the next. This is not a polite one, but a more moderate name for the choice without other suitable names.

Wu Hao did not pay attention, but it does not mean that others are not aware of it.

The old man of the sad autumn is the old guard of the world for more than ten years, and he immediately discovers it. However, he is now concerned about another thing, and he has no time to consider the problem of the child's self-proclaimed.

Everyone returned to his post. Only General Yang, Li Daochang, and the old man of the autumn returned to the tent with the world.

The old man of the sad autumn asked: "The master is sure to accompany Zong Zhilian to Jin Dynasty?"

Shizi looked at him: "What do you mean, my identity is not suitable for adventure?"

Li Daochang, as soon as he heard it, knew that Shizi had already thought of this point. He also suggested: "The treasure of a country cannot be taken seriously. The number of soldiers can not be more. If the child is in a certain way, he will only be strong." There will also be risks."

"But at this time, I must show the willingness to follow the army." Shizi sighed: "In fact, I don't know the danger? So I have to go to the father to tell me."

"Qi Wang will allow?" Li Daochang expressed his respect and disapproval.

"Eight into a meeting." Shizi nodded and suddenly said: "No one left or right?"

With the sad autumn man around the waiter, he will put the mysterious spirit outside and feel the around the account: "Safe."

He is fully prepared to guard, as long as the sneak peek of the moon-level sacred month will be noticed.

Shizi continued this way: "Is you forgotten about the phoenix pedigree? If Zong Zhilian borrows Qi Bing and Jin sin, Xiao Ruoyao must help each other. This can be said in the book."

The three hearts are all in one heart.

Yes, Xiao Ruoyao came in against the sky. It is completely consistent with the book. If it is not in the midst of heaven, how can there be such an amazing thing? Even the Prince of the Heavenly Palace is compared to her achievements.

I dare not say the genius that has not been born for a hundred years, but at least Qi has not had such a young man in the past 20 years. Her achievements are horrified, and the world can only be explained by the talents of different books and the care of heaven.

Li Daochang shook his voice: "The subordinates understand. The Zhilian is also a young talent. The handsome looks are clever and eloquent. It is a romantic person. If you let Xiao Ruoyao follow him, I am not at ease..."

He said it here. I can't help but feel awkward. To put it this way, it is as if he is saying that Shizi is worried that Zong Zhi has turned Xiao Ruo Yao, and that the master is inevitably stingy and has no confidence.

"How can Zhilian compare with our children?"

General Yang is anxious, although he is not young. But there is a saying on the side: "I am afraid that Zong Zhilian’s heart is not right. In case I have a black hand, I will cook raw rice. I have to know that the young woman is most afraid of this trick, and she has to go with that kind of person. ""

Li Daochang quickly hurried back to the words: "I don't respect the old, do you still say this in the world?"

General Yang’s hands spread out: “I want to say that Shizi hastened to take this **** and everything is fine.”

Shizi smiled: "General Yang said that it is not unreasonable. If Xiao Ruoyao really has this kind of sign. I am afraid that I have not considered the means of the next three abuses..."

Although he was very embarrassed about Wu Hao’s heart, he had corrected his thoughts with political habits for more than a decade, and all were considered on the basis of state and identity. Although there is a big taste in the heart, but in front of his own hands. He still fully maintains the decisive style of a treasurer.

Shizi said again: "Li Daochang does not have to avoid me. I am really worried that Xiao Ruoyao has been turned by Zong Zhilian."

In Li Daochang’s sinful discourse, he recalled Zong Zhilian who had seen it: “The Jinguo scorpion is a very calm person. Although the appearance is often unrestrained, there is a kind of arrogance in the bones. What should I say? It’s a way to treat everyone, because I feel better than you...”

The sad autumn veteran contacted Zong Zhilian and nodded: "Yes, in addition, he still has some temperament in our family."

"The wind of the king?" asked General Yang.

"Oh, General Yang, you will really flatter. But Zong Zhilian feels a bit like me." Shizi smiled: "To tell the truth, if you give him room to develop, I can't guarantee that he will develop into something. So I am going to discuss with my father."

General Yang said: "If Zongzhilian has the wind of the king, I am afraid that Qi Wang will not easily lend him to him. Is this not a tiger?"

"..." Li Daochang Shen Shen.

Shizi also thought for a moment, but said: "The father has told me a very strange story."

The three men cocked their ears and listened.

Shizi recalled that when he was just fourteen years old and saw a man who was handsomer than himself, when he was upset, Qi Wang once taught him: "The father Wang once said that when a person is likely to be stronger than you, there is even May threaten you in the future, what should I do?"

The three listened quietly, and all thought in their hearts: "Qi Wang is educating the world to scold the roots and ruin the roots?"

Shizi paused and continued: "The father told me not to consider whether it is necessary to kill him. Instead, I must first know that the heroes of the world can kill them?"

Sad autumn and old people wait for three people.

Shizi said again: "Re-consider, if you are a friend of this person, how much will it be? If you will get a lot of money, why not take the initiative to be friends with him? Since there is a threat in the future, why not make friends and friends live and die? So? Is there any threat? Maybe there will be a lot of friends, not a deadly enemy."

The sad autumn man, General Yang, and Li Daochang slowly chewed the words.

"Of course, the father also reminded me that it is a bit of a defense." Shizi said at the end, haha ​​laughed.

"Qi Wang, Shi Zi, two generations of wisdom, under the teacher." Li Daochang thanked him.

General Yang suddenly surprised: "Qi Wang and the Sovereign, and so on, that was the case!"

He is older and knows a lot about the past when Qi Wang just started.

Qi Wang’s child is here, and General Yang is not good at chewing on his tongue. He hurriedly shut up after speaking.

"No matter, this past father has also said." Shizi smiled: "The patriarch, the elder, the white elders, and the elders of the elders were the first team of the Swordsman. They had a conflict with the father's team. The father lost the good hand. But then the father Wang Bing released his former suspicion, and repeatedly met with them, and even joined their team. After many soldiers, the five people became a life of friendship."

"The lessons of the previous car." Li Daochang and others are all transparent, no objection.

The so-called raising of the tiger means leaving the dangerous person around. If the tiger is released, it is not a good idea to claim the king in the territory that he can't eat.

Moreover, even if he does not release the tiger, will there be no tiger on the site? It is better to help a tiger with a good relationship with itself.

Since the Jin Dynasty was judged to be a chaos by the people, the royal lineage may even be seriously damaged by this rebellion, so Zong Zhilian is naturally the most suitable person to support.

There is a country of Wu, and there is no possibility of leisure in Qi State, and there is no spare capacity to annex the territory of Jin. This point, comparing the brain-filled Jin Wang, the understanding of Qi Wang and Shi Zi are very clear and correct, Ming Jun and Faint are obvious.

"After seeing Xiao Xiao tonight, I will have a good rest. Tomorrow we will go to the southeast border." Shizi told his men.

Li Daochang and General Yang gave a speech and went outside to inform Jin Shichang to make arrangements.

Shizi and others have so deliberated, and basically set the tone for helping the rise of Zongzhilian, only the Qi Wang nodded.

It is also no wonder that Shizi uses his utilitarian heart to measure the gains and losses of his actions. After all, he is a national treasurer. Everything is judged only by perceptuality. In the future, he is afraid of blaming the country and the people.

The secular idea of ​​Qi Wang and Shi Zi judging the enemy and the enemy has already reached the height of a country and future interests, far beyond the realm of ordinary people's emotions. When Li Daochang and others left the tent, they also thought of the Xuanwu female Wei Ling.

Her treatment of the embarrassing Xiao Ruo Yao's demeanor can be different from Qi Wang and Shi Zi, and it is definitely a negative textbook.

In fact, this is not just an example. Wu Hao’s talented woman, who was met by her talented woman, was a long-sleeved woman.

In the conflict between her daughter-in-law and Wu Hao, she did not make the relationship too stiff, and after many times she had a good relationship with Wu Hao. I dare not say that the relationship between the two sides has become a girlfriend, but at least it is in a good state.

The talented woman is the name of a woman who is innocent, and her brain is so good. In contrast, Wei Ling, Lin Zhaoying and other women are not a material at all.

Wu Hao left after dinner at the Youjun County. She was afraid of worrying about it and didn't tell her that she had to go back.

You can't go with your own, so it will affect the speed of the trip.

The safest way is to decide how to return to the county by the son himself. Imagine that the world is going to find Qi Wang, and naturally it will be escorted by the old man of the winter to the owner of the county, under the protection of heavy soldiers, slowly returning to the capital.

Wu Hao returned to the account of the world, dismissed the maid, and made a **** pill. Unfortunately, there is not enough material here. Although Chu has obtained a lot of things from there, the medicinal materials category is not coincidental, and only the pharmacy can be prepared to delay aging.

Wu Hao thought again, maybe with the evolution of the body continues to increase, the future blood pills can completely cure the disease of the county owner?

Wu Haozheng was thinking about it. The extraordinary hearing noticed that there was a slight mobilization of the military horse outside the account. She immediately came out to rush to the account of the world.

When Shizi was in the account, see Wu Hao came and explained: "Exploring the Malay newspaper, there are six hundred basaltic soldiers of the Wu State, with some scattered soldiers swimming near the border defense, from here ten miles."

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