Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 985: 1 lift 2 usage

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Let the officials do bad things, and then find an excuse to clean up. There are too many such cases in history.

For example, the most famous one is the unlucky one. Wu Hao once thought that the TV series "Qianlong Dynasty" is a thing that is very close to the historical truth. Harmony is greedy, but there are absolutely no such records. A big part of it is the money that was searched for Jiaqing.

The work of hard work and bad reputation was done by the peace, and then was cut off by Jiaqing, which completely achieved the result of "healing down and Jiaqing eating." This is to raise the tiger to make a profit.

Jiaqing got rid of the peace, and the money that was searched for was returned to the people? This is to raise the tiger and make a profit.

Although Wu Hao can't say this story too clearly, the theory is very clear. Even if it seems to be fictional, the character of the 珅 架 架 架 来说 来说 来说 给 。 独 独 独 独 。 。 。 。 珅 珅 珅 珅 珅

They are all stupid.

Wu Hao finally made a conclusion: "This is, raising a snake to make a profit! Let's raise a snake, use it for bad things, then let us earn a reputation."

Du Gu Mo and Leopard Daddy couldn’t speak for a while on the spot. They have never heard such a theory that is almost contrary to common sense.

Wu Hao ignored their reaction and picked out the people who were more eager for money in the ten official posts: "The choice of these four kinds of greed is the talent that I proposed to the emperor!"

"Hey..." Du Gu Mo and Leopard are still close.

After a long pause, Du Gumo swallowed and asked: "Don't we use them to go..."

"The son is smart! Just let them go to greed!" Wu said with a smile: "This is the talent that Xuanwuhuang needs most now!"

"Why, why?" The old Leopard still didn't turn his head.

If you are alone, you will not be thoughtful. He and the old leopard stared at Wu Hao.

I saw the beautiful girl like the most evil devil in the candlelight, smirked and sighed and explained: "Since these four people are greedy for money, we will let them do the most arduous things. After the anger and grievances. Its family wealth, breaking its partisan, announcement of the world, the people of the world! We have both money and people's hearts. The bad things are all corrupt officials, good things are what we do. Stable and profitable trading!"

"Right right!" Duolun and Leopard are old, but there is still doubt: "But this way, Zhou girl determined that the emperor would like it?"

Wu Hao smiled and said: "Did you forget the old man and the leopard? What is the most wanted thing for Xuanwuhuang after he recovered?"

Snapped! The solitary ink is like a slap in the face, just like a slamming screaming and waking up, shouting: "Unify the world! Use the soldiers to get together! Ask for money! Ask for money -!"

"Ah! Right." The leopard was just awake.

This time, the two suddenly realized.

Xuanwu Emperor sat in the country of Wuguo for so many years, the biggest wish is to dominate the world.

However, after two defeats, I wanted to take a chance to win Qi and Jin. What is the most lacking?

Even if it is a strong and powerful country, it is also short of money!

Another world has something to say: the guns are ringing, and the gold is two thousand.

This is not to say that you are fighting to make money, but to spend money!

Even in ancient times, where servitude and military service prevailed, it was still necessary to spend money to buy a large amount of military supplies. Cars and horses, what kind of livestock do not need to purchase money? They are all expropriated, and the people are going to make trouble.

Most of the minds of the mind. I know that I can't create coins indiscriminately. Although the theory of inflation does not have a theoretical system, the concept is absolutely there.

Even if you can make money. But the court can't mess with coins, otherwise it will be chaotic.

Together with the war, the national treasury is costly and must have a large amount of money reserves. Therefore, the Wu State urgently needs money.

Wu Hao’s proposal for the selection of talents in ten official posts is: picking up the greed!

Let them go to do the work of collecting money, and wait for the reputation to stink. The state re-empted the corrupt officials. This has earned the reputation of the people applauding and making the treasury harvest.

Wu Haokou introduced his thoughts: "Of course, to do this, we must pay more attention to the masses' reputation. The most important point is to create momentum. To give full play to the role of various media, you are the role of the market gossip. All kinds of grandfathers and aunts, grandmothers and grandmothers, how to succumb to the extravagance of corrupt officials after a meal, and then how the country wisely smashed such corrupt officials and publicly disposed of them."

Du Gu and Leopard are just like the nod.

Finally, Wu Hao picked out the four official materials and pointed them to them: "Don't the emperor know that they have the suspicion of being greedy? This is all written so clearly, not yet investigated? Naturally, it has not yet been used. The next time is the time for us to use them."

The solitary ink and the leopard heard the whole trembling, and they were so excited that they couldn’t add: "The original court can use corrupt officials to collect money!"

"Yes, use corrupt officials to collect money." Wu Xiao smiled and shook four official posts of corrupt officials: "The four talents are called [four great talents]! Of course, talented people should It is money for money."

"A good four [rich] son!"

Xuanwu Huang took the case and became very addicted.

This article is really intimate.

This is the second day, Xuanwu Emperor received the text of the selection of talents of Du Gumo, after reading the performance.

This article by Du Gu Mo is about how to select talents.

This is equivalent to the son's answer to the test of his own test questions.

In the text, first said that the selection of [four big money], fully attracted the eyes of Xuanwu Huang.

Xuanwu Huang did not respond for a moment, wondering if he used the wrong [财] word, but then found that the content was very novel, completely beyond his expectations.

money! money! money! money!

From the beginning to the end of the text, there is no separation from these four words.

To make the four riches greedy for money, and then converge on wealth to earn a reputation, in the eyes of Xuanwu Huang, it is simply too beautiful!

The perfect plan.

Too sweet!

Wu Hao thinks Xuanwu Huang is too deep In fact, he did not think so much about the idea of ​​Du Gu Mo, even he did not think that Du Gu Mo will recommend corrupt officials. After all, this theory of use is still too advanced in this era.

"The ink of this article is very comfortable!" Xuanwu Huang said with joy in the temple of Yang Xin, and said to the governor of the eunuch, who was waiting on the side.

But soon, Xuanwu Emperor stopped his footsteps and said a word in a quiet way: "It’s Zhou Weiru..."

He didn't say it anymore, he stopped his words.

For a long time, Xuanwu Huang hahaha laughed: "If she is a woman, she will have to be slaughtered!" (The novel "Niu Fei Xia" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be 100% lottery gift. For everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the “+” sign “Add a friend” in the upper right, search for the public number “qdread” and pay attention, the speed is fast!) (To be continued.)



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