No, I’m Invincible, and Horror Games Are Coming?

Chapter 109: Horror games with a 5% survival rate

dong dong——

The knocking on the door was louder.

The girl also realized that she had to leave quickly, otherwise she and Lin Chen would be in danger.

"Brother Lin Chen, thank you."

she said seriously.

Then the body began to dissipate gradually.

Wait until the girl wakes up


The door to the room burst open.

Seven statues filed in and surrounded Lin Chen.

Lin Chen sighed and said, "I'm ready to leave, and you all have to come over and send people's heads."

"Is it bad to live?"

Say it.

One punch.


The entire command room exploded.

Not only that.

A wave of air erupted from here, shattering the wind and snow, and the night sky was instantly clean.

The sky is clear and bright, the moon and stars above are sparse, and there is not even half a snowflake in sight.

The fist wind carried infinite power and shattered the top of the mountain 100 meters away.

There is no other person here, it is absolutely safe, and you can shoot unscrupulously.

Just one punch.

The seven statues surrounding him in the room were all blown to dust.

Lin Chen stood in the snow and waited for a while, waiting for them to be resurrected.

But stood for five minutes.

No movement.

Those statues are really dead now.

Lin Chen was silent.

"I thought it was really immortal."

"That's the result?"

There is still an upper limit.

As long as the blows received exceed this upper limit, even the undead body cannot restore them.

Lin Chen felt a little boring.

I originally thought that these monsters could be resurrected indefinitely, and finally their strength was close to their own.

The truth is that I think too much.

In the vast universe, but there is no existence that can be regarded as an opponent, it is really lonely.

Lin Chen's figure also slowly disappeared.

in the room.

Lin Chen opened his eyes and immediately heard the system's voice.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the task, and obtaining 200 experience points and 1 primary genetic medicine."

A monster, 200 experience points, and a potion!

As expected of a dream eater.

Now Lin Chen really can't wait to have more of this monster.

Not only can it be used to brush experience, but it can also be used to brush potions.

"Genetic medicine, what effect?"

Lin Chen took a look.

[Gene medicine: It takes effect when the constitution is lower than 20, which can make the body genes more perfect. "

Therapeutic genes?

Although it is still rudimentary, the effect is very powerful.

Medicines that perfect genes.

This is a peerless magic medicine that can cure terminal illnesses.

Like an advanced healing potion.

To say that it can be brought back to life is not an exaggeration at all.

There are still many wealthy businessmen who are rushing to buy this medicine, bidding millions, but they are basically unable to buy it.


This trip did not go in vain, or make a lot of money.

After Lin Chen received the reward, he saw the girl lying on the bed at a glance.

She hasn't woken up yet.


"Didn't she disappear long ago, why hasn't she woken up yet?"

Lin Chen is a little strange.

The system reminded aloud: "She is far less energetic than you and needs some time to wake up."


Lin Chen responded and prepared to leave.

The rewards are all taken, what are you still doing here?

But before leaving, he left a note for the girl.

It reads: "I demolished your door, you remember to call someone to fix it - Lin Chen."

So that when she woke up, she found that the door was broken and the door was wide open, thinking that a burglar had entered the house and then calling the police would not be good.

Stuffed the note into her hand and strode away.

When Lin Chen was walking home.

The phone vibrated.

It feels all too familiar.

"It must be a horror game coming to the door again."

Take out your phone and take a look.

Sure enough, a piece of blood red with a countdown on it.

There are 30 seconds left before entering the new horror game.

Lin Chen put away his phone, but luckily he didn't just walk out of the vegetable market this time.

You can come.

Don't think about harming my food again.

30 seconds are fleeting.

Lin Chen instantly turned into a white light and disappeared.

In an instant, Lin Chen appeared in a classroom.

He looked around.

This classroom is not very big, with only 40 or 50 desks, making it like an examination room.

examination room?

Lin Chen thought to himself, another exam?

Did he come to the same game?

brush brush --

Lights appeared next to Lin Chen one after another, and after each light disappeared, a player would appear.

Finally, three players stood around Lin Chen, two men and one woman.

Counting Lin Chen, there are four people in total.

Everyone looked around suspiciously.


There are so many horror games about the classroom.

"Is it an exam?"

"I hate exams the most!" A fat man said with a pale face: "I hate thinking."

"There are also many differences in exams, depending on which exam to look at."

A man pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his middle finger, and then said, "If it's just a simple written test, then I have no problem."

"Classroom games, no problem for me."

Everyone is here.

Before the game spoke, everyone communicated with each other.

It is simple to know.

"You can call me chubby." Fatty said.

The man with glasses said, "My name is Zhao Full Score."

The last woman said, "My name is Lin Xue."

Lin Chen glanced at her more, and it turned out to be a person with the surname Lin, which was quite rare.

This woman is not good-looking, with a very ordinary appearance, the kind that can never be found again after being thrown into the crowd.

Lin Chen also said his name.

"Listen to what you just said, you must be a scholar."

Xiao Pang took the lead in getting close to Zhao Manfen and said, "When the exam is next, take care of me."

Hearing the name, you can tell that this person must be a master of exams.

"Good to say."

Looking for full marks, he smiled confidently.

At this time, the voice of the horror game rang.

"Welcome, players, to the Emperor Game."

"Here, there are no restrictions. If you live for seven days, you will pass the test."

"Good luck to all players."

The sound of horror games is gone.

Emperor Games!

this moment.

Except for Lin Chen, the three players were all dumbfounded.

It's this **** game!

"Do not!"

Zhao Manfen took the lead in shouting to the sky.

"In school, shouldn't there be exams, why is this game!"

Because he understands, or everyone who has seen this game, knows what kind of game this is.

This game is designed to trick people's hearts.

A lot of people passed through.

And the clearance rate of this game is astonishingly high, with a clearance rate as high as 50%.

That is to say.

Four people came in, and in the end at least two of them were able to get out alive.

But the death rate of this game is equally terrifying.

Because in the end, those who go out alive will choose to commit suicide.

Only a few people live unhappily.

So the survival rate is only an astonishing 5%!

This is one of the top ten unpopular games.

Entering this game, in the end, no matter what the result is, it will not end well.

Maybe dying in the game is the best option.


In the live broadcast room, many viewers felt desperate for these people.

"It's not good to enter any game, but I actually entered this game!"

"Mourning in advance."

"Are there any family members of these players? Coffins can be prepared for them in advance."

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