"Whoa whoa whoa."

The cries grew louder downstairs.

After Lin Chen thought for a while, he strode down.

But after walking down two floors, the crying still remained, as if he had always kept a distance from himself.

Glancing down.

The next floor was brightly lit.

Somewhat strange.

Lin Chen turned over and went downstairs, and found a door appeared in front of him.

There are four characters on the door: "Safety Exit."


Lin Chen glanced around and found a big sign on the wall opposite the door.

"Level 1."

This is all too familiar.

When I just went downstairs, I saw the first floor, and I came down from the first floor.

Going down, how did you reach the first floor?

Lin Chen suddenly had a guess in his heart.

This staircase, spatially, is connected end to end.

The end is also the starting point.

No matter how you go, you can't get to the end.


Lin Chen reached out and took down the door.

Behind the door, is a new staircase!

"In terms of nesting dolls, you still have skills."

Lin Chen walked through the gate and saw a man sitting on the ground next to him.

He was wearing a padded jacket, his head pulled together, and he was dead.

But a small book in his hand caught Lin Chen's attention.

Pick it up and open it up.

"I went down another 30 floors, but I still haven't reached the end."

"When this staircase was built, there were only four floors, how could this be?"

"Run away, run away!"

"There are monsters in this staircase. The cry is made by monsters. Don't approach, don't approach."

"Don't answer, don't answer!"

It came to an abrupt end.

He was apparently killed.

The stairs, which originally had only four floors, turned into a closed-loop structure connected end to end.

"It turns out that the cry came from a monster."

Lin Chen glanced downstairs.

"Whoa whoa whoa."

The crying is still there.

And there is no rhythm to stop.

It is estimated that the other party is playing with himself, and he thinks this is very interesting.

"Since you want to play, I don't mind playing with you."

Having said that, Lin Chen pulled out Fen Xiao.

A magic sword that can ignite the sky!

When Fen Xiao appeared.

The walls and stairs here are all melted.

The lava flowed loudly.

Lin Chen originally wanted to blow up this staircase directly, but after thinking about it, Fen Xiao's power is too great, I'm afraid it will send the entire underwater base to the sky.

Still put Fen Xiao away.


The second sword appeared.

The moment it just appeared, the flowing magma was frozen one after another.

The ice quickly spread on the walls and stairs.

In the blink of an eye, the entire staircase was frozen.

The crying at the bottom of the stairs stopped abruptly.

It was as if something suddenly strangled his neck, and he couldn't make any sound.

"It's so quiet."

Lin Chen said, turning the Ice Soul Sword in his hand gently.


In all directions, all the ice cubes exploded.

The stairs that had been frozen also exploded with a piece at this time, torn apart, and quickly fell down together with the broken ice cubes.

Losing support under his feet, Lin Chen's body quickly fell down.

But it fell right away.

He was standing among the ruins, and Lin Chen looked up.

I saw the entrance immediately.

Only four stories high.

Obviously, the stairs connecting the head to the tail were directly frozen to death by the Ice Soul Sword.

Lin Chen glanced at the ruins and found a hand wrapped in ice sticking out from it.

Was there anyone else in this staircase just now?

And it happened to be frozen into a popsicle by the Ice Soul Sword?

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and pulled out the owner of the hand.


He saw a humanoid creature with no clothes and no facial features.

"This should be the crying monster mentioned in the notebook just now, right?"

Lin Chen casually broke off the monster's head, smashed the body and limbs with one punch, and placed the frozen head in front of the dead man.

"Vengeance for you."

Lin Chen said, "You can go in peace."


When his voice fell, the sound of the door opening suddenly came from behind him.

almost simultaneously.

A chill rushed from behind.

Lin Chen turned around and saw a bright spot that seemed to be an experimental site?

He walked through the door and immediately heard the sound of the system.

"Current mission: Investigate frozen ground."

This means that he successfully completed the task of leaving the stairs and entered the permafrost area.

There are so many working lights in this place that they are so bright that there is no need for the system to adjust the brightness.

Lin Chen looked around and found no monkfish.

I haven't seen a place where monkfish has ever been frozen.

Because no matter what.

As long as the monkfish really exists here, it will leave a mark on the soil and ice.

Not here.

"Her words are full of lies."

The giant monkfish did not come out of the permafrost.


Suddenly, Lin Chen heard the system prompt.

That was the system prompting Lin Chen that there were items nearby that could be interacted with.

This voice can only be seen by Lin Chen.

He immediately looked in the direction from which the voice came.

In a pile of equipment, there is a soft light flickering gently.

Items that can be interacted with are just below the equipment!

Lin Chen immediately walked over, removed all the messy things, and saw a box.

A box the size of a basketball.

He didn't pick up the box hastily, but first scanned it with the system.

[A box with a virus. 】

"On the surface of the box, there are a lot of viruses, which are usually not dangerous. Once they come into contact with water, they will mutate rapidly and have many effects."

When it encounters water, it will mutate and then have an impact?

this moment.

Lin Chen wanted to understand.

Why did Twilight die while she was out on the job?

Why do giant monkfish appear.


All because of this virus.

Lin Chen took out the Ice Soul Sword and froze the box directly.

The ice of the Ice Soul Sword is so strong that it can freeze the burning flame, the oxygen that is floating, and even time will lose its meaning in the face of this chill.

Freeze some viruses, easy.

After a layer of five or six centimeters was frozen, Lin Chen picked up the box.

"Although I know how they died, and how the giant monkfish appeared.

"But there is one more problem."

Lin Chen turned around, holding an ice cube in his left hand, and a sharp claw that came quietly in his right hand.

It is Zhang Shan.

With one arm left, he still attacked himself.

want to kill myself.

Lin Chen pinched Zhang Shan's arm, and the second question emerged.

"Where did these things come from?"

Zhang Shan flicked his broken arm, turned around and ran.

"Want to run?"

Lin Chen said: "The same method, don't use it a second time in front of me."

He stepped out and came directly in front of Zhang Shan. When his right hand came out, he directly smashed Zhang Shan's head.

Even if he is a ghost, he can't escape the punishment of the cloud explorer.

There was only a headless body with a broken arm left, and he staggered forward two steps.

Then it shattered into pieces and dissipated as dust.

The ashes are gone, the soul is scattered, and even the qualifications for reincarnation are no longer available.

I gave you a chance to escape before, but now I have to come back.

Why is it necessary?

Lin Chen's eyes fell back to the box.

The box is still shining.

Meaning, can interact.

Lin Chen immediately understood: "What's really important is inside the box!"

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