No, I’m Invincible, and Horror Games Are Coming?

Chapter 151: how did this guy get up the tree

But before that...

Lin Chen stomped the red rabbit who was still smiling to death with one foot, and then inserted his hand directly into the tree trunk next to him.


When Lin Chen's hand sank into the trunk, a red liquid spurted out from the trunk.

At the same time, there is a very strong smell of blood.

is blood?

A tree that bleeds?

Lin Chen is now sure that rabbits can eat people, and shades can also eat people.

"Everything in this zoo will be fine."


Lin Chen raised his hand up, this towering tree was pulled out by Lin Chen on the spot.


Pulling the mountain with great energy, Lin Chen raised the tree above his head with his left hand, stunning all the tourists in the park.

They couldn't see the man in the rabbit's clothes, and even the tree that was smashed by the rabbit man seemed to be shielded.

So they didn't pay attention to what Lin Chen did just now.

And now it's different.

When the tree was uprooted, the ground shook, and it was hard for them not to pay attention.

When you see the picture in front of you.

All the tourists were stunned.


Others couldn't believe what they saw, so they slapped themselves hard.



Someone uprooted a tree with one hand?

That's it.

He could even lift his head above his head without shaking his body.

Lu Zhishen didn't dare to act like this.

Is he human or ghost?

In everyone's eyes, Lin Chen gently waved his left hand, and the tree above his head suddenly turned into a cannonball.


The big tree flew towards the distance, two adjacent big trees.

Too fast.

The people present even heard a sonic boom!

Trees flew over their heads, followed by a gust of wind that made them stagger backward, unable to open their eyes.

In an instant.

They heard an earth-shattering bang.

Immediately afterwards, there was a second gust of wind.

Blow them back to stagger again.

In a trance, they also felt sand and mud splashed on them.

The whole park is shaking!

After more than ten seconds, the strong wind dissipated, and the tourists dared to slowly open their eyes.

For the first time, they looked in the direction from which the explosion sounded.

When you see the scene in front of you.

They all froze.

On the originally flat and beautiful grass, there appeared a large pit more than ten meters wide and seven or eight meters deep.

The three big trees were all broken, and they were lying in the deep pit and burning brightly.

Smoke billowed into the sky.

It looked as if a meteorite had just hit here.

And all of this was done by that man just now?

They turned their heads in a daze, wanting to look at Lin Chen.

But when he turned around, he found that Lin Chen had disappeared.

It seems that Lin Chen has never appeared.

However, the big pit on the ground and the burning trees are clearly telling everyone that all this is true.

Zhang Litian found that Lin Chen was gone, and was so frightened that he hurriedly got up.

He ran out of the door of the rabbit park to take a look.

Fortunately, Lin Chen didn't go far.

Zhang Litian caught up with Lin Chen, and asked fearfully, "If we do this, we won't be arrested, right?"

"what is this?"

Lin Chen said, "This is just the beginning."

Zhang Litian widened his eyes.

You're almost tearing down the bunny garden, and now you're telling me, this is just the beginning?

What are you going to do?

Don't you want to blow up the whole zoo?

Da da da--

At this moment, Lin Chen saw a group of people in blue uniforms running towards the rabbit garden.

Think of what the code says.

Those in blue uniforms should be the staff in the zoo.

really weird.

Is there no security in this place?

Looking at the clothes they were wearing, Lin Chen was thoughtful.

"Are they going to arrest us?" Zhang Litian asked in fear.

"It's possible."

Lin Chen said, "But now is not the time to worry about these things."

"We should go to the monkey area and take a look."

Because the ape zone is mentioned in the tourist code, can we not take a look?

According to the map in the manual, Lin Chen soon came to the entrance of the monkey area.

According to the tourist rules, there may be two roads at the entrance of the monkey area, and there will also be a rabbit park.

Lin Chen only saw one passage now.

"It's a pity."

Failed to hit both channels at once.

But he still went in.

Next to the entrance, Lin Chen saw another sign.

Take a closer look.

"Notes in the monkey area."

"1: All the animals displayed in the ape zone are animals captured from the wild, not humans."

"2: If you see someone in a group of monkeys during the tour, please stop the tour immediately, leave the park, and finally call for help."

"3: There is only one passage in the monkey area."

"4: The monkey area is independent, and there is no rabbit area around."

"5: If you have browsed the park happily and found two passages when you leave, please close your eyes and take the passage on the right."

There are only five caveats.

But every one of them is weird.

After reading it, Zhang Litian felt goosebumps again.

The previous rabbit park was so strange.

Why is this ape area not peaceful at all?

Even the audience felt their scalps go numb.

I was really excited to see Lin Chen pulling up a tree and destroying its shade just now.

There is a feeling of overcoming all odds.

But right now.

Brand new rules appeared, like a basin of cold water poured on his head, instantly chilling their hearts.

"What the **** is going on in this zoo?"

"I feel that the rules here are very strange."

"Shen Lin is infinitely powerful, but in the face of these twisted rules, will he feel powerless?"

Manpower is exhausted, terror is endless.

No matter how strong Lin Chen is, he is only stronger than ordinary people.

And horror games, but can shroud the existence of the world.

He's not destined to be a horror game opponent.

The audience is silent.

The more difficult they see the game, the more desperate they are.

The power of horror games is unfathomable.

Only Lin Chen looked calm.

After reading the notice, he turned around and walked towards the depths of the monkey area.

Seeing Lin Chen leaving, Zhang Litian hurriedly followed.

The park is also very large, with many monkey species on display, such as golden monkeys, capuchin monkeys, lemurs, etc.

Some monkeys are wandering in the trees, some are eating berries, and some are helping their mates groom.

The picture is harmonious and friendly.

Zhang Litian's heart that had been hanging all the time, also let go a little when he saw this relaxed and happy picture.

Until the next second!

He suddenly saw a man without clothes hanging from a tree trunk!

"Lin Chen!"

Zhang Litian exclaimed: "Look!"

Lin Chen stopped and looked in the direction Zhang Litian was looking at.

Then he also saw the man hanging from the tree.

Take a closer look.

His head seemed to be stuck in a tree branch, and now it was motionless and seemed to be dead.

"Let's go."

Zhang Litian immediately said, "Let's get out of here first, and then call for help."

It's clearly written in the notes just now.

Once you see someone in the monkey group, you must leave the park before you can call for help.

Lin Chen said, "Go?"

"Aren't you curious, how did this man get to the tree?"

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