No, I’m Invincible, and Horror Games Are Coming?

Chapter 163: Some kind of you hit me along the network cable

The bodyguards behind the two still wanted to do it.

But he was immediately frightened back by Lin Chen's look.

Because they remembered that Lin Chen could defeat Yushen.

Really want to fight here.

That's no different from courting death.

They all bowed their heads to persuade the secretary: "Let's go."

The two women thought for a while, and finally said to Lin Chen, "I hope you think about it clearly."

Then turn around and leave.

Because before going out, the president once instructed that Lin Chen must not be offended.

If you just don't want to sell, then there's still a chance later.

Once offended.

There is no more chance.


They ran away in a hurry.

For fear that Lin Chen would catch them and then slap them all by themselves.


Lin Chen closed the door.

I don't know what these people are thinking.

An ordinary practice method, what is there to argue about.

But the words of the two of them just now reminded themselves, as if there was some big news yesterday.

Open the phone and take a look.

Sure enough, all kinds of news.

Many of them are related to themselves.

"The King of Speed ​​and Thor appeared and commented on Lin Chen."

"Lin Chen is suspected to have used shady methods to get the votes of the top ten candidates for the election."

"Lin Chen has no talent and no virtue, so he is not worthy of entering the top ten masters."

Lin Chen entered the forum and took a look.

Posts related to myself are very popular.

Most of them revolve around the words of the speed king and Thor.

"In the video, the strength shown by Lin Chen is actually fake."

"He's taking medicine."

"Without ancillary drugs, it would be impossible for him to withstand such lightning."

"Only Thor can block such lightning!"

"The speed king himself said that only he can achieve such a speed, Lin Chen? There may not be a chance in the next life!"

Lin Chen briefly read these posts.

Suddenly, I felt that these people were still too full.

Horror games are currently, life and death at stake, and there's still time to engage with those issues.

He originally wanted to post a guide to the Happy Zoo.

But now it seems.

no need.

There are so many keyboard warriors on the Internet, each with boundless mana and supernatural powers, as if one finger could crush him to death.

Isn't it easy for them to clear these games?

Lin Chen was about to leave the forum and continue to sleep.

But this time.

A new post appears.

"Lin Chen, when did you send out the strategy for Happy Zoo? Can you hurry up!"

Just the title, with a commanding tone.

Lin Chen clicked in and took a look.

"I've been waiting for half a night since last night, what about your strategy?"

"If you don't post the guide again, believe it or not, when the top ten masters are selected, I won't vote for you?"

"Although my idol is Thor-sama."

Many others below agree.

"Agree with the owner, I have been waiting for the strategy."

"Up until now, he hasn't posted a strategy, and I don't know if he is dead."

"Don't he know that without our support, he has no chance to become a top ten master?"

Lin Chen glanced at the post owner's account.

His account name is: "Holding the sun and the moon to pick the stars, there is no person like me in the world".

Mighty and domineering.

It sounds strong.

Lin Chen said to the system, "Check his house."

Let's see if it's really as invincible as the account name says.

The system gave the information in an instant.

in the city next door.

Lin Chen immediately bought a ticket and flew over to find him.

Because the distance is not very far, it only takes more than half an hour by plane to arrive.

And this time.

The owner of this post, a fat man named Yang Wei, was behind the screen, tapping the screen excitedly.

"Don't play dead!"

"Hurry up and send out the strategy."

"Otherwise, not only will you not get my ticket, but I will give you a bad review!"

He just finished sending the message.

A disdainful smile appeared on his face.

What about strength?

Shouldn't you please yourself?

"No matter how strong you are, you can't beat me along the network cable, are you angry?"

This is the reason why he dares to utter nonsense on the forum.

Just don't be afraid of being approached.

But his voice just fell.

dong dong——

There was a knock on the door.


Yang Wei was stunned for a moment. He didn't usually go out, and he didn't know anyone outside.

Why did someone knock on the door all of a sudden?

"Check the water meter."

Yang Wei immediately became alert and said, "My water meter is downstairs."


His voice fell.

The entire security door suddenly exploded.

The heavy door was detached directly from the door frame, flew in sideways, passed directly by the 200-pound fat man, and finally slammed into the wall.

The wall was pierced on the spot.

The security door was stuck in the wall and could not be pulled out.

Yang Wei widened his eyes.

Because of this scene in front of me, I was stunned.

Such a heavy and strong security door, it was demolished like this?

He hurriedly looked towards the door, and a familiar figure slowly emerged.

When he saw Lin Chen's appearance clearly.

Yang Wei's face instantly turned white.

He shouted in horror, "Impossible!"

It's Lin Chen!

How could it be Lin Chen!

I just ordered him on the Internet and threatened him.

Why is he in his home now?

"I just came by plane, and reimburse me for the round-trip air ticket."

Lin Chen said directly, "It's 1,200 yuan in total."

Yang Wei swallowed hard.

What kind of air ticket is so expensive?

But Lin Chen was right in front of him, and the security door beside him was stuck in the wall.

If you dare to say "no" now.

There may be more than one self on the door.

He hurriedly rummaged through the boxes, and scanned Lin Chen's QR code, only to collect 1,200 yuan.

Lin Chen walked to his screen and took a look.

Look at what he wrote.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Looking at how powerful you are when you are here to point the country and command the world."

"It seems that it is nothing more than that."


He also glanced at Yang Wei's body.

The trousers there were already wet.

Yang Wei's body was still shaking.

"I, I was talking nonsense."

Yang Weiser said tremblingly, "I'll delete it right away."

"Don't delete it."

Lin Chen said, "You should write an apology first."

Saying that, he made room for the fat man.

Yang Wei immediately sat down and started to write an apology post to Lin Chen. The speed was so fast that the keyboard was crackling like a thunderbolt.

The post will be written soon.

"How about writing like that?"

He also showed Lin Chen a look.

Lin Chen didn't look at it, but said, "It's all right, it's done after writing and sending."

Yang Wei immediately confirmed the publication.

Then he apologized to Lin Chen again, saying that he was wrong.

Lin Chen asked him to change his name, so don't insult this sentence.

Wait for Yang Wei to change his name.

Lin Chen took out his mobile phone and took a photo of him, a photo of him still normal now.

"What are your last words, you can say them now." Lin Chen said.

His tone was too flat.

It's so bland, as if I'm talking to you about a very ordinary thing.

But that's it.

Yang Wei was stunned.

Lin Chen took pictures of the screen, and took pictures of his account information, the content he had posted, and the words he ordered.

Wait until the shoot is over.

He turned around and kicked Yang Wei, who was begging for mercy on the ground, to death.

Finally, take a picture of the dead him.

"Living behind the screen, do you really think you are invincible?"

Lin Chen said contemptuously, then turned to leave, too lazy to look at his corpse.

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