No, I’m Invincible, and Horror Games Are Coming?

Chapter 198: What do you call this a little bit?

When the sedan chair was broken and Madame White Bone was still suspended in mid-air, the broken bones of the sedan chair flew past her in a spinning motion.

In this second, she felt that the time in this world had slowed down.

She could even clearly see the appearance of those bones spinning in mid-air.


She fell to the ground and came back to her senses.

Just now, what happened?

Why did your sedan chair suddenly explode?

Is it the man in front of you?

But he has been standing not far away, there is no way to reach the sedan chair.

I don't understand.

Madam White Bone shook her head vigorously, she simply didn't think about it, no matter how strong she was, she was still a human being.

The foundation of the mere human race is here, no matter how high the talent is, no matter how strong the ability is, it will not be able to make waves.

Just their food!

Mrs. Bone ordered to the four female ghosts around her: "Bring him to me."

The four female ghosts in white immediately raised their hands.

Their hands have long, sharp nails, like knives.

Lock Lin Chen.

Four white-clothed female ghosts slowly floated over.

Lin Chen didn't speak, he took a step and walked towards Madam White Bone.

The first female ghost is approaching.

Lin Chen immediately used the cloud-exploring hand, before waiting for the female ghost's hand to reach out, he grabbed the female ghost's head and rammed it against the wall.


Under the influence of the cloud explorer, the female ghost's head really slammed into the wall.

In an instant, the wall sags, and then the crack spreads all around.

The female ghost fluttered for a moment, and then she didn't move at all.

Now her feet are hanging in the air, her head is embedded in the wall, and most of her body is still exposed.

This terrifying scene shocked the remaining three female ghosts.

He stopped abruptly.

But Lin Chen didn't stop.

He walked in front of the second female ghost, stretched out his hand, fast as lightning, and directly pinched the female ghost's head.

Hand twisted slightly.


This female ghost's head suddenly turned 10 times!

You can even hear bones breaking!


The female ghost's neck became slender and long, it was twisted, and she died completely.

With a muffled sound, she fell to the ground and her head was crushed by Lin Chen's foot.

The remaining two female ghosts were trembling all over, Lin Chen took one step forward, and they took three steps back.

so horrible.

You motherfucker, is this human?

this moment.

Both female ghosts are suspicious of ghosts.

As we all know, ghosts are amazingly powerful, and even ghosts that have just been born can easily kill humans.

But now, what's going on?

A human being, a man, is actually killing them!

He only moved his hands twice, but took away two powerful ghosts.

There is no amazing momentum, every time it is as natural as breathing, as simple as blinking an eye.

It's as if it's just doing something ordinary!

Killing killing chickens?


Even if they are ghosts who have killed countless people, they are panicking now.

This man has a big problem.

Without hesitation, they turned and ran.

But before they could run for half a meter, a pair of hands grabbed their heads from behind.

Lin Chen pinched the heads of the two female ghosts and patted them in the middle.


The two heads collided, flattened on the spot, and joined together.

He grabbed the fused head with his right hand and threw it on the ground.


The two female ghosts, like green onions, were savagely planted on the ground.

After twitching twice, there was no movement.

Also dead.

At this time, Lin Chen was only three meters away from Madam White Bone.

Lin Chen said, "I will take off your skull and hang it on the street."

Madam White Bone's body took a step back uncontrollably.

"You, who are you?"

Talking is useless.

She has been domineering in this city for 9 years, she has seen all the strong people, but she has never seen such a ruthless person.

"You're going to die, and you still have the heart to ask such a question?"

Lin Chen smiled lightly.

"Don't be too arrogant!"

Madam White Bone said angrily, "Although you are not weak, I am not easy to mess with."

"Death to me!"

She raised her hand, turned it into a claw, and dug straight to Lin Chen's heart.

Lady Bone is fast.

But there was still no chance to touch Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was right in front of him.

There are only three fists away from his heart.

But right now.


A storm suddenly exploded on Lin Chen's body, and the gust of wind directly stuck on Madam White Bone's face.


Madam White Bones screamed and was blown away by the gust of wind.


She was face down and slapped directly on the ground.

clap la la-

Immediately afterwards, a pair of broken bones of arms fell to her side, scattered into bones.

That's Lady Bone's arm.

It was directly interrupted by Bafang Qizhi's attack rebound.

Madam White Bone got up from the ground, her chin was knocked off, and now she can't speak.

Now she lost her hands and couldn't speak.

There is only one thing that can be done.

That is escape!

Run quickly.

This human being is too powerful, beyond the scope of human beings!

Never seen such a powerful being.

It is simply a human-shaped beast!

Madam White Bone turned and ran, extremely fast.

How domineering she was when she came on the scene, and how comical she is now running away.

Lin Chen chased after him one step at a time, and shot it out with one palm.

This palm looks very slow.

But if you look closely, there is a white airflow surging around the palm.

There seemed to be flowing clouds surrounding Lin Chen's palm.


With a palm, she slapped Madam White Bones on the back.


Madam White Bone's body exploded with a bang, leaving only a skull, spinning and flying into the sky.

Just die!

When it fell, it happened to fall into Lin Chen's hands.

Lin Chen looked at the skull.

"Unfortunately, a chin is missing."

But it can also be hung on the street to show the ghosts running around here.

He looked at the garbage dump, and Liu Qing was still shrinking inside.

He casually threw the skull head on Liu Qing's head.


After being bumped by the skull, Liu Qing finally recovered.

He looked at Lin Chen and couldn't help swallowing hard.

"Am I dreaming?"

Liu Qing couldn't believe the picture he just saw.

The incomparably powerful Lady White Bone was hanged and beaten by Lin Chen with one hand, and she didn't even have a chance to escape.

Is this really the Lady Bone that he knew, who used terror to rule this neighborhood for 9 years?

clap la la-

He crawled out of the **** heap and couldn't help pinching his face with his hands.

It hurts.

Not a dream.

"You, you, I..."

Liu Qing didn't know what to say.

But at this time, he suddenly understood why Grandpa Zhang chose Lin Chen as the new leader.

He is too strong.

Liu Qing remembered a question he had asked before.

"Are you going to deal with ghosts?"

At that time, Lin Chen said, "It will be a little bit."

Now it seems.

You call this a little bit?

Did you misunderstand "a little bit"?

A million points, right?

Liu Qing asked nervously, "Brother Lin, what method did you just use?"

"Dawei Tianlong."

Lin Chen is serious nonsense.

I haven't heard it, I don't understand it, Liu Qing didn't dare to ask more, at least the name sounds very domineering.

Must be very powerful.

"Keep the head and hang it under the street lamp when you have time, or hang it in the middle of the street." Lin Chen said.

"Now take me to the Tengu first."

Lady Bone is just an episode.

The target is still tengu!

Today, tengu must die.

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