You thought I was going to crush your head.

In fact, only your head is safe in the end.

Lin Chen asked with a smile, "I didn't expect it, did you?"

He casually threw the Demon God's head on the ground, giving him a chance to resurrect.

Stand by and watch for a minute.

The body of the Demon God reappeared, this time, he became even taller.

From a height of less than one meter, it has soared to nearly two meters.

And on the body, there is an extra layer of armor.

It was obviously used to defend against Lin Chen's attack.

But it seems that the Demon God doesn't know what he just died of. The defense is just ordinary defense, and there is no special effect at all.

Take a look at the data.

[Name: Demon God

Race: Evil

Constitution: 100

Strength: 100

Speed: 20

Spirit: 200]

It all doubled.

However, the skills are still those skills, but the chance of resurrection has become 6 times.

Lin Chen put his hands on his back and asked the devil with a smile, "Let's guess again, how will you die this time?"

"You are the one who died!"

The devil clenched his fists, shot out brazenly, and punched Lin Chen's head with a punch.

But the next second.

The Demon God's head was detached from his neck, spinning and flying.


Lin Chen sighed: "You are so boring."


The Demon God's body fell heavily to the ground.

It was another attack that the Demon God could not have expected, and within three seconds of the resurrection, the Demon God died.

not far away.

Either Liu Qing or the Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara.

All looked dumbfounded.


Is this the devil?

The ones who were killed were like cabbage on the chopping board, and they were powerless to fight back.

Even more outrageous.

How the **** did you do it?

You are not moving at all!


Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara yelled, "You didn't even give your best when you started with me!"

The devil is resurrected.

He got up and looked at Lin Chen again, fear already appeared in his eyes.

Second time.

I don't even know how I died.

Bloodline talent can't play a very obvious role at all.

Not to mention copying Lin Chen's skills.

Even targeted defenses cannot evolve.

Lin Chen glanced at the data of the devil.

Constitution: 150.

Case solved.

It's not doubling, but adding 50 points at a time.

"It's rubbish."

Lin Chen looked at the devil and said, "How many chances do you have to be resurrected?"

"Let me guess."

"Five times."

The Demon God was shocked, his biggest secret was actually known by this man!

This is impossible!

"You, who are you?"

The devil's voice was trembling, and he wanted to escape now.

"The one who killed you."

The voice fell.


The position of the Demon God's heart was suddenly pierced, and black blood spurted wildly.

The devil's eyes widened, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

Is this man a god?

A word can kill you!

This and myself are not the same dimension at all.

It's like a **** who speaks his mind!

With horror, the Demon God died again.

Wait for resurrection.

The armor on his body is thicker.

Lin Chen said: "You shout now and call the Tengu over, maybe I can give you a chance to look good."

The Demon God swallowed hard.

The half-dead Avalokitesvara was lying on the ground, and he was also here.

Now it's just the tengu, and the three demon kings have gathered.

This man wants to get rid of their three big demon kings!


It's going to change.

For a long time, this place has been their world of monsters and ghosts.

But now, here comes the man.

He killed himself like killing a chicken, and the Thousand-hand Guanyin also failed miserably.

Here, no one is his opponent!

The end of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk is here!

at this time.

Lin Chen suddenly heard a gust of wind whistling behind him.

Turn around and take a look.

A fist the size of a basketball is rapidly approaching.


It hit Lin Chen directly in the face.

It's a tengu!

The situation here caught the attention of Tengu, and as soon as he came, he launched a surprise attack on Lin Chen.

After one punch, another punch hit Lin Chen's stomach.

Immediately after closing the fist, the foot is out.


He kicked Lin Chen's chest.

Then, the fists merged and slammed on Lin Chen's head.


The ground under Lin Chen's feet exploded.

His body, like a nail, was driven into the soil in half.

A set of tricks, in one go.

However, there was no damage at all.

Lin Chen raised his right hand, grabbed Tengu's arm, and moved it away.

Hit the ground.


On this ground, a more terrifying explosion occurred.

Tengu's body was directly smashed into the soil.

Lin Chen let go of his hand, stepped on Tiangu's face, and walked out of the pit.

Tengu became his stairs!

He stood outside the pit, looked down at the Tengu, and said, "You've come."

"Since you are all here, I will send you on your way."

Lin Chen stretched out his hand towards the tengu in the pit.

At this moment.

Tengu is suspicious of demon creatures.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I going to do?

He was smashed into the ground by a human being.

Is this reasonable?

Is this appropriate?

When he was stunned, Tengu suddenly heard the tragic voice of the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara.

"You guys run!"

The Demon God and Tengu came back to their senses and looked at it suddenly.

They saw that the Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara climbed behind Lin Chen and bit Lin Chen's trousers with his mouth.

"You escape!"

Thousand-handed Guanyin spoke with difficulty.

Then its body suddenly emitted several golden rays of light.

Blow up!


Lin Chen was instantly drowned by the golden light.

When the light dissipated, the Thousand-hand Guanyin had been fragmented and completely dead.

And Lin Chen turned into ice cubes.

Is he frozen?

Tengu immediately climbed out of the pit and said, "Go!"

He wanted to leave, this man was outrageously powerful and could not be an enemy.

At least, it is absolutely positive, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

This is the strongest enemy they have ever encountered so far, forcing the thousand-handed Guanyin to freeze Lin Chen and buy time for them to escape.

"Can't go!"

The Demon God looked at the ice cube and said, "This is our best chance to kill him now."

"Are you crazy?"

Tengu was shocked.

Then he said, "You can be resurrected, but I didn't. I ran first."

"Good luck to you!"

Tengu's wings shook and flew away immediately.

The Demon God looked at the frozen Lin Chen, gritted his teeth, and finally trembled all over, and walked towards Lin Chen cautiously.

With just one punch, Lin Chen can be killed, right?

He just raised his fist.


The ice cubes shattered.

The shattered ice lifted the Demon God seven or eight meters away.

Lin Chen glanced at the Demon God, and then looked left and right: "Where's the Tengu?"


He stepped in front of the Demon God and punched the Demon God in the face.


The Demon God was punched directly into the ground by his punch... his head was punched into the ground.

The dignified Demon God, like a vegetable, was planted into the soil, only his hands, feet and body were still outside.

"Someone asked me to kill him by name."

"Wait for a while, I'll kill you right away."

Lin Chen said to the devil.

Then he jumped up and disappeared into the night sky in an instant.

When the Demon God crawled out of the soil and wanted to escape.


Lin Chen fell behind him.

The Demon God tightened his body, his body seemed to be rusted, and it was difficult to turn around.

Turn around.

He saw Lin Chen at a glance.

Then his eyes moved uncontrollably towards Lin Chen's hand.

The devil was startled.

Because he saw Tengu's head.

Tengu, there is only one head left, and it was lifted by Lin Chen like this!

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