No, I’m Invincible, and Horror Games Are Coming?

Chapter 242: I didn't expect it, this is my escape route

Liu Sheng stared at Lin Chen tightly, and at the same time slowly backed away.

The reason why he ran into the mountains.

Just saw Lin Chen's fighting power.

He was alone, and he actually destroyed the bottom of the well. That kind of power has exceeded the limit of manpower.

The current self cannot be Lin Chen's opponent.

So he immediately chose to evacuate.

Hide in the mountains first.

When Lin Chen leaves, come out again.

But unexpectedly, Lin Chen found himself and cracked the maze he left at the foot of the mountain.

It took him four years to build that maze.

It can be said that all those who enter this maze will eventually return to the village in a daze.

As a result, it was cracked by this man in less than five seconds.

"We didn't know each other."

Liu Sheng said, "Let me go."

"Everyone's well water does not make river water."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Let you go?"

"Continue to harm other women?"


He said slowly: "The female ghost you created wants to kill me, so this account should be settled."

The man gritted his teeth.

He knew that it was impossible for Lin Chen to let himself go.

"Do you think you can really keep me?"

He suddenly raised his hand, and there was a black ball in his hand.


He smashed the ball to the ground.

In an instant, the ball exploded, and a cloud of black smoke came out of it.

The black smoke quickly spread out around, and in the blink of an eye it drowned a radius of 30 meters.

Lin Chen was wrapped in black smoke, and heard many cries coming from the black smoke.

"help me."

"I don't want to die."

"Can someone save me, it's so dark here."

Lin Chen didn't know what the black smoke was made of, but one thing was clear.

It must have been accumulated with human life.

I wanted my life just now, but now I take out this kind of thing, how can I let you go?

Lin Chen's body rotated, and his speed was so fast that a whirlwind was actually generated on the spot.

The whirlwind blew the black smoke all around.

He saw the figure of the man fleeing in embarrassment, and stepped out.


The mountains and forests shook, and the fallen leaves were swept up into the sky by the gust of wind in an instant.

Then, Susu fell.

Lin Chen's figure was fickle, and in just a few blinks of an eye, he came to Liu Sheng's back.

One palm.



Liu Sheng spurted blood from his nose and mouth, and flew out sideways, his stomach slammed into a tree.


Broken trunk.

Liu Sheng bounced off the tree.

It hasn't landed yet!

Lin Chen had come up, grabbed his neck, and lifted him up.

Liu Sheng's pupils trembled.

"You, who are you?"

"Who am I, is it important to you as a dead person?" Lin Chen asked.

Liu Sheng wanted to say something.

But I only felt the hand on my neck, pinching it even tighter.

His eyes bulged out.

The whole face began to gradually turn the color of pig liver.

"How many people have you killed before this village?" Lin Chen asked.

Liu Sheng shook his head hard.

"No, no."

"I didn't kill her either."

Of course it's all lies.

He pursued longevity and killed too many people, not a hundred, but dozens.

Just like the ball just thrown.

To make this sphere, he killed five people.

But I didn't expect it to be so rubbish.

He couldn't stop Lin Chen.

"You think I'll believe your nonsense?"

Lin Chen said, "Death is imminent, and I'm still lying."

"Do you think you're smart, or do you think I'm easy to deceive?"

"No, no!"

Liu Sheng was really panicked.

This man is not fooled!

He wanted to say something more, but couldn't.

Because Lin Chen twisted his hand.


A crisp, bone-breaking sound.

Liu Sheng's head was tilted to one side, and his neck was twisted.


Lin Chen knew that this man had many tricks. He could make puppets out of living people and corpses, and he could refine living people into smoke bombs.

How could there be no other means of life-saving.

Lin Chen threw him on the ground, did not leave directly, but raised his foot and stepped on Liu Sheng's head.

at this time!

Liu Sheng suddenly opened his eyes and rolled, avoiding Lin Chen's feet.

"How do you know I'm playing dead?"

he was shocked.

Liu Sheng killed 10 people, condensing a spare life, which can prevent a death for him.

He just used up his spare life.

He pretended to be dead and wanted to wait for Lin Chen to leave before escaping.

Now he has miscalculated.

This man is not only powerful, but also very cautious.


"How many lives do you have left?"

Lin Chen said, "Can you take it out all at once?"

Liu Sheng did not speak.

Because this is the last life.


Must run away!

"Look at my eyes!"

Liu Sheng shouted at Lin Chen, trying to hypnotize Lin Chen.

But he rolled his eyes.

The **** quickly enlarged in front of his eyes.

Getting closer!


Blood splattered.

"Ah!" A terrifying scream rang out.

Liu Sheng covered his eyes, bent down, and stepped back.

Lin Chen slowly put down his hand.

"Don't make these tricks." Lin Chen said.

When Liu Sheng performed hypnosis, Lin Chen directly gouged out his eyes.

"you are not human!"

Liu Sheng shouted: "You are not human!"


Lin Chen said, "Compared to you, it's still a lot worse."

Liu Sheng didn't know how to respond.

And now, he was speechless in pain.

Liu Sheng kept retreating, and finally fell off the edge of a cliff with his feet empty.

Lin Chen stood on the cliff and looked down.

Waited more than ten seconds.

I didn't hear the system task completion beep.

"It's not dead."

Lin Chen summoned Fen Xiao, then stood on the edge of the cliff and slashed a sword towards the bottom.

With this sword, the flames on Fen Xiao were surging, and a 30-meter-long flaming sword energy was drawn directly on the board.

The flame sword energy was like a meteorite, falling towards the bottom of the cliff.

Liu Sheng was lying on a stone, covered in blood, but still not dead.

"I didn't expect it."

Liu Sheng smiled with difficulty: "This is my escape route!"

"When I recover, I must kill you!"


He suddenly realized: "Why is it a little hot?"


A loud bang.

The whole cliff was blown to the sky.

Broken stones, flying thousands of meters high, and then falling like rain.

Everyone in the village was taken aback.

One by one, they stared blankly at the mountain.

Why is there such a terrifying explosion all of a sudden?

Could it be that some more powerful monster has awakened from the mountain?

Lin Chen was on his way back.

When the explosion sounded, he finally heard the system beep.

"Defeat the mastermind behind the scenes, mission accomplished."

This time it was dead.

When he returned to the foot of the mountain, he saw a group of people at a glance, standing nervously in front of the mountain pass, constantly looking inside.

When they saw Lin Chen, they were all stunned.

"Lin Shen, why did you come down from the mountain?"

Huang Yuan asked, "Did you see the explosion just now?"

"I see." Lin Chen said.

"What's the situation?"

Lin Chen said, "It's just an ordinary landslide."

"Don't worry too much."

Glancing at the time to leave, there are still five and a half hours.

Lin Chen decided to go back to sleep.

Both the village chief and Huang Caixia woke up.

The village chief had just learned what happened, and now seeing Lin Chen, he hurried up to meet him.


He knelt in front of Lin Chen.

"Thank you Master for saving your life."

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