No, I’m Invincible, and Horror Games Are Coming?

Chapter 258: Please Shangxian accept me as a disciple

The Zhang family died because of them, and now they will all be buried with the Zhang family.

Wait until all the relatives are dead.

The cat **** also apologized.

He knelt in front of Aunt Zhang's grave, lowered his head, and wept silently.

Because he killed all his relatives with his own hands.

Among them are his children and his friends.

He regretted it.

If from the beginning, he could live peacefully with the people in this village.

Then it will not come to this day.

The cat **** was deeply aware of his mistake.

He ruled the human race here with terror.


A man, with more terrifying means, repaid him.

"Don't cry."

Lin Chen said, "You still have things to do."

"There must be relatives who are not dead."

Lin Chen said, "Now, you swear to leave a curse on your family."

"From now on, for the next 100 years, each of your family members will give a fish to a villager every day."

"Can't do it, die."

The cat **** suddenly cried louder.

This man is simply beheading him.

"why are you crying?"

"Who cried for the Zhang family?"

There are sixteen members of the Zhang family. The oldest Aunt Zhang, who is seventy-two years old this year, has been feeding wild cats for fifty years, and finally died in the hands of wild cats.

The youngest, less than three years old.

"How can you get it off?"

Lin Chen said, "If you meet someone with the surname Zhang, you have to send two fish."

The cat **** made this oath while crying.

All the family members, from now on and in the next 100 years, their children and grandchildren will send fish to a villager every day.

If your surname is Zhang, you will get two.

If you don't send it for a day, you will die on the spot.

"Send enough for a hundred years."

"Or get forgiveness from everyone in the Zhang family."

Reincarnation is also good.

Even the soul.

As long as he can get the forgiveness of a family of sixteen, this curse can be lifted.

Wait for the cat **** to make an oath.

boom -

In the dark night sky, there was a flash of lightning.

That's Dao Dao remembering this oath.

It came true!

Lin Chen shook his head and sighed lightly, "Nie Yuan."

From now on, how long will the descendants and family members of the cat **** entangle with the Zhang family?

The Taoist priest watched from the side, and after listening to the oath of the cat god, he couldn't help swallowing hard.

He didn't dare to look straight at Lin Chen.


He must be a legendary god.

Only gods have such means!

In a word, the descendants of the cat **** and the future Zhang family are inextricably linked.

this hundred years.

How much love and hatred does the descendant of the cat **** have with the Zhang family?

Lin Chen is afraid that he will become the most mysterious and powerful **** in this story!

In the future, when the descendants of Cat God explain to the Zhang family, they will definitely mention Lin Chen.

they will say.

"We met a supreme god..."

"He punished us."

The cat **** cried, he didn't dare to imagine the future.

"I'm wrong."

"I shouldn't leave my family alone."

"I shouldn't condone them."

Lin Chen said, "You should have known it long ago."

"It all started with you and it will end with you."

The mirror rose up, then fell.

The cat god's head immediately fell to the ground, and then slowly rolled to Aunt Zhang's tombstone.

The blood of the cat **** splattered all over the place.

It's like offering wine to Aunt Zhang.

The Taoist priest stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

Cat God, I am afraid that he will enter reincarnation, and then explain to the Zhang family.

Aunt Zhang fed them for fifty years, and they did not return.

This means that in the next life, the cat **** will feed Aunt Zhang for at least fifty years.

"Is this the cause and effect?"

The Taoist priest looked at Lin Chen in a trance.

Who would have thought.

One day, I will be able to see the real **** and the beginning of a story.

Lin Chen turned to look at the Taoist priest and said, "Let's go."

when he was about to leave.

bang bang bang-

All the villagers knelt down in front of him.

They can't think of anything else.

There is only one sentence: "Thank you Shangxian, thank you Shangxian!"

Lin Chen defeated the cat god.

From now on, they no longer have to be afraid of wild cats.

The back mountain is no longer a forbidden area.

They can go into the back mountain and go to many, many places.

Lin Chen nodded to them and went straight back to the village.

on the way back.

Lin Chen felt strange.

Because, the sound of the horror game did not sound.

The cat **** is dead, the game should be over.

But now, apparently not.

"In other words, Cat God is just one of them?"

The Liu family's out-of-town daughter-in-law, and the village chief's obese mother.

Another thing?

"There are more problems in this village than I expected."

Lin Chen returned to the room.

More than an hour later, Lin Hui also came back.

When he saw Lin Chen still at his home, he was shocked.

"Shangxian, do you need any help?"


As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped himself.

Then changed his mouth.

"Shangxian, is there anything I can do to help?"

Lin Chen said, "What's the matter with your mother?"

Lin Hui lowered his head and said, "I don't know."

Originally, he didn't want to answer, but thinking of Lin Chen's strength and identity, he didn't dare to lie.

Because I really don't know.

"How did your mother become like this, I don't know at all?"


Lin Hui knelt down directly.

"I really don't know," he said.

Lin Chen asked again: "Then you noticed, when did she start to be wrong?"

Lin Hui thought seriously.

"Like a month ago."

He said: "She bought a pair of red embroidered shoes at the time and liked it very much."

"Wear it wherever you go."

"Then from there, her appetite grew."

"A fortune teller told me that my mother would turn into a monster."

Red embroidered shoes?

Lin Chen immediately thought of those shoes.

Conspicuous indeed.

And it's kind of weird.

She was too fat to be human, and she could still wear those shoes.

Rather than wearing it, it's better to say... the shoes were growing on her feet.

"Where are the shoes?" Lin Chen asked.


Lin Chen was silent, was burned, was it really destroyed?

"Okay, go back to sleep." Lin Chen said.

After Lin Hui walked upstairs, Lin Chen heard the system's voice.


"Current mission: Find the red embroidered shoes."

"We defeated the cat **** and found that the matter is not over. Who killed the daughter-in-law of the Liu family?"

"What kind of power turned Lin Hui's mother into a monster?"

"All clues point to those red embroidered shoes!"

"We have to find these shoes."

Mission out.

However, the blue navigation does not appear.

Still need to find enough clues on your own?

Lin Chen left the house and saw pedestrians in twos and threes outside.

The cat **** is dead, and they don't seem to be afraid of the night coming.

Seeing Lin Chen, they all bowed respectfully to Lin Chen.


When the Taoist priest saw Lin Chen, he hurried over and apologized to Lin Chen.

"Before, I had no eyes and no pearls. I didn't know that Shangxian's mana was strong, but I actually wanted to accept Shangxian as a disciple."

"Please forgive me."

"That's nothing." Lin Chen said.

The Master breathed a sigh of relief.



He knelt in front of Lin Chen and said, "Please Shangxian accept me as a disciple."

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