No, I’m Invincible, and Horror Games Are Coming?

Chapter 273: You only get 5% off when you buy things, he doesn't need money for buying things

Zhang Cheng said beside him, "Manager, did you recognize the wrong person?"

"I know him."

"His name is Lin Chen, and he doesn't have any relatives at home. Where does the money come from?"

"Just a poor bastard."

"What Master Lin?"

"You must be mistaken."

Hear these words.

The manager hurriedly got up from the ground, and then slapped Zhang Cheng in the face.


The sound was very loud.

Zhang Cheng was stunned by this slap.

The manager scolded angrily, "Would you admit that your parents were wrong?"

"You'll admit your mistake, but I won't!"

He got more and more angry.

"You dared to insult Master Lin just now, so hurry down and apologize!"

Zhang Cheng came back to his senses.

He gritted his teeth and said coldly, "Apologize to him?"


"I'm a silver VIP, he's worthy of anything?"


Another slap.

The manager exclaimed, "He's a benefactor to our boss."

"You get 5% off shopping here."

"He's here, no matter what he takes, he doesn't want money!"

"You are just a silver VIP, how do you compare?"

"You compare your head?"

for free?

Zhang Cheng was stunned.

He spends 200,000 here every year to get a 5% discount, but Lin Chen buys things here without money?

What kind of status does this have to be?


The boss's father?

Everyone around was speechless.

Silver vip is really noble.

But it's only 95% off, so what's the comparison with those who don't need money?

This gap is too big.

If there is a level.

Then Lin Chen must be the ultimate invincible universe supreme black gold card!

Zhang Cheng's legs also softened.

The manager looked at the people around him again and said loudly, "What are you still doing?"

"The person who insulted Master Lin just now."

"Now come over and apologize."

"It's a big deal, and I'll investigate the footage, review it, and whoever didn't apologize."

"I'll report."

"You should know this company and whose industry it is."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know. Now I tell you that it belongs to Boss Qin. He is on the rich list."

"Once you report it, your life is over."

"You can't buy anything, not even a job!"

"No one is willing to cooperate with you."

heard here.

These people panicked.

The surname is Qin, and he is on the rich list, so there is only one possibility.

Qin Gaohua!

It was an existence that they could not afford to provoke in their ten lifetimes.

A group of people hurried over and said to Lin Chen respectfully, "Master Lin, I'm sorry."

"Just now we were blind."

"Master Lin, please forgive me."

Lin Chen said, "Twenty slaps per person, then get out."

clap clap-

There was a crisp sound in an instant.

They were fast and heavy, and when they were finished, they all rolled on the ground.

Really rolling out!

Zhang Cheng saw this scene.


His legs lost all strength, and suddenly knelt in front of Lin Chen.

His face was pale and ashen, and he was speechless.

Xiao Ke hurriedly said to Lin Chen, "I'm not familiar with him, I don't know him."

clap clap-

She also slapped herself twenty, and then wanted to roll out.

Zhang Cheng reacted, grabbed her and said, "Don't leave me."

"help me."


"Give my mother a hand."

Xiao Ke kicked him directly and said, "If you want to die, don't pull me."

Then he rolled out without looking back.

Lin Chen looked down at Zhang Cheng and asked him, "How do you feel now?"

Zhang Cheng looked up at Lin Chen with a look of horror and despair.


"Why do you know Qin Gaohua?"

"Why are you Qin Gaohua's benefactor!"

He hugged Lin Chen's thigh.

I was about to cry.

"I'm wrong."

"I shouldn't have laughed at you just now."

"I shouldn't insult you."

"Forgive me."

"For the sake of our former classmates, give me another chance."

Lin Chen kicked him away.

At the same time, he said, "Slap yourself fifty."

"Pick once, apologize once."

Zhang Cheng didn't hesitate, and immediately started pumping himself.

He just laughed at Lin Chen as a poor ghost.

But now, he couldn't laugh anymore, he knelt on the ground and wept bitterly.

Lin Chen was too lazy to continue talking to him.

To the manager: "You are counting here."

"I'll choose a sofa table first."

The manager nodded frantically.

Lin Chen glanced at Li Xue who was still in a daze beside him, and said to the manager, "This girl is very smart, I think it can be cultivated."

"I know, I understand."

The manager nodded hurriedly.

He said to Li Xue, "Why don't you thank me quickly?"

Li Xue trembled all over, came back to her senses, and said to Lin Chen, "Thank you, Master Lin, thank you, Master Lin."

Lin Chen smiled and nodded, turned and walked away.

He wants to choose a sofa.

Seeing Lin Chen walk away, Li Xue felt as if she was dreaming.

This man turned out to be Qin Gaohua's benefactor!

Originally, I just wanted to save some face for Lin Chen, but I didn't expect that it was me who got help in the end.

But Zhang Cheng, who knelt on the ground, kept slapping himself, and kept apologizing.

Proves that this is all true.

Not a dream.

"You are lucky."

The manager said to Li Xue, "You have to work hard in the future, and don't live up to Master Lin's expectations."

"Will do."

Li Xue squeezed her pink fist and said seriously: "I promise to work hard."

Lin Chen chose the sofa, and then took a fancy to the table, chairs and other things.

The manager and Li Xue came over.

"Master Lin, Zhang Cheng has finished his fifty slaps."

"What shall we do now?"

The manager asked respectfully, he hasn't let Zhang Cheng go yet.

Lin Chen said, "Throw it out."


The manager immediately ordered.

Li Xue stayed here and asked, "Master Lin, have you selected the furniture?"

"Can you leave the address?"

"We'll have the furniture delivered to the door later."


Lin Chen decisively left his address, and he still had to move back by himself.

After choosing furniture, Lin Chen walked to the next door and started to buy home appliances.

I saw Lin Chen entered the home appliance city.

The manager went in immediately, found the manager of Home Appliance City, and made it clear to him that he was Qin Gaohua's benefactor.

All appliances, all free!

When Lin Chen was about to settle the bill, he found a middle-aged man smiled and said to himself, "No money."

Lin Chen: "..."

Thought I could spend some money.

I didn't expect it to be free.

Lin Chen sighed with emotion, when will he be able to spend the more than ten million in his hands?

It's too hard to spend money.

Lin Chen left the address, waited for them to deliver the goods, and then walked out of the home appliance city.

Just walked down the street.

Lin Chen saw Li Xue.

At this moment, she was surrounded by a group of tall men in suits.

She was trembling with fear and anxiety on her face.

Lin Chen thought to himself, now that he is idle, he is idle, why don't he go and see what's going on.

just approached.

He heard a man's voice.

"Miss Li, if you want to rescue your father, just come with us honestly."

"Our young master promises."

"As long as you come with us, promise to release your father."

"If you don't come with us."

"What will happen to your father, we can't guarantee it."

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