A pair of eyes appeared on the screen.

In the live broadcast room, the pot exploded in an instant.

"What monster?"

"How come there are monsters here?"

"Isn't this game without a main line? How can there be monsters!"

Some people suddenly realized it.

"I know why Lin Shen sent away the Shirley family!"

"Because Lin Shen knew that there would be monsters coming here, so he set aside Xue Li and her mother first."

"I really want to cry to death, Lin Shen is so gentle, he thought so much."

Lin Chen looked at the eyes in the chimney.

But the crazy reindeer didn't rush down immediately, but stepped back immediately, and quickly climbed out of the chimney.

Lin Chen turned around and looked at the window being blocked.

It's all snowmen's heads!

Looking around the house, all the windows are blocked.

When I opened the door, it was also a snowman!

The entire house was firmly sealed by the crazy reindeer with a snowman, unable to get out at all.


The lights above Lin Chen's head flickered.

As if the next second, it will be completely black.

In order to prevent the light bulb from breaking, Lin Chen took the initiative to turn off the light.

After the lights went out, the room was plunged into absolute darkness.

There was a rustling sound all around the house and on the ceiling.

Crazy reindeer seem to be wandering outside.

Looking for an opportunity and then rushing in!

However, this did not affect Lin Chen.

The system has already adjusted the brightness for him, and now everything in front of him is as bright as day.

The location of the Crazy Reindeer is shown on the minimap.

So Lin Chen will not be affected by the darkness, and he can always know where the crazy reindeer is.

In the end, the red dot stopped above his head.

Crazy reindeer will launch a surprise attack on top of his head!

Lin Chen didn't look up.

He kicked the ground with his right foot.


He directly knocked off the wooden board above his head and flew to the roof.

The crazy reindeer, who just wanted to make a sneak attack, was frightened by Lin Chen who suddenly appeared and jumped back.

Lin Chen lightly landed on the roof and looked at the monster in front of him.

[Title: Crazy Reindeer

Race: Evil

Constitution: 56

Strength: 47

Speed: 10

Spirit: 98

Skill: High speed movement

Information: The legendary monster, powerful, likes to eat people the most, will appear at Christmas, the target he is staring at, there will be a strange snowman in front of the house. 】

[High-speed movement: Continue to consume energy and increase your speed. 】

The numbers are a bit high.

Crazy reindeer has a twisted and hideous face.

His eyes are big and round, but they are mostly white, and they also flash with a strange white light.

Like a wolf in the night.

He was standing on his legs at the moment, staring at Lin Chen vigilantly.

When I saw the appearance of the crazy reindeer.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"What kind of monster is this? Never seen one!"

"It's terrifying, my God."

"If there is no Lin Shen, the little girl and her mother will definitely be in danger!"

Lin Chen looked up and down the crazy reindeer, but didn't speak.

He stepped out.


There seems to be thunder blasting here.

The explosion started to spread forward from Lin Chen's feet, extended all the way, and quickly blasted towards the crazy reindeer.

The crazy reindeer's pupils shrank, and hurriedly jumped away.

But even if he tried his best to dodge.

The blast of air still overturned him.

He fell from the roof to the ground in an embarrassment, and only got up from the ground after a donkey rolled.

Look up.

The roof had already been blown to pieces.

And Lin Chen, still standing in the same place!

The crazy reindeer swallowed hard.

What kind of magic is that?

With just one kick, the straight line more than ten meters ahead exploded.

Santa Claus is not so strong!

"Hide quickly."

Lin Chen turned around, looked down at the crazy reindeer, and said, "But how many times can you hide?"

He jumped up, fell from the sky, and stepped on the crazy reindeer.

The fur on the crazy reindeer froze up.

Because in this second.

He smelled death!

Must dodge.

If he didn't avoid this blow, he was dead!

Without any hesitation.

Move at high speed!

The crazy reindeer dashed out, and instantly ran out more than ten meters away.

As soon as he left, Lin Chen fell.


When Lin Chen's feet landed on the ground, a circle with Lin Chen as the center and a radius of ten meters around it exploded.

Snow and broken mud, ice, all flew up.

Then "crash" fell.

Lin Chen stood in the pit with his hands on his back and walked out slowly.

He took a step forward.

Crazy Reindeer took three steps back uncontrollably.




Is this human?

At this moment, the crazy reindeer feels that this world is very strange, and the whole world is crazy?

How can there be such a powerful human being?

This is beyond human limits.

Don't say it's him.

Even Santa Claus is not half as good as this man!


Hit Nima.

How to fight this?


The crazy reindeer turned around and ran without any hesitation. He landed on all fours and used high-speed movement, and he was able to walk in the air.

He also ran very fast, and in the blink of an eye he ran out more than ten meters away.

Crazy reindeer can fly.

Lin Chen was not surprised.

After all, it is the enemy of Santa Claus, and Santa's elk can also fly.

The point is, don't let him escape.

After Shirley sent her mother to the hospital, she rushed home immediately.

She was worried that Lin Chen would suddenly leave.

She wanted to thank Lin Chen well.

Shirley kept running, and kept running, and she finally got back to the dark path in front of the house.

Same as ever.

It's dark here.

She gets scared every time she passes by.

Because I always felt that something was watching me in the dark.

Shelly took a deep breath.

Going into the dark.

But at this time!

A round of sun, rising slowly from the darkness in front of us!


Dazzling light!



Shelly was stunned.

Thirty meters away, she could clearly see someone in the dark reaching out to the sky.

The flames condensed in his hands and turned into a sun!

He drew his hand from the sun, and a long sword that was on fire appeared in his hand!

When the long sword appeared.

The cold wind stopped.

The snowflakes all over the sky disappeared.

She can't feel the cold anymore.

At this moment, this place is ten thousand times warmer than every place in the town!

Shirley rubbed her eyes, she finally saw the man under the sun.

Lin Chen!

He stood under the flames, the light was bright, like a **** descending to earth.

Lin Chen raised his hands and gestures.

Heaven and earth are echoing.

The ice and snow melted, the gurgling water flowed, and a phoenix tore through the darkness, fluttered its wings and soared into the sky!

That's sword energy!

The sword qi carries the flames, extending across the nine days.

"Do not!"

The crazy reindeer screamed, he wanted to run faster, but no matter how fast he ran, it was not as fast as the flames coming from behind him.

Sword Qi swept directly from the crazy reindeer's body.

Crazy Reindeer took two steps forward.

Then, it became two paragraphs and fell from the air.


Lin Chen threw Fen Xiao aside, the flames in the sky dissipated, and Fen Xiao also returned to the sword manual on his own.

He was just about to walk over to examine the carcass of the crazy reindeer.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw Shirley still in a daze thirty meters away.

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