No, I’m Invincible, and Horror Games Are Coming?

Chapter 296: You are strong, what does it have to do with me?

That is to say.

As long as the seal of Tianbeng is opened, unless Lin Chen closes it himself, it will be difficult to be closed.

Lin Chen held Wu Feng and got closer.

Xiuyun was the first to be scared to pee.

She asked in horror, "What are you going to do?"

Lin Chen's answer was only two words: "Guess."

What else can be done?

The gang conspired loudly in the ward to kill themselves.

Is it all like this, can they still go back alive?

Obviously not possible.

Lin Chen raised his sword and dropped it, and a bloodstain appeared on Xiuyun's neck instantly.

Xiuyun hurriedly reached out and touched his neck.

But the intense pain and blood spurting he imagined did not appear.

As if you weren't hurt?


Are you really not hurt?

"Am I okay?"

Xiuyun said with a look of surprise: "I'm fine!"

"Don't panic, he's just scaring us!"

Zheng Ming walked over to look at her neck and found a red line on her neck.

"You do have a wound on your neck."

"But don't you feel it?"

Xiuyun shook his head with a smile, and said, "I don't feel anything at all."

"He didn't dare to kill us at all."

"It's just pretending to be a ghost."

She looked at Lin Chen with disdain.

Zheng Ming and Jack also relaxed a little.

Lin Chen smiled and asked, "Is that really the case?"

"It doesn't matter what you say."

Xiuyun said triumphantly, "If you don't dare, just don't dare."

Lin Chen said, "Is there such a possibility, I mean possible."

"I didn't actually plan to kill you right away, but to let you leave the game alive."

"In this way, I can get the reward for the survival of all the staff."

"And when you enter the white space, you will die on the spot."

Hear Lin Chen's words.

Xiu Yun was stunned, the smile on his face disappeared.

She touched her neck subconsciously.

After Lin Chen said this, she really felt a burning pain in her neck.

It's like being eaten by ants.

"You're scaring me, aren't you?"

Xiuyun asked a little scared, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Lin Chen didn't answer him.

He didn't even look at her at all.

Because of this question, there is absolutely no need to answer it.

If you don't pee and take photos, what qualifications do you have to scare yourself?

Holding a sword without a sharp edge, he walked in front of Zheng Ming.

Zheng Ming's face was pale, and he quickly stepped back.

He retreated to the corner of the wall, there was no way to retreat, he could only watch Lin Chen slash with his sword.

When Lin Chen retracted his sword.

Zheng Ming also felt a little pain in his neck.

There seems to be something hot still flowing.


Lin Chen said, "Actually, you can stop me."

"As long as you guys dare to hit your head here, my plan will fail."

"Of course."

"You sure don't have the guts."


bang bang.

Both Zheng Ming and Xiuyun knelt in front of Lin Chen.

"Brother, don't kill us."

"Please save us."

"We'd do anything."

Lin Chen glanced at Jack lying on the hospital bed and said, "Then you kill him."

Zheng Ming and Xiuyun were confused.

"Brother, can you change your request?"

For them, how can they kill the ugly people?

The people of the ugly country are all very noble.

They are the noblest people in the whole universe.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom are all servants of the Ugly Kingdom.

Seeing the reactions of these two people, Lin Chen felt amused.

He kicked the two lackeys away with one foot. He took his sword and walked to the side of the hospital bed, looking down at Jack.

Lin Chen asked him, "Are you going to cry?"

Jack turned pale and said in broken Chinese, "You can't kill me."

Lin Chen said, "Why?"

Jack said immediately, "Because I'm from an ugly country."

"Ugly countries are the most developed countries."

"We have the highest technology and the strongest warriors."

As far as Lin Chen knows.

The technology of the ugly country is indeed the first in the world.

Because Chou Kingdom has studied a lot of alien technology, there are even rumors that Chou Kingdom is still having secret technological exchanges with aliens.

A few years ago, Lin Chen also got news.

The Ugly Kingdom is cracking the genetic secrets of the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Why can only people from the Dragon Kingdom be able to cultivate? And it must be the purest dragon blood.

Anyone whose ancestors had a generation in other countries would not be able to cultivate.

The ugly country has made inadvertent progress in cracking genes.

They have already started working on genetic warriors.

And the strongest warrior.

Exactly what it said.

After cracking the genetic mystery that the people of Longguo can cultivate, Chouguo plans to mass-produce artificial "cultivators".

If a normal cultivator wants to become stronger, he will definitely need a lot of time to practice.

And after various disasters.

After going through untold hardships, life and death, in the end, he can get superhuman strength.

but now.

The Ugly Kingdom directly used the medicine to create a powerful "cultivator" in just a few days.

One stitch down.

Comparable to others practicing for decades!

Directly increase the physique, strength, etc. to dozens of points.


Among the ugly countries now, there are many masters.

They don't know how to cultivate, and they haven't been born and died in games.

But they all have powerful, superhuman powers.

So that after they enter the game, they can directly kill the Quartet and get various rewards easily.

The game clearance rate of the ugly country is the highest.

The Ugly Kingdom also used this potion in the army.

If a person wants to become a qualified warrior, he must go through a lot of training.

But ugly countries don't need it.

Take a stitch.

Become superhuman in an instant.

Not to mention running with a rocket, you can still walk like a fly.

Even if you get hit by a sniper gun, you won't die immediately, and you can still carry Gatling for a while.

A master of the ugly country once said publicly on the Internet.

"This was originally a power that belonged to the Dragon Kingdom alone."

"But now, in our hands!"

"And we make full use of it and carry it forward!"

"People of the Dragon Kingdom, you are not worthy of these powers at all."

"If you have any other good things, hand them over."

This remark made many dragons very popular.

There was even a cultivator who appeared to challenge these genetic warriors.

As a result, the cultivator was torn in half and died on the spot.

This time, the people of the ugly country were even more excited.

Can't wait to promote these drugs immediately.

But costs limit the spread of these agents.

The cost per stitch is simply too high.

The ugly country is researching lower-cost pharmaceuticals and is preparing to promote it in an all-round way.

By the time.

In the whole ugly country, everyone is a super soldier.

The ugly country will be unbeatable.

Now internationally, many countries are courting ugly countries and want to get a piece of the pie.

Think of the power of the ugly country.

Jack's heart became more confident, and his voice became louder.

"If you kill me."

"There will be countless experts who will trouble you."

"They will kill you, kill your family, and avenge me!"

"You are strong though."

"But no matter how strong it is, it is not as strong as our masters."

"And our masters are endless."

"You better kneel down and apologize to me!"

"Make me feel better, and I may be able to let you live."

Lin Chen looked at him like he was looking at a fool.

"You are very strong and have many masters. What does it have to do with me?"

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