No, I’m Invincible, and Horror Games Are Coming?

Chapter 299: It's a brother, come to Cang Qiong City to kill me

Lin Chen just looked at three kinds of potions at random.

After reading it.

He has only one evaluation: supermodel!

This Shennong Ding is already on the same level as the Divine Sword and the Holy Sword, it is something that surpasses horror games!

Every potion has a magical effect.

This bottle can bring back life.

That bottle can turn weak people into gods who block killing gods, and Buddha block killing gods who kill Buddhas.

That's not all the potions.

I used to say that potions can be used as water, which is a joke.

Well now.

This is real.

The potion is really free.

Drink the potion that is unparalleled in the world.

Stop drinking.

It can be used to water flowers and grow vegetables!

Looking at the speed at which the potion poured out of Shennong Ding, one thousand bottles a day underestimated Shennong Ding.

the most important is.

Even if it is put into the space of the system, Shennong Ding can still continue to produce potions, and it can be harvested without taking it out.

"It's getting better."

Lin Chen put away the Shennong Ding, and then looked at his experience points.


More than 40,000 experience.

Lin Chen thought about it for a while, and decided to use it to reverse and upgrade Xinghe.

Now the Galaxy Reversal is at the master level.

Leveling up requires 30,000 experience points.

With the disappearance of 30,000 experience, the Galaxy has successfully reversed to the Return to Basics level.

The effect of the reverse of the galaxy has changed again.

[The galaxy is reversed (return to the original 0/50000)]

"The speed is permanently increased by 80 points."

"When using the movement technique, the speed is increased by 80%."

"It can exchange positions with all existences within sight, and all existences within a 500-meter perception range."

"During the use of the movement technique, the damage received is reduced by 500 points, and the movement technique will not be interrupted."

No new abilities have been added.

But the effect is fully enhanced!

Now his speed has reached 179 points!

It's almost doubled.

This is not the limit of Galaxy inversion.

One more level.

A truly unparalleled level.

"However, does this experience require a little more?"

50,000 experience level up.

I estimate that I have to play three games to earn so much experience.

too difficult.

Lin Chen muttered: "It's so hard to upgrade skills."

Let other people know.

It is estimated that he will vomit three liters of blood directly.

Is it difficult for you?

When they play a game, they only have dozens of experience points, and at most, there are hundreds of points.

It is simply not enough to use it to upgrade!

Lin Chen accepted all the awards and left the award space.

He went back to the house.

The mobile phone was just on the face of the Internet, and immediately trembled, and a bunch of information rushed in.

Lin Chen soaked a bowl of noodles, then turned on his phone and took a look.

Overwhelming, all their own news.

"Why is Lin Chen a god?"

"Lin Chen let the whole world see the strength and gentleness of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Lin Chen is the idol of the new generation of young people!"

Lin Chen finished reading: "?"

what did I do?

He took a look on the forum and found that the forum was also full of discussions about his own posts.

"What exactly does it take to have half the power of the God of Forest?"

"My girlfriend likes Lin Shen and wants to break up with me. I agree immediately, because Lin Shen is my husband. Brothers, am I doing the right thing?"

"Nonsense, Lin Shen is my husband."

Lin Chen: "?"

The world is so messed up.

The noodles are ready.

Lin Chen just wanted to pick it up and take two bites.


Suddenly the doorbell rang.


As soon as I came back, why did someone come to find me?

Wrong door?

He walked over with instant noodles and opened the door.

Just opened the door.

bang bang-

Two fireworks exploded.

The colored paper is falling from the sky, which is very beautiful.

Lin Chen was carrying the instant noodles, and he covered the mouth of the instant noodles with his hands to prevent the fireworks from floating in, and at the same time looked at the three people in front of him calmly.

The two on the left and right are in the setting of fireworks, and there is a middle-aged man with a big belly standing in the middle.

At this moment he was smiling awkwardly.

Because I didn't expect it.

Lin Chen is eating instant noodles.

"Ah ha ha--"

He laughed awkwardly and said, "Master Lin, it's such a coincidence that you're eating noodles."

Lin Chen: "..."

Are you blind or what?

Suddenly, I feel that this world is so strange, I wouldn't have entered a game in a game, would I?

A scene similar to a dream within a dream.

The middle-aged man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He said: "Master Lin, you have shown the ruthlessness of our Dragon Kingdom towards traitors and enemies in the game."

"And showing tenderness to the weak."

"You are the idol of our younger generation."

"So we have made a solemn decision to invite you to be our ambassador for Cang Qiong City."


Lin Chen instigated a face and asked, "Do you have any money to take it?"

The middle-aged man was stunned.


You have become a peerless master, why are you still short of money?

But he still said, "Yes!"

"One hundred thousand a month."

"There are five insurances and one housing fund."

"The specific work to be done...No."

How dare you let Lin Chen work?

One hundred thousand a month, and five insurances and one housing fund?

It feels okay.

Most importantly, there is no work to do yet.

Simply giving away money.

Lin Chen smiled and took over the job. From now on, he is the image ambassador of Cang Qiong City.

I never imagined that one day I would enter public office.


The middle-aged man danced with excitement.

With Lin Chen's popularity here, they can attract many tourists from other places.

They took a photo of Lin Chen.

It can be put on the travel brochure later.

before going.

The middle-aged man also asked Lin Chen, "Is there anything you want to say to others?"


Lin Chen said.

"I understand."

The middle-aged man said, "Thank you, Master Lin."

Then he cleaned Lin Chen's door with the two men who put fireworks next to him, and then left.

When Lin Chen ate noodles, took a shower, and was about to sleep.


The doorbell rang again.

Who is it?

Lin Chen walked over to open the door, and saw the middle-aged man just now.

He smiled and said, "Master Lin, I'm here to give you a travel brochure."

"Because there is a photo of you on it, I hope you can take a look."

Lin Chen took it and opened it.

A picture of myself eating noodles.

There are words next to it.

"I'm Lin Chen, I'll be waiting for you in Cang Qiong City!"

Lin Chen: "..."

It doesn't feel as good as: if it's a brother, come and chop me!

Lin Chen returned the travel brochure to him and said at the same time, "It's good."

"It's alright, don't come to me."

"I'm going to sleep."

The middle-aged man nodded hurriedly: "Yes yes yes."

"Good afternoon, Master Lin."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Lin Chen, happily, and jumped away.

It can't be fixed for Lin Chen.

Look, you have a hundred and eighty pounds.

How do you dance so happily?

Close the door.

Lin Chen ran to sleep.

Wake up.

It's already the next morning.

Lin Chen washed his face.



The doorbell rang again.

In the morning, who is it?

Wouldn't it be the middle-aged man from yesterday?

Lin Chen walked over to open the door.

Then, he saw an old man with gray hair and a beard.

The old man looked eighty or ninety years old.

But his eyes were bright.

As bright as youth!

not simple.

This old man is no ordinary person.

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