Zhang Hui and Li Chao both shook their heads.

I don't understand.

The one who didn't hide at home in the big night, came to this wilderness, and made dinner for the monster?

Xiao Ke cleaned the Buddha cleanly.

Then she came to the Buddha and knelt down.

"The Tathagata Buddha who saves suffering."

"can you hear my voice?"

"Can you come and help us?"

"We were attacked by monsters here, many, many people-eating monsters."

"Save us."


She prayed thrice devoutly.

Wenwen, Li Chao and Zhang Hui are all silent now.

Risking your life to come here.

Just to ask God to worship Buddha?

Although she really wanted to reprimand her, but... so far, it seems that she can only pray.

Those deserted streets and dilapidated buildings are vividly visible.

If there really is the power to fight back.

What's up with this?

The three of them couldn't help but sigh.

in the live room.

The indifference disappeared for a while.

They didn't enter the game, but the dilapidated city and this helpless child made them sigh.

In the face of powerful forces, human beings are vulnerable.

Others said, "If I'm really allowed to live in a place like this, I might as well die."

"This kind of environment is even more terrifying than the invasion of ghosts and monsters into the world."

"She dares to climb a mountain for more than an hour to come here at night. Who can say that she is not strong? But at this time, she can only ask the gods for help."

Lin Chen was quiet for a while.

He also thought that there would be something important to discover this time.

The result is this?

She walked for so long just to seek Buddhahood?

Lin Chen took a step and walked into the temple.

He asked, "How dare you come here?"

This suddenly sounded.

Xiao Ke was startled and hurriedly got up from the ground.

When she saw four people standing at the door, she trembled with fear.

Wenwen hurried out.

"Don't be afraid, we're not bad people, we just happened to be passing by."

Zhang Hui and Li Chao nodded.

Hearing this, Xiao Ke was slightly relieved.

But I saw that Lin Chen was not wearing a mask.

She hurriedly said, "Not good!"

"Why don't you have a mask?"

Xiao Ke was a little panicked.

Grandpa once told her that if she didn't wear a mask, she would die.

Her parents died because they didn't have a mask.

Wenwen asked inexplicably, "What happens if you don't wear a mask?"

"Grandpa said he would die."

Wenwen, Li Chao and Zhang Hui were surprised.

will die?

But never heard of such a thing!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also surprised.

Someone said it before.

All players who participated in this game died within 2 hours.

Could it be that they died without a mask?

"What about this?"

"What kind of game against the sky, you will die if you don't wear a mask, how do you play it?"

"Is it too difficult?"

They couldn't help but get nervous.

Xiao Ke said to Lin Chen, "That's right."

"I can lend you my mask."

"You wear it for a while, I will wear it for a while."

Lin Chen looked at the girl's eyes, which were very bright and clear.

What a simple, kind-hearted child.

Can think of this way.

Lin Chen asked her, "Do you know why you will die if you don't wear a mask?"

Xiao Ke was stunned for a moment.

She thought about it for a while, and finally shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"But Grandpa said that anyone who doesn't wear a mask will die."

"Grandpa won't lie to me."

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Indeed, your grandfather didn't lie to you."

"People who don't wear masks, or people who don't have masks, will die."

"The black dots floating in the air are actually creatures called air jellyfish."

he explained.

"The air jellyfish will enter the human body and then parasitize the human body."

"It won't be long before a bunch of bugs burst open the host's stomach and crawl out."


The news is amazing.

Wenwen, Zhang Hui and Li Chao hurriedly reached out to cover their mouths and noses.

The other hand is touching the stomach.

After walking for so long without wearing a mask, wouldn't he have been parasitized?

Are you dead?

Lin Chen said to Xiao Ke, "So, you can't take off the mask at any time."

"You can't give the mask to someone else."

Xiao Ke's body was shaking.

It was the first time she knew about it.

In the live broadcast room, there has been an uproar.

"The case is solved."

"The black spots in the air turned out to be creatures!"

"It turns out that the previous players all died like this!"

"How can I prevent this? It's impossible to resist. It was parasitized as soon as I entered the game. I'm playing Nima."

"Is this game really passable?"

When the live broadcast room, many people are scolding horror games.

Wenwen asked Lin Chen, "Lin Shen, what should we do?"

"Are we all dying soon?"

Lin Chen: "..."

See what you are afraid of.

"Remember what I gave you to drink?"

Lin Chen said, "That will keep you from being parasitized for three days."

"Stop breathing."

"You can eat air jellyfish as food."

Hearing this, the eyes of the three of them lit up.

Is that so?

They suddenly understood why Lin Chen gave them the potion in the first place.

Originally from the beginning.

He knew the problem here!

"Lin Shen, I love you!"

Li Chao shouted and rushed towards Lin Chen excitedly.

In that way, I really want to hug Lin Chen and kiss him a few times.

Lin Chen responded with dismay on his face, raised his foot and kicked him back.

What male copper?


When a boy is outside alone, he must learn to protect himself.

The audience in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief.

"As expected of Lin Shen! This can be prevented."

"Hahaha, it's still Lin Shen's superior skill, what a **** horror game."

"If you have any other moves, feel free to take them out. Our Lin Shen is invincible in the world!"

Lin Chen took out another bottle of healing potion and handed it to Xiao Ke.

"Drink this bottle of potion and you can take off the mask and live for three days."

The other party is willing to lend himself the mask.

It is not difficult to give her a bottle of potion.

Not to mention.

The potion is full...

Nowhere to use.

There may be other hidden missions to complete, or special achievements to unlock.

Medicines don't cost money.

No matter what he does, he won't lose.

Xiao Ke took the potion in a daze, and then said to Lin Chen, "Thank you, uncle."

Wenwen, Zhang Hui and Li Chao were all stunned for a moment.

The live room was also quiet.

After a while.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

It's all such a popup.

Everyone is laughing.

Wenwen and the three of them didn't dare to laugh, they could only hold back, but it was too difficult.

The three shoulders kept shrugging and moving.


Will Lin Shen be called an uncle one day?


Can't help it.

Lin Chen touched his face, turned to Li Chao and asked them, "Do I look old?"

Li Chao didn't dare to look at Lin Chen.

He lowered his head, held back his laughter, and said with trembling all over, "I'm not old."

"Young and handsome, wind-flowing and suave, unparalleled in the world."

Lin Chen: "..."

You didn't even dare to look me in the eyes when you said that.

Also, I can see that you are holding back your laughter.

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