No, I’m Invincible, and Horror Games Are Coming?

Chapter 311: Use the strongest weapon to deal with Lin Chen

The man at Lin Chen's feet really drank all the muddy water.

See him drink up.

Lin Chen let go of him.

He got up from the ground with difficulty, his face was muddy, and now he is not as calm and confident as he was not long ago.

He asked Lin Chen, "I've finished drinking, can I go?"

Now he just wants to get out of here.

Then go back and bring people over to suppress this place.

Kill everyone here!

Especially this man in front of me!

Absolutely, absolutely smash his corpse into thousands of pieces, and throw his corpse to feed the dogs and the monsters outside.

I want Lin Chen to never have a supernatural life!

Lin Chen smiled and said, "I let you go, you may not have the chance to leave."

The man was taken aback.

Lostly asked, "What do you mean?"

"I have followed all your requests."

"Ah yes yes yes."

Lin Chen said with a smile, "But I just didn't seem to give you an antidote."

"It's poison."

"After you drink it clean, it is estimated that you will bleed from the seven orifices immediately, and your whole body will be in pain, and then you will die of pain."

The man's eyes widened.


Not the antidote?

It's poison!

He suddenly felt a cramp in his abdomen.

There seemed to be a thick wooden stick stirring in his stomach, twisting all the intestines and organs together.

The pain is unbearable.

He was sweating coldly from the pain.

But more than that.


Blood dripped uncontrollably from his eyes, nose, ears and mouth, dripping to the ground.

He felt that everything was blurry.

My head hurts.

It seemed that someone had just smashed it hard with a hammer.

He couldn't breathe in pain.

The whole body is pumping.


He staggered back several steps and looked at Lin Chen with a look of horror.

"I, I was wrong."

"An antidote, give me an antidote."

"I can give you anything."

"Rich, wealth, food, beauty, and a house, I can give you."

Lin Chen smiled and shook his head: "I don't need any of these."

"Now all I want is your dog's life."

The man raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The blood spurted out two or three meters high.

Then he fell straight to the ground, shaking violently on the ground.

Now his every cell is hurting.

It hurt his body out of control.

My feet hurt for five or six minutes.

He just died.

When he died, his limbs were twisted and his face was deformed.

Died very tragically.

Lin Chen stood beside him, looking at the corpses in this place.

polluted environment.

He took out Fen Xiao and burned the corpses clean.

Even the blood was burned.

The corpse was seen gone.

Only then did Wenwen dare to let go of the hand covering Xiao Ke's eyes.

Xiao Ke blinked his eyes.

I found that the bad guys just now were gone.

"What about them?" she asked in confusion.

"I made a magic trick and made them disappear."

Wenwen, Zhang Hui, and Li Chao couldn't help but laugh.


Physical magic, right?

Set fire to all corpses.

But they were also shocked.

What kind of flame is that?

It has such a huge power that it can burn a corpse clean in just a few seconds.

Lin Chen suddenly said, "It's broken."

"What's up?"

Zhang Hui and the three of them immediately became nervous.

Even Lin Chen said something bad.

Something dangerous must have happened.

Lin Chen said, "Forgot to ask where his home is."

Zhang Hui and the three: "..."

Thought it was a big deal.

scare someone to death.

Lin Chen looked at Xiao Ke and asked her, "Do you know where those people just now lived?"

Xiao Ke stretched out his finger in one direction.

"Live there."

Lin Chen nodded: "Very good."

He turned to leave.

Li Chao said, "Lin Shen wait, I'll go with you."

Zhang Hui said, "I won't go, I have to look here."

Wenwen also chose to stay.

Only Li Chao and Lin Chen went to the rich area together.

Lin Chen was optimistic about the direction, grabbed the collar behind Li Chao, like carrying a chicken, jumped up, and rushed into the distance in an instant.

The gathering is not big either.

After jumping a few times, Lin Chen saw a villa and high-rise buildings.

It was brightly lit and very quiet.

Even if it is daytime, the lights are on.

Lin Chen brought Li Chao to the entrance and was immediately stopped by security.

"People who don't wear masks!"

"Kill to death!"

The guns in their hands immediately opened fire on Lin Chen.

But Lin Chen was faster.

He grabbed a bullet and threw it back.

The bullet collided with another flying bullet in mid-air.


In the air, a flame splashed.

The deflected bullet collided with another bullet.

The two bullets spun and flew back, piercing the heads of the two security guards.

They stared and stood still, motionless.

Lin Chen put down Li Chao and strode forward.

Wait until Lin Chen walks through the door.

The two corpses fell to the ground.

Li Chao took a closer look and couldn't help swallowing, it was too powerful.

Quick and accurate.

He didn't even know what just happened.

Seeing that Lin Chen was about to leave.

He hurriedly followed.

this day.

The weather was overcast.

In the wealthy area, an uninvited guest came.

That is Lin Chen.

He came to the nearest villa, kicked the door and saw that two people were blowing the air conditioner, eating watermelon, talking and laughing.

When I saw Lin Chen.

They all frowned.

"who are you?"

"Get out now!"

Lin Chen asked them, "I ask you, what time is it now?"

The critical juncture of human life and death.

Only 7 days left.

These people are eating, drinking and enjoying themselves.

Kind of funny.

You have to fight against many powerful monsters to ensure that you can complete the task of the game and protect human beings.

As a result, these people do not help.

I still eat watermelon with the air conditioner in the house.

it's so funny.

Even if these people were rescued when they were doing their tasks, not everyone deserves to be saved by themselves.

In the new world, there is no place for these rotten people.

They said, "It's three o'clock in the afternoon."

Lin Chen said, "The answer is wrong."

When he walked out of the villa, there were two more bodies inside.

Lin Chen walked to the next villa again.

In this villa, Lin Chen saw a lot of supplies.

What food, fruits and clothes.

without any exaggeration.

This villa area only occupies 10% of the entire assembly's land, but has 90% of the resources.

People who are really running for the future of mankind.

They were all starving and freezing outside.

It's hilarious.

Lin Chen held Wu Feng and walked past villas after villas.

Li Chao followed behind him, timid.

Kill decisively.

No one who should be killed will let go, this is the number one in the world, Lin Chen!

And with Lin Chen's progress.

The news of a monster killing people in a wealthy area quickly spread.

For a time, countless rich people were panicking.

"He's coming soon."


"Take out that machine!"

"A machine used to deal with the strongest monsters."

When Lin Chen came to the end.

He saw many people.

A cursory look.

At least dozens or hundreds of people.

At the front are security, fully armed with dangerous automatic rifles in their hands.

Others have sniper rifles in their hands.

There are no exceptions.

All facing Lin Chen!

These things, which were supposed to be used to team up monsters, are now aimed at humans.

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