No, I’m Invincible, and Horror Games Are Coming?

Chapter 331: The snow of death is ineffective against Lin Chen

Lin Chen held the Wufeng sword and moved forward all the way. Many monsters attacked him, but they couldn't stop the sword.

Walked for ten minutes.

His speed did not decrease, and he was getting closer and closer to his destination.

in the live room.

Many viewers were shocked.


"How come Lin Shen is not affected by the snow of death?"

"It's so strange, other players mutated in an instant. I think Lin Shen has been gone for a long time, and nothing has happened."

"It can only be said that it is indeed Lin Shen!"

"The snow of death has no effect on Lin Shen!"

How terrifying the snow of death.

The culprit that caused the cataclysm.

But now, there is no way to take Lin Chen.

Can anyone else do it?

Even the speed king, one of the top ten masters, has to cover his face when he sees the snow of death!


The speed king punched his desk with one punch.

"You motherfucker, why?"

"Why aren't you infected?"

He growled loudly.

In the wind and snow, Lin Chen inhaled the snow of death, but it had no effect.

It shouldn't.

Less likely!

Lin Chen followed the blue dotted line and came to the front of a huge mansion.

The front of the mansion was fairly clean, and there were few corpses in sight.

Take a look at the plaque in front of the door.

"The Zhu family."

Understood, this family must be surnamed Zhu, right?

Lin Chen stepped forward and knocked on the door.

After a while, there was no response.

Take a look at the minimap.

It was true that no one was seen, but since the system navigation has guided them here, there must be someone in this mansion.

Lin Chen pushed the door and walked in.

The mansion is very spacious and empty. At first glance, there is not a single living person in sight.

There was a thick layer of snowflakes on the ground.

Lin Chen walked forward.

Before taking a few steps, he saw a red dot appear on the small map.

Have an enemy?

Not far ahead.

But Lin Chen looked forward, clearly there was nothing.

Lin Chen immediately understood that this was the same situation as the giant burrowing bug.

The enemy is not on the same level as yourself!

Lin Chen looked up at the sky, there was no enemy.

So one foot, directly smashed the ground.


The ground collapsed.

Lin Chen fell into the open space below.

"Secret passages?"


Lin Chen discovered that this is a secret space created by people.

The floor underfoot, as well as the walls and ceiling, are all paved with blue bricks.

Very flat and open.

A walkway can be three or four meters wide.

Big money.


The sound of the system sounded.

"Side quest: Investigate the Zhu family."

"We came to a big family's house and accidentally discovered that their house had a wide underground space."

"And this space is full of all kinds of enemies."

"This Zhu family, I'm afraid it's not easy."

"Maybe it has something to do with the Snow of Death?"

If you want to investigate this big family, the best way is to go to the owner.

I don't know if the owner will hide here.

Lin Chen walked along the aisle.

There are many monsters wandering here, and after seeing Lin Chen, they all rushed over frantically.

Lin Chen slashed out a sword without a front in his hand, and was instantly quiet.

Follow the yellow dotted line of the side quests.

Lin Chen soon came to a wider space.

It appears to be a hall.

But the strange thing is that all around the hall are full of various torture instruments.

There are also monsters tied to torture devices.

It looked as if he was dead.

Lin Chen muttered: "The problem is getting more and more serious."

This family is actually studying monsters.

The audience in the live broadcast room also saw this place for the first time.

They exclaimed.

"What's happening here?"

"Someone caught so many monsters and used them for research? What do you want to do?"

"Could it be that the Snow of Death was made by them?"

Lin Chen's eyes swept across the hall.

There are many bloodstains on the ground.

He glanced at the monsters and they were all dead.

Wait a minute.

Lin Chen suddenly noticed that there are not only the corpses of monsters, but also the corpses of humans!

Could it be that a monster escaped?

He looked around and saw no living monsters.

Maybe escaped.

Maybe it is hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity.

Lin Chen didn't plan to stay here, he continued to move forward.

But just took a step.



An electric light suddenly struck from behind.

Lin Chen turned around, stretched out his hand and smashed the golden lightning that struck.

He saw a tall and tall man on the way he came.

The man covered his face and wore a black hat.

His hair was long and stood on end with a cloth tie.

It's not easy at first glance.

Is it a monster?

Or alive?

Lin Chen glanced at his data first.

[Name: Lan

Race: human

Constitution: 67

Strength: 72

Speed: 8

Spirit: 89

Information: The prince of the dynasty, but was thrown into the river the day he was born, and now he is the top killer of the Mother Cult. He was ordered to destroy the four major families, kill the Dragon Emperor, stop the wind and snow, and save the world. 】

see his message.

Lin Chen thought to himself, as if he saw some incredible news.

When the prince of the dynasty, come to kill the Dragon Emperor.

Isn't this the father's kindness and filial piety, filial piety being powerful?

However, Lin Chen didn't intend to take care of this.

What he cares more about is the information the other party controls.

The Snow of Death is related to the Four Great Families and the Dragon Emperor?

When Lin Chen was looking at Lan.

Lan is also looking at Lin Chen.

This man seems very powerful.

He even smashed his own lightning with a wave of his hand, which is not something that an ordinary expert can do.

The most important thing is that his reaction is very fast.

How fast is a flash of lightning, he can actually detect it!

"who are you?"

Lan said: "I don't remember the Lu family, there is you."

Lin Chen: "?"

Lu family?

What is the Lu family?

"Did you mean here?"

"Isn't this Zhu's house?"

Lan was silent for a while.

He is now certain that Lin Chen is definitely not from the Lu family, because he doesn't even know the surname of the head of the Zhu family.

"It's not bad that this is the Zhu family."

Lan said, "However, the family's surname is Lu."

"The Zhu family is only conferred by the emperor."

He folded his fists, arched at Lin Chen, and bowed his head to apologize: "I'm sorry, I attacked you without knowing your identity. I was wrong."

The Lu family is the Zhu family, and the Zhu family is the Lu family.

Lin Chen was silent.

be sick.

However, the killer in front of him is also interesting, and his apology is so decisive.

Not really a killer.

"You just attacked me. Logically, I should have killed you."

"However, you seem to be of some use."

Lin Chen said, "Answer me some questions. If you answer well, I can consider not killing you."

Lan frowned.

He looked Lin Chen up and down, trying to see through this man.

He felt that this man was full of flaws, not like a master.

But thinking of the reaction speed of the other party just now, and the power of smashing lightning at will.

Lan still said: "It is indeed my fault first, please ask."

Lin Chen asked, "What's going on with this snow of death?"

Lan's heart skipped a beat.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen asked this question.

He explained: "More than 400 years ago, there was a powerful snake demon, known as He Luoshen. The snake demon killed people like numbness and often swallowed it."

"Later, the snake demon was defeated by five peerless masters, sealed here, and established an imperial city here."

"Now, their descendants want to release the snake demon and rule the world."

"These snows of death are the products of the snake demon."

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