No One Can Fight

Chapter 20: Jin Guogong

It takes a moment for Ying Qianyi to understand this situation.

But if you don't understand it, you will get deeper and deeper.

If you are free, take a step back. My brother is beautiful. I appreciate it.

If it is stuck.

There was almost no communication between her and Ye Huaishu.

As time goes by, he will make up and beautify everything in Ye Huai's book.

Until the end, I am afraid that even Ye Huaishu himself will not be able to reach it.

Again, it would save trouble in modern times.

Is the brother in the phone not sweet, or the brother in the game is not sweet?

On the other side, after Ye Huaishu went to see the princess, he "disappeared" as expected.

It should be the grand princess talking and laughing now, or finding a remote courtyard with a few friends, chatting and talking.

Completely ignore the theme of the blind date.

According to Ying Qianyun's idiom.

Ye Huaishu no longer attends ordinary banquets.

Or a private gathering between close friends.

Or a very high-end and elegant literary gathering.

The rest is a grand banquet of humanity.

It stands to reason that the blind date banquet of the eldest princess is not within Ye Huaishu's current standards for attending parties.

People are coming, but there are only a few possibilities.

Ye Huaishu is fascinated by poetry, calligraphy and painting, and he has the posture of plum wife and crane son in this life, with pen and ink as his companion.

In the eyes of scholars, this is an elegant matter.

It's just that Mrs. Ye can't accept it.

It is estimated that when Ye Huaishu came to the blind date banquet, he also pressed his mother's heart to show that he had not yet become a monk.

The other is the relationship between the two.

Ye Huaishu's sister-in-law is the eldest daughter of the princess.

When Mrs. Ye gave birth to a child at an advanced age, she encountered a big risk during childbirth, and it took three or four years to recover.

Ye Huaishu, who was just born, was handed over to this sister-in-law.

Therefore, the banquet of the eldest princess is out of respect.

Ye Huaishu will come no matter how.

Even if this banquet has nothing to do with him.

Ying Qianyun walked around casually, thanks to the blessing of everyone's pitching skills.

She wants to intervene in various small groups, and it's okay to chat a few words at random.

What? Why isn't my sister here?

No one asked this silly question.

It’s okay for the sisters to be together, and to act alone... it’s okay, and I don’t even look at what it is doing here.

Ying Qianyun strolled around randomly.

Found that there is no such thing as the biggest blue face trouble.

The atmosphere finally returned to the normal blind date and friendship banquet process.

Here a beautiful woman plays a solo, and a young man plays the flute ensemble next to him immediately.

After a talented scholar over there chanted a poem, there was a talented woman who "tacted against each other."

There are also small lovers who have become, shrinking in the corner.

I'm defloration, you wear it to me.

Then I want to pick one too.

No way~You don't look good~

Ying Qianyun, who accidentally ate the dog food, turned and left.

I didn't take two steps and saw another way of chasing girls.

A young man who didn't know which family was blowing Ye Huai's book to a girl.

And that girl is obviously also a super fan girl, very excited to respond.


The two of them went to the lotus pond to chat more about idols.

Ying Qianyun:...


I didn't see the small night light I had just glimpsed.

But I saw a lot of other young men with good looks and statures.

Ying Qianyun also encountered a twisted one who came over to inquire about her Ying's brother.

The eldest brother Ying is married and the second brother is engaged, but the wife's family is keeping filial piety, and the marriage is scheduled for next year.

The shy little girl came to ask.

Ying Qianyun only remembered that compared to his own brother, who was so shining.

There is a 17-year-old cousin in the second room next door.

Although Ying Beize is a concubine, he is the only son in the second room.

Ying's family is not separated.

Whoever counts, there are all civil servants and military officers in the family, two cousins, one is Juren, the other is a scholar, and both have fame.

In addition, his father is still an important member of the household department.

He doesn't look bad.

Taken together, Ying Beize is indeed a high-quality stock.

However, Ying Qianyun's return time is short, and he is not very familiar with this cousin, and there is no way to talk to the little girl.

After going around in a big circle, I saw a lot of interesting things and saw a lot of high-quality young men.

Forget it, this time it seems to have been quite rewarding.

The progress of the house bucket has been brushed, the sister's brain has been knocked out, and the first idol has been watching.

It's just that there is no amazing high-quality melon, which makes people a little disappointed.

It's a pity that I didn't meet the legendary classic bridge section.

The clothes were soiled by a little girl and had to be changed.

Halfway through, the little girl who led the way had a stomachache and had to go to a strange place to change clothes by herself.

Immediately afterwards, it was either Mixiang, or fainting, or a strange man rushed in after the clothes were changed halfway.

But... the banquet of the eldest princess.

It is also difficult to have such a bridge.

I closed my eyes and recalled the map I had stepped on so far.

Except for the backyard that guests can't go to, there are few places left that I haven't seen.

Although there is no obsessive-compulsive disorder, but the copy map is a little bit brighter for him.

This is...

Ying Qianyun turned and walked towards the place he hadn't walked.

The saying goes well.

It's all here.

No matter where Ying Qianyun goes, not far or near, waiting to send his servants

They will always stand in a place where they can't hear you whispering, but can hear you at a normal volume.

Their eyes never look at you, but they know you need someone for the first time.

Training is not easy.

Mother Zhan can provide loyal and capable servants like Xiaolu and Mujin at the training office of Ying Qianyun.

But the focus of training is how to better take care of Ying Qianyun himself.

But it can't train such a decent external servant of the public princess mansion.

"Oh, someone has taken up land"

Just approaching the destination, a few conversations came in the wind.

It means that Qianyun is a martial artist and has very good ears, otherwise he would not be able to hear him.

He glanced at the place where the sound came from.

Gee, it's really a good location for a private chat.

I seriously doubt that when this garden was built, such a place was specially reserved for private conversations.

Yes, the map is also considered to be stepped on.

Let's go

A word floated into Ying Qianyun's ears.

Suddenly made her stop.

Isn't it?

Seize the prostitute? !

This is not something you can't listen to.

Ying Qianyun elegantly raised her hand and touched her hair near her ear.

He stroked the acupuncture points near his ears with his fingers, and frowned quietly at the sound that was instantly enlarged several times.

No way, who makes this outdoor?

It was precisely because of this discomfort that he shook off the servant who wanted to come over, and walked to the side of a strange stone and sat down.

Leaning on the strange stone, pretending to be rubbing his forehead because of discomfort, he actually concentrated on listening to the sound coming from there.

Yang Heng looked helplessly at Yin Hanyang who was blocking him.

The eldest grandson of the Jin Dynasty government, the younger Yin Shiniang who almost promised Yang Heng was his younger sister.

For the first time, I feel... A-niang, who is overthinking, sometimes speaks very reasonable.

If he had seen his aunt and then turned around and left.

I won't meet him now.

Yin Hanyang didn't feel Yang Heng's helplessness at all.

He even felt that the prince who had always maintained a gentle smile in front of him must be uncontrollable in his heart.

After all, what he offered was a condition that was hard to refuse.

So far, there are four adult princes.

The prince's identity is orthodox, and he has been serving as the prince for many years. Although all evaluations have been mediocre, the identity is placed there after all.

The second prince is the son of the incumbent queen, and he is very good at martial arts. Especially a martial art, it is said that it was taught by an expert.

Especially extraordinary.

The four princes and birth mother Zhaogui concubine, Zhaogui concubine entered the palace and got the script of the heroine.

In the twenty years of entering the palace, the holy favor has been constant, and now he can be regarded as Mingjun.

All the things that were slightly out of the ordinary and exceptional were all spent on Concubine Zhao.

When I was 12 years old, I started to take some small errands and began to share my worries for my father.

So what kind of little transparency is the three princes caught in it?

It can be said that... nothing.

There are no advantages, no disadvantages, and no shining points to invest.

When he had nothing, their Yin family extended an olive branch to help you. What else can you refuse?

What? Seize the prostitute?

No, no, no, how could we have such a rebellious idea.

We just help you to become a virtuous king.

Yang Heng: ^_^

Ying Qianyun in the monitor: Ha ha

"His Royal Highness the Three Princes, should you be a virtuous king to serve the country and make good for the common people, or to be a idle king, trapped for a lifetime, doing nothing. There are no words for you in historical writing. You should consider carefully..."

Ying Qianyun rolled his eyes and felt it necessary to complain: [Why do people want to serve the country without looking for their relatives, but for you? 】

Obviously the three princes think so too.

"Father has arranged for me to receive the Jialiang delegation's entry into Beijing." Thanks for the invitation, he is already doing his loyalty to the country.

Yin Hanyang showed an expression of "how are you so naive".

"The same piece of jade pendant, some people can sell one hundred taels, some others can only get ten taels. If the third prince handles the errands so honestly, even if things are done, how much will the emperor remember you? Look at the fourth princes, If you do a little thing, you will get a reward like running water, the third prince, how about you."

Ying Qianyun didn't know how the third prince would react.

But she heard the bug.

This guy can even tout his own ability to do things, while taunting the three princes' poor ability to do things? !

What is "even if things are done"?

Wouldn't it be possible without you?

Okay, skip the hint of blocking your heart.

This guy is still very tempting.

It's no wonder that at a banquet, you dare to block people and just say it.

For a prince who is not favored, has poor ability, and is eager to get attention, to do something.

Such assistance is really rare.

Especially the other party's high-sounding expression is just to help him gain a little real power.

Not to fight for the throne.

This is very defensive.

The Yin family's acknowledgment, the proper benefits are stuck, and it is not afraid of you to file a complaint, and it will not scare people away.

As for the future... hehe

Not only Yin Hanyang, but Ying Qianyun thought that the third prince would agree.

After all, this matter at first glance, for the three princes, is not a loss.

At this time Yin Hanyang added the last weight.

"The birth mother of the prince and the second prince are both queens, and the birth mother of the fourth prince is a noble concubine. The fifth prince and the birth mother of the sixth prince are all appointed concubines... The third prince, Ning Bi is still a concubine."

"You don't think for yourself, but also for Ning Bi. Don't you want her to get the decentness she deserves?"

Filial piety, future, the approval of the father, and the right to wealth.

These good things, you only need to nod your head, you can sit back and enjoy the results.

It's not a loss.

[No, I'm really concubine, my mother-in-law is running out of time. She would scare herself to death. 】

Yang Heng now encounters a similar choice to Ying Qianyun not long ago.

How reasonable it is to refuse to make it appear that I am not a mentally retarded/head-shrunk turtle/a salty fish with no ambitions.

He is not aiming to make life rich and idle.

He really wanted to do something for the emperor, the emperor, and the people.


He has no desire to win the heart.

He also doesn't need help with ulterior motives.

There is no need to seek help from outsiders at the expense of hurting their loved ones.

Before I met, I didn't feel much. Now I can finally realize the helplessness of my father and the emperor brother.

Outsiders always fill up the battles inside the royal room according to their own needs.

They will "help" you with an impeccable angle.

They will "encourage" you with ulterior motives.

It just happens that people's hearts can't stand the test so much.

To govern this country, these people with ulterior motives are needed.

Yang Heng looked at Yin Hanyang.

If you don't want to pretend to be stupid...

So blunt?

Think about the blunt rejection line.

It's nothing more than, I can't believe you, don't hurt me.

Yang Heng:...

If he can, he doesn't really want to use the same lines from his Aniang.

Yang Heng's hesitation, in Yin Hanyang's eyes, was a proper heartbeat, just when he was full of confidence and thought that the water would be successful.

The gentle smile in front of me turned into a wry smile.

"I don't have talent in the next level, and I don't know how to become a military weapon. I want to share my worries for my father, but I have no way to get the help of the Jin Dynasty. Naturally, I will meet the bright light at night and add wings to the tiger."

Yang Heng spoke well and fully met Yin Hanyang's expectations.

But the expression on Yang Heng's face didn't say so.

"It's a pity, I'm afraid... we have no destiny."

"There is no destiny? What do you say?"

"My father has already vetoed my marriage to Lingmei."

This unfinished marriage contract was an absolute secret to the outside world, but it was not in the families of both parties at that time.

Yin Hanyang breathed a sigh of relief, why did he still think about it.

I just wanted to say that it doesn't matter.

The purpose of marriage was to unite the three princes.

Their family status is high, and the emperor does not want the wives of the three princes to be too good, which is reasonable.

"My father actually agreed, so he called me to tell me, don't lose my heart because of his wife's kindness. But I don't know why Long Yan is furious. Then..." The marriage went off.

"How come?!" Yin Hanyang's expression couldn't be stretched.

The emperor agreed to suddenly repent, and something big must happen.

there is a problem?

Where is the problem?

Seeing the third prince who was gentle and cowardly, like a white rabbit, he knew that the emperor's anger had nothing to do with him.

That is... their home?

Their family has done nothing recently to make the emperor angry...


Looking at the private meeting in front of me.

Yin Hanyang felt that he was not so sure.

Everything in the family is arbitrarily determined by the grandfather. They only know that the grandfather is in the layout and only knows their own tasks.

I don't know what others are doing.

"Father is furious, if I walk too close to you at this moment... I am the father and son after all, and the father will not do anything to me. But I can't affect your family because of my own personal interests."

This sentence can be understood as Yang Heng's kindness.

It can also be understood as...Duke Jin is currently in trouble, and Yang Heng doesn't want to be infected.

No matter how they interpret it.

Naturally, there is no reason to say that, if you have to convince the other party, you have to come up with some dry goods.

"After all, a little bit of my marriage is involved, and my father has also missed a little bit. It seems that it has something to do with the new salt administration."

In a word, Yin Hanyang's face changed directly.

He hurriedly handed over to Yang Heng and left.

I even forgot to say the scene.

He left, but Ying Qianyun did not leave because of her interesting discovery...and follow-up!

There is actually a third person around the secret conversation between the two.

As soon as Yin Hanyang left, he appeared carelessly beside the third prince.

The breath is long and steady, and he is obviously a trainer.

"Cousin, you can really blow."

Cao Nan and the eldest grandson of the princess, and Yang Heng are indeed cousins.

The two have always called each other that.

But this is the relationship between cousins ​​separated by three generations, and it is related to kinship.

It's better to say that they are closer to the buddies who grew up together.

"If he goes back to Old Man Yin and asks, he won't just wear it? You are not afraid that he will block you next time, crying and saying that the concubine's heart is so sincere, but he is deceived by Lang Jun like this? Sad~~heart~~na~~ ~"

"..." Cao Nanyu, you alone successfully lowered the image of the generals group.

After being a demon, Cao Nan bowed his head and carefully observed the look of his cousin.

Directly turned into disbelief.

"So...Duke Jin really has a problem?! Isn't this a pot of dirty water you poured over?"



Yang Heng raised his head and looked at his cousin.

Still a gentle and good-tempered smile.

"Send a whistleblower for me at night, stuffed in Li Yushi's desk."

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