at this time.

Lin Bei was driving alone on a muddy country road.

"Where are you from?"

From a distance, he saw an old man in his sixties, standing in front of the courtyard gate and waving to him, with a smile on his face, very festive.

It is said that a son is like his mother and his daughter is like his father. Based on this, Lin Bei looks like his grandfather...

Although the old man is old, he is still handsome between his brows, and the traces of time are carved on his wrinkled face.

Lin Bei's grandfather's surname is Zhao. It is said that after his daughter disappeared, he was severely affected. He often talked nonsense and was somewhat mentally abnormal.

Moreover, he likes to drink very much, and he will get drunk every time. His fellow villagers give him the nickname "Zhao Jiu Crazy".

Zhao Jiufeng lives alone in the countryside. As for Lin Bei's grandmother, Lin Bei has never seen her, not even Lin Xiangdong.

Lin Xiangdong once proposed that Zhao Jiufeng be brought to live in the city.

But the old man disagreed.

He said he was used to living in the countryside and felt more comfortable.

Lin Bei slowly parked the car in front of the courtyard gate, opened the door and walked down.

"Grandpa, I'm here to see you."

"Hahaha, what a great grandson. I haven't seen you for such a long time. He is becoming more and more handsome as he grows older. He is as handsome as I was back then."

Zhao Jiufeng was very happy, "Why did you think of coming to see this old bone of mine?"

"No, I was catching bugs in the city. I stopped by to see you and brought you some fruit."

Lin Bei took out two oranges and handed them to the old man.

Zhao Jiufeng squinted his eyes and looked at him.

"That's great. You are becoming more and more filial. Come on, go into the house. Grandpa will prepare something delicious for you."

The grandfather and grandson walked into the courtyard, which was a two-story building.

Although Zhao Jiufeng was an alcoholic, he was not slovenly at all and kept his home neatly and cleanly.

In the yard, chickens, ducks, geese and other livestock are also raised.

Zhao Jiufeng went back to the house to cook for his eldest grandson, while Lin Bei stayed in the yard to play.

See grandpa again.

It still feels quite friendly.

And when I think of my mother whose memory is blurred, that gentle face seems to be a long time ago... a long time ago.


There were a few little chickens chirping non-stop.

The old hen is dead.

Without the protection of its mother, the little chick fluttered and trembled slightly in the wind, looking very helpless.

Lin Bei knelt down and touched the little chicken's head with his fingers.

"Don't you have a mother anymore? Neither do I, and... I can't seem to remember my mother's face clearly..."

"Grandson, the rice is ready, come and eat, chicken stewed with mushrooms!" Zhao Jiufeng shouted from inside the room.

"Well, come on!"


Although there were only two parents, the food was very sumptuous, with a table full of chicken, duck, fish, and ribs.

Looks very appetizing.

In such a grand occasion, Zhao Jiufeng naturally had to take a few sips. He took out his precious wine flask and filled the cup.

In an instant, the aroma of wine overflowed in the room.

Zhao Jiu rubbed his hands together like a crazy fly, with a smile on his face. He looked at the wine in the glass with special kindness. He took a sip and clicked his lips, showing a very satisfied expression.

"Grandson, please eat more."


Lin Beizheng was chewing the chicken legs, his mouth full of oil.

I ate too much delicacies from the mountains and seas outside, and it felt very special to eat the farm food cooked by my grandpa.

Zhao Jiufeng took two sips of wine and his face turned red.

"Grandson, how have you been outside lately? Has anyone bullied you?"

"No, no."

Lin Bei was eating and hesitating.

"That's good."

Zhao Jiufeng nodded, "If someone bullies you, just tell grandpa and I will kill them with one finger."

Lin Bei had no time to talk and only focused on eating.


Zhao Jiu grinned crazily and took another sip of wine. He seemed to be a little drunk and started talking crazy.

"Grandson...I'm telling you, it's not your grandpa who's bragging to you. Your grandpa was the most handsome boy in the universe. It was because he fell in love with your grandma that he came to live in the country. ”

"But it can't be done now, now that I'm old...the world has to be handed over to your younger generation, burp~~~"

Lin Bei was full and stared at his grandfather.

Drink too much...

Started talking nonsense...

I heard my father say before that my grandpa would act like a drunkard if he drank too much.

Is wine really that magical?

Lin Bei looked at his grandfather and took another sip of wine with a happy expression, which seemed very sweet.

"Does the stuff in your cup... taste good?"

"Of course."

Zhao Jiufeng slapped his thigh excitedly.

"Wine is the essence of food. The more you drink, the younger you become. One cup will refresh your mind, two cups will never make you tired, and three cups will make you immortal..."

"Really or not?"

Lin Bei expressed doubts about this.

"Come on, come on, if you don't believe me, try it." Zhao Jiufeng's mouth was full of alcohol and he pushed the cup in front of him.

Lin Bei didn't drink alcohol before, and he only drank some fruit wine or low-alcohol wine.

But the glass in front of me is high-quality liquor, brewed by my grandpa himself.

He smelled it first with his nose.

It has a spicy taste.

Lin Bei frowned, it didn't feel like it tasted good.

However, grandpa drank happily.

So Lin Bei grabbed the wine glass and took a big sip.

Suddenly a line of fire entered his throat, and the burning breath spread to his chest.

Feeling warm all over...

“So spicy!”

Lin Bei frowned and curled his lips.

But the next moment, he felt dizzy and the scene in front of him began to shake.

For some reason, he wanted to drink more!

Lin Bei raised the cup and drank it directly like a beverage.

This time, the taste was slightly sweet.


Lin Bei's body began to shake, and the world in front of him was spinning, and he laughed foolishly.


Zhao Jiufeng also grinned and laughed, and filled the glass again.

"Come on, grandson, another glass, drink it!"

"Come on!"

Lin Bei raised the glass.



As his Adam's apple moved, he drank the full glass of wine directly.

This time.

Lin Bei sat there, his body swaying left and right, his eyes staring straight.

Looking at the grandfather sitting in front of him, he had double vision.

One, two, three.


Why are there three grandfathers?

After Lin Bei staggered twice, he felt a black screen in front of his eyes.


He fell backwards on the ground.

"Hahaha." Zhao Jiufeng laughed happily and said: "Grandson, your alcohol tolerance is not good. You need to practice. Hurry up and wake up."


As soon as Zhao Jiufeng finished speaking, Lin Bei sat up again, very quickly, less than 0.00001 seconds.

His eyes were clear and he looked around.

Zhao Jiufeng still looked at him with a smile.

"How is it? Sober?"


Lin Bei nodded.

"Do you want to drink more?" Zhao Jiufeng shook the wine pot.

Lin Bei turned his head and looked towards the city.

This glance.

It seemed to have penetrated the illusion, as if he could see through thousands of miles away.

"You drink first, I'll go out for a walk..."


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