"Singing snake?"

The two guards scratched their heads, looking confused.

One of them asked: "What is a song...?"


Several people were ashamed. Apparently, they didn't even know the song and couldn't communicate with these barbarians.

Lin Bei rolled his eyes at them.

"Have you never heard of the song? Brother...it's a legend."


The guards were even more confused.

Huang Kai was speechless and quickly stepped forward.

"Don't worry so much, just let us in anyway."

"Oh, you can go in, but we have to watch you."

Several guards remained alert.

Lin Bei and others were too lazy to argue with them and walked into the temple together.

The turret-style building is extremely spacious, and several pillars in the hall are carved with hooked snake totems.

At the front, there is a huge snake-shaped statue, with its body bent, lifelike and terrifying.

In front of the statue, fruits and other tributes are placed.

Enshrining a snake on such an occasion makes people feel extremely weird.

In front of the basilisk statue, a girl was kneeling, her hands clasped together, her eyes closed, and she was praying devoutly.

"Sister! The little boy looked happy and ran forward quickly."

But when the girl opened her eyes, her eyes were full of indifference, her brows were furrowed, and she was full of blame: "Didn't you go to heaven to serve the patron saint? Why did you come back? You will be punished for this."

"Sister, I..."

Facing the girl's cold gaze, the little boy's face froze with joy, and he took two steps back in fright. The sister in front of him... seemed to have become extremely strange.

My sister before was not like this.

When the boy was chosen as a sacrifice, he was told to hide and not go with the goddess.

Is it true that as the villagers said...my sister has changed her ways and is willing to serve the gods in the temple?

Lin Bei and others looked around and felt that something was wrong with the girl.

At this time.

An old man wearing a black robe came out. She had white hair and was extremely old. Her face was full of wrinkles and she was already in her octogenarian years.

But the old man's expression was quite kind, and he was not surprised when he looked at the people in front of him.

Because when Lin Bei and others were swaggering through the market.

Someone had already reported it to the temple.

"You young people, do you have any business coming to the temple?"

"What did you do to my sister? Give it back to my sister!"

The little boy rushed forward crying.

But he was held down by several guards.

"Hey, old woman, I heard that you used human life to worship mutant monsters. Is this the case?" Huang Kai narrowed his eyes and asked.

The goddess was not angry, but instead grinned.

"Foreigners, our affairs here have nothing to do with you. Snakes are the totem of our island. They can protect people's safety, and... everyone voluntarily sacrifices their lives, right? Xiaolian. ..."

The girl next to me replied, "Yes, I am willing to dedicate everything to the patron saint, and it has nothing to do with anyone else."


Huang Kai thinks the girl is weird.

The goddess next to her looked proud and nodded, approving of the girl's awakening.

Lin Bei turned to look at the old man.

【bite! System scan: A-level plant awakener, Violet, ability: emit fragrance, confuse the mind. 】

Obviously, the old man is an awakened person.

It was precisely because of her ability to confuse people that she was elected as the goddess.

Lin Bei walked towards the girl kneeling on the ground and slowly squatted down.

"I ask you, are you really willing?"

"Yes, I am willing to sacrifice everything I have, including my life, to the gods, just asking it to protect the people on the island."

The girl vowed.

The goddess next to her smiled even more happily. She was very confident in her abilities.

"Well, okay then." Lin Bei nodded.

But then, he raised his hand and slapped the girl on the face. Although he didn't use much force, his voice was very clear.


If a child is confused, just give him a slap.

【bite! Ben Tongzi helped her get rid of her confusion. 】

Everyone around them stared wide-eyed.

This slap was too sudden...

What is Professor Lin doing? ? ?

But the girl covered her face, her eyes were much clearer, and she was a little confused.

"I...why am I here?"

She turned around and saw her brother, with bright eyes filled with surprise, she ran over and hugged him in her arms.

"Brother, it's great that you are back! Don't be a sacrifice. The patron saint is a man-eating monster. If you go, you will never come back."

"Woooooooo~~~ Got it, sister, I really miss you."

The little boy burst into tears instantly (? ^?).

The two siblings hugged each other and cried.

When the goddess next to her saw this, her old face turned blue and purple, and the kindness she had pretended to be turned into an extremely vicious one in an instant.

"How is that possible? Who are you? What are you doing on our island?"

"Come for the snake. Call it out. I have something to ask it."

Lin Bei said casually.

Huang Kai and others were filled with admiration. It was Professor Lin who slapped the girl awake...

The goddess was furious.

"How dare you insult the patron saint, arrest them!!!"


A few guards were dull and brave enough to rush forward with stone weapons.

Don't wait for Lin Bei and Huang Kai to take action.

The princess's kelp was pulled out like a steel whip, throwing several guards out of the attic, and tied up the witch tightly, like a mummy.

"Let me go! You will be punished! The guardian god will not forgive you!!!"

The witch rolled and struggled on the ground like a bug.


Lin Bei stepped forward and kicked her hard in the face.

"I'll ask you again, where is the talking snake?"

"How dare you kick..."


Lin Bei kicked again

The witch's white hair was disheveled, and she looked crazy.

"I curse you... You will not be well..."


Before she finished speaking, Lin Bei kicked again.

"Wuwuwuwuwu~~~ Stop kicking, I surrender, please stop kicking, wuwuwuwu~~" The witch with a swollen nose and face finally begged for mercy and burst into tears.

Lin Bei looked at her with a squinting eye, wouldn't it be better if he did this earlier? Everyone saved trouble.

"Tell me, where is the snake?"

"Wuwuwu~~~ I don't know either. The guardian god only appears during the sacrifice."



Lin Bei kicked the witch unconscious with his last kick.

The two siblings looked at Lin Bei with tears in their eyes.

He was so domineering.

Seeing the high and mighty witch being kicked so badly, they felt very relieved.

"Thank you for saving us." The girl wiped her tears and looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"You're welcome. It's just a small effort." Lin Bei said.

The girl suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, by the way! There are many sisters imprisoned in the temple. They have committed the crime of not getting married and having children at the age of sixteen. Let's rescue them too."


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