No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 279: Unfaithful man?

"Why is it so dark? There are bones everywhere, no snacks, and a cold world. I will bear this grudge!"

Lin Bei stepped on the dense white bones and muttered.

"What the hell is this place?"

"Hey, is anyone there?"

Every two steps he took, he held a trumpet in his hand and yelled a few more words.

But the only response to him was the howling wind.

The will-o'-the-wisps floating in the air began to sway violently, and a clicking sound suddenly came from the pile of bones not far away.

"Huh? Who's there?"

Lin Bei glanced around and saw a gathering of Yin energy, withered bones flying up from the ground and forming a skeleton on their own.

At first glance, it looks a bit like Iron Man's transformation...

But in the black eye sockets of the skeleton, two green ghost fires ignited, its mouth clicked, and it turned to look at Lin Bei.

"What are you looking at?"

Lin Bei was not very happy. He reached out and touched back, but found it was empty. Then he realized...the Demon Slayer Knife was not around either.

Not only are the snacks insufficient, but there is also one missing toy.

The will-o'-the-wisps danced in the skeleton's eyes, and it flew straight towards Lin Bei.

Lin Bei had no choice but to draw out the toy pistol.

【bite! System enhancement: the toy pistol becomes the ‘blessing gun’... May the snacks and toys be with the host in the days to come, Amen! 】


Lin Bei pulled the trigger, and there was a loud noise.

The skeleton's body exploded to pieces, its skull collapsed, and the two will-o'-the-wisps in its eye sockets also dimmed at the same time.

He looked at the toy pistol.

Lin Bei finally felt a little relieved.

He continued to move forward, intending to get out of this pile of bones, preferably to find a place with people...

But in this world, humans seem to be a rare species.

Along the way, Lin Bei encountered various monsters, including ghosts, ghosts, skeletons, bone beasts, etc.

"It seems there is no one left..."

Lin Bei was thinking in his mind.

But at this moment, he saw two figures crawling in a bone pit in the darkness ahead.

The two of them used the bone pit as a trench, with only half of their heads exposed. They observed the surrounding situation and acted with extreme caution.

"Brother, this is a dark forbidden area. Isn't it too dangerous for us to come here?" said a young man.

The other person gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't there a saying in the outside world? If you don't get into the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs!"

"Huh? There's no tiger's den here?"

"You are so stupid! This is called a metaphor! Do you understand the metaphor?"

The senior brother was very angry.

Lin Bei glanced at them and saw that these two people were wearing long robes with sun-like shapes on their backs. They must be natives of this world.

They came behind the two of them, but maybe because they were too nervous, they kept staring ahead and didn't notice at all.


Lin Bei shouted.

The two brothers jumped up suddenly, as if their bodies were equipped with springs, their faces extremely pale.

"Wha...who is that person?"

"We are believers in the light.'t mess around!"

The two men spoke with trembling voices. After all, this is a forbidden area! If a random monster appears, they won't be able to deal with it.

Lin Bei stared at the two of them quietly, not in a hurry to talk.

After a while, the two brothers calmed down and looked at his clothes carefully. They felt that it was very strange.

"Are you human?" Junior Brother asked.

"Yes, you two are humans too?" Lin Bei asked.


Junior Brother nodded heavily.

The senior brother looked around and saw that Lin Bei's clothes were not like the people in the abyss, and he looked somewhat surprised.

"'re not from the outside world, are you?"

"Probably...sort of."

Lin Bei nodded.

"Then it will be miserable for you. You fell into the abyss of the netherworld and will never be able to get out again. I know many people who fell in by mistake." The senior brother said with an exaggerated expression.

Lin Bei felt that these were not the important points.

"Who are you?"

"We are believers of light, from the City of Holy Light, and we are also the guardians of the abyss seal."

The junior brother patted his chest and said, looking a little proud, "You just fell into the abyss, right? Fortunately, it was us who met us. It would be dangerous if we met monsters. This is a dangerous and forbidden place!"

"Do you have anything delicious?" Lin Bei asked.

"Uh..." Junior Brother shook his head.


Yes, asking is in vain.

But the senior brother said: "We came to this forbidden area just to pick a kind of fruit. Eating it can increase the power of the soul!"

"Fruit? Where is it?"

Lin Bei became interested.

The senior brother pointed forward.

"Here! It's right in front."

Lin Bei looked around and saw that there seemed to be a patch of plants in the darkness, but these plants were all black and grew out of dead bones. The most eye-catching thing was that there were several black roses in full bloom.

The senior brother warned: "Don't touch the black rose among those plants. If you touch it, you will die and no one can save it!"

"Come on, let's go there."

Lin Bei was too lazy to talk nonsense.

The two brothers looked at each other.

Is it just like this?

But when he turned around, he saw that Lin Bei had already walked more than ten meters away.

The two men came from the same school and were called senior brothers. The senior brother was called Nian Yi and the junior brother was called Nian Er.

They came to the forbidden area to practice and pick fruits to improve their soul power in order to cope with the exams in the city.

He just lay in the bone pit for a long time, observing silently, but never dared to step forward.

But Lin Bei walked leisurely, without any danger at all.

Black vines entangled the skulls, and the plants became more and more dense, but no matter what kind of plants, they were all pitch black, and the roots were rooted in the dead bones.

"Where is the fruit?" Lin Bei looked around, but did not find the target.

"Maybe... we have to go forward." Senior Brother Nian Yi scratched his head and said that he had never been here before.

Lin Bei strode forward, and if he was not careful, he would kick the dead bones on the ground, making a rustling sound.

But a black rose appeared under his feet.

The black little flower was upright and proudly blooming.

"Hey! Be careful! Don't step on it." Nian Yi reminded anxiously.

But Lin Bei's foot had already landed, and he stepped on the black rose.

Looking back, he saw that the two brothers looked a little strange, their calves were trembling, and cold sweat was running down their foreheads.

"What's wrong? Are you two hot? You're sweating so much."

" stepped on the black rose, it's going to kill you!"

Nian Er was already crying.

Lin Bei looked down at his feet, and there was indeed a flower that he had stepped on, but of course it was not intentional.

"Isn't it just a flower? I didn't step on the fruit, what's the big deal?"

"This place is called the Dark Forbidden Land because of the black rose! Once you touch it, you will definitely die!!"

Senior Brother Nian Yi explained.

As soon as the voice fell, a strange atmosphere filled the surroundings.

In the dim distance, there was a rustling sound, and it turned out that vines were entwined with dead bones and spread over.

Where the vines passed, the dead bones actually pulled out black buds, and then grew rapidly, forming flower buds, and blooming in patches.


In the blink of an eye, the surrounding black roses were connected into patches, forming a sea of ​​flowers, and there was no end in sight.

A female figure emerged from the darkness and walked slowly in the sea of ​​flowers. She had fair skin and wore a long dress woven with black rose petals, the hem of which was dragged far out.

The woman's delicate face was full of a sense of enchantment. Her dark eyes stared at Lin Bei, and she muttered foolishly.

"Unfaithful man, you finally came to find me..."


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