The sky is blue, and there are thousands of paper cranes outside the window~~

Da Huang said he didn't want to talk, and he was very tired.

Maybe he shouldn't have posted such a recruitment information at that time.

It's not that he didn't apply, but the cross-dressing boss didn't arrive...


In the afternoon.

A strange thing happened on Tianyan Island.

The people were panicked and terrified. ✺

Because someone reported that it was haunted!

Wang Ming was at a loss for what to do when he encountered such a thing for the first time, so he hurried to find Lin Bei.

"Director Lin, it's bad! People said that the seaside is haunted, probably a spiritual mutant monster, what should we do???"

"Haunting is interesting..."

Lin Bei muttered, he loves to catch ghosts the most.

Wang Ming was puzzled, is haunting interesting?

"Director Lin, seven people have died now, all drowned at the seaside, it's terrible!"

"Oh? So many people died?"

This was something Lin Bei didn't expect.

It seems to be a fierce ghost.

"Well, OK, let's go, let's go... Let's go catch ghosts."

The two went downstairs, Huang Kai had been waiting downstairs. Their mount was an electric scooter with a sidecar, which could just fit three people.

This was the fastest means of transportation on the island.

Lin Bei sat in the sidecar, Huang Kai rode the scooter with Wang Ming, and the three of them rushed to the scene of the incident together.

About ten minutes later, they arrived at the beach.

The sound of waves was heard, and a golden beach appeared in front of them. In the distance, the sea and the sky were connected, seabirds were circling, and the scenery was blue.

The water of Tianyan Island was clear and transparent. Standing on the coast, you could see the sand on the bottom of the sea and the swaying seaweed.

But at this time, there was a group of people gathered on the beach, pointing and whispering.

"So many people, just died!"

"It's so scary!"

"Is it really haunted?"

"I think it might be..."

"This death is too strange."

"Quick, get out of the way, the people from the Supernatural Bureau are coming!"


With a shout, the crowd of onlookers automatically made way.

Lin Bei and his two companions walked in swaggeringly.

At first glance.

There were seven bodies lying side by side in front of them, their skin was pale and swollen, obviously caused by being soaked in sea water.

"Director Lin, they drowned last night and were only salvaged by the cleaners this morning." Wang Ming explained.


Lin Bei nodded, hugged his shoulders and looked down.

Suddenly I felt something was not right...

Because one of them was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, and on his exposed arm, there were tattoos of two hairtails...

"Eh? Isn't this Wang He?"

"It seems to be him."

Huang Kai looked at the face of the corpse. Although it was deformed by the soaking, he could still tell it by the outline and hairstyle.

The seven people who drowned were actually Wang He and his group...

"These people... just died like this???"

Lin Bei frowned, as if he couldn't believe it.

His expression became sad and angry.

"They were fine yesterday! How come they died today???"

"Director Lin, don't get excited, calm down first."

Wang Ming hurried forward to persuade him.

At the same time, it was strange that Director Lin had always been calm and composed, and he was so angry now.

They didn't have much friendship, right?

They just met yesterday...

Is it that serious?

The people around looked at each other and admired him at the same time.

"Is this man the leader of the Supernatural Power Bureau?"

"Yes, he is a really good leader, so worried about the safety of the people."

"Yes, look at his sad and upset expression, it doesn't look like he is pretending at all."

"The greatest heroes serve the country and the people..."

"With such a good leader, we can rest assured!!!"


At this time, Lin Bei suddenly pointed at the seven people on the ground.

"They owe me money and haven't paid it back yet!"

"Ah, this..." Everyone immediately fell silent, expressing embarrassment...

Wang Ming also remembered that Wang He owed Lin Bei money yesterday.

200 million.

He also wrote an IOU....

It turned out that Lin Bei was sad because he couldn't get the money back.

"Who did it? If he is caught by this director, he will pay back the principal and interest together!"

"It doesn't seem to be man-made."

Huang Kai's sharp eyes immediately pointed to the ankle of a corpse, "Look at this, it should be done by a ghost!"


Lin Bei tilted his head to look.

I saw a spirited young man’s body, wearing cropped pants, with a dark handprint on his exposed ankle.

It was a ghost’s claw print!

Moreover, these people died with their eyes wide open, with fear still in their eyes, and a lot of sand stuck in their fingernails, obviously they had struggled before death.

Very painful...

“This ghost should not be very strong, otherwise ordinary people would not even have a chance to struggle.” Huang Kai hugged his shoulders and looked at him with his neck tilted.

Wang Ming gave a thumbs up.

“You analyzed so much from the corpse, it’s amazing, Brother Kai!”

“Hehe! It’s just so-so.”

Huang Kai waved his hand, pretending to be profound.

Although he was not good at dealing with spiritual mutants, he had seen a lot of them after hanging out with Lin Bei for so long.

In the underground palace of the northwest desert, there were also god-level ghosts.

This kind of little ghost now.

Of course it's no problem.

"Brother Kai, can you analyze what type of ghost is the one who harmed people?"

"Well, the deceased drowned at the seaside, so based on my many years of experience, it should be a water ghost who harmed people!"

Huang Kai said with certainty.


Wang Ming was slightly stunned, and was speechless for a while┓( ′?` )┏.


After observing the scene for a while.

Lin Bei planned to find the murderer to see if the ghost was blind and killed the person who owed him money.

"Let's go, let's find the ghost."

"Find the ghost? How to find it?"

Wang Ming thought this was quite scary.

"It's okay, just follow us." Huang Kai patted his shoulder, indicating that he was at ease.

After all, it was just a little ghost.

Because there was still some Yin Qi left on the seaside, it could be felt by the instinct of the awakened.

That ray of Yin Qi did not sink into the sea.

But it walked along the coastline.

In other words, the ghost did not return to the deep sea, and is still on the shore.


Lin Bei and others walked along the beach on the soft sand.

Of course, it was not boring along the way.

Because the surrounding scenery is really beautiful, and there are many tourists.

Huang Kai put on big sunglasses again and admired the beautiful scenery along the way.....

Tianyan Island has a long coastline.

The three walked for more than an hour, and there were still beaches, seas, and tourists around.

Huang Kai even saw a few newlyweds taking wedding photos on the beach.

They were sweet and smiling.

Huang Kai was envious....

However, the breath of Yin Qi became stronger and stronger.

It seemed to be in the sea area ahead.

But on the beach ahead, a security team appeared and was patrolling. They were a team of five, wearing uniform uniforms and holding batons in their hands.

Seeing Lin Bei and others just passing by.

They stopped them immediately.

"Hey, stand there, the private waters ahead, outsiders are not allowed to enter!"


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