Huang Kai scratched his head.

Didn’t you lie to Aaron last time? So, who did Director Lin lie to?

After seeing the memory of Youying, little Lala was filled with emotion.

"Originally, Skull Island was quite peaceful. Although there would be conflicts between tribes, they were far from life-and-death situations. But... everything has changed now!"

"When did it change?"

Lin Bei asked casually.

"Just the first two months."

The girl recalled: "At that time...many meteorites fell and hit Skull Island. A dazzling white light flashed in the sky. Then in the next few days, exiled members appeared one after another. They massacred many tribes and captured many. Where are the people.”

Huang Kai nodded and began to analyze carefully.

The falling meteorites and the white light must be caused by the arrival of Atlantis.

At that time, the Dragon Kingdom prophet also felt energy fluctuations.

It is estimated that among the exiled members, there are also masters of perception ability, so they flocked here like flies.

At that time, Director Lin and Dahuang were still living in Di Guo and were about to enter the abyss.

But it ended up going full circle.

The two of them came to Skull Island.

The world line ends....

Lin Bei glanced around and found that in the mountain forest, many trees collapsed, strange rocks stood, and there were large and small craters on the ground.

Obviously, these are the results of meteorite impacts.

Lin Bei walked into a pit and found that the stone in the middle was numb and not round at all, like a stepping stone.

"Is this thing from the outside world? Meteorite?"


Huang Kai wasn't sure. He was not an astronomer.

Lin Bei patted Mama Lai Lai's stone, leaned over and looked back and forth with a serious look on his face.

"How amazing."


Huang Kai didn't know why, it was just a meteorite falling from the sky. What was so magical about it?

Lin Bei pointed around and there were many craters.

"Look at these meteorites. Isn't it amazing that each one can fall into the crater accurately?"

"Ah this..."

Da Huang and the girl were both stunned.


For a moment I didn't know what to say.

"Well, it's magical. Director Lin, let's leave quickly. Don't study it yet." Dahuang said quickly.

The girl also continued: "Yes, yes, our tribe is coming up ahead. Do you want to go and rest?"

"That's fine."

Lin Bei nodded in agreement, thinking about going to their tribe to see if there was anything delicious or fun.

So, the three of them continued walking forward.

According to the girl, their tribe is the largest tribe in this area and is not weak in strength.

The leader of the tribe is a powerful awakener.

It was precisely because of his protection that he was saved from being exiled and massacred.


Lin Bei doesn't care too much about this...

Not long after, there was a rustling sound and branches and leaves swaying in the dense grass ahead.

Huang Kai suddenly stopped and looked around with his small eyes.

He has been vaguely aware of it.

There's an ambush around!

Sure enough, five or six sturdy men emerged from the grass, wearing "geely suits", their faces covered in oil paint, and their expressions were very nervous.

"Stop! Who are you?" the leader shouted.

"Uncle Mengyi, it's me."

The girl quickly ran forward and signaled them to calm down.


The big man stared with squinted eyes.

Because the girl was too embarrassed, she was not recognized for a while.

A young man next to him, with a face full of surprise, rushed forward first.

"Sister Shala, are you still alive? That's great!"

"Well, I'm fine."

The girl nodded, feeling very excited when she saw her clansmen again.

The young man's eyes were red, and he quickly took off his straw coat and put it on the girl.

"I thought you...wuwuwuwu~~"

"Don't cry, I'm really fine."

The girl said quickly.

Several other people gathered around and expressed their joy at the reunion.

"Shala, who are they?" The leading man pointed at Lin Bei and asked.

The girl quickly explained: "Oh, they are my saviors. They are powerful awakeners from outside the island. If it weren't for them, I really wouldn't be able to come back."


Meng Yi glanced around.

Although he has a strong back and a strong back, he is an A-level plant type awakener, and he did not sense a powerful aura in the expressions of Lin Bei and the other two.

And their tribe is a bit xenophobic.

I always feel uneasy on the island.

It was caused by the arrival of outsiders.

But facing his savior, his attitude was very enthusiastic.

"Thank you very much for saving Elisala. Please come with us and rest in the tribe."


Of course Lin Bei was not polite either.

As several people walked through the forest, an open space appeared in front of them.

The girl's tribe is indeed very large, with a population of tens of thousands, but it is also very backward. They use wood cut into spikes to make defensive walls.

A group of people were watching around.

Inside the defensive wall, there are wooden houses and some two- or three-story attics.

Many of them worked.

Some young children were chasing and playing in the street.

Lin Bei and the two walked into it.

It immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Huang Kai has been to so many places, he has long been used to it, and he is very proud of it... As expected of Brother Kai, he is the center of attention wherever he goes!

Lin Bei didn't care, but looked around.

Let's see if there is anything delicious hanging in someone's yard...

"Please come in."

Meng Yi welcomed them into the attic, which was quite spacious.

"Our leader will be here soon, you can see him soon."

"I didn't say I wanted to see your leader either."

Lin Bei said inexplicably.


The people around him frowned.

Since the leader is their patron saint, it feels somewhat disrespectful.

The little girl next to him knew something about Lin Bei and quickly smoothed things over.

"'s okay, it's okay. I'll go get you some food first."

"Well, we can meet you for food."

Lin Bei nodded in agreement.

Not long after, the girl brought a plate of marinated dried meat and some fruits.

Lin Beida started to eat.

The texture and taste of the jerky are good. I don’t know what kind of animal meat it is, but it is chewier than beef jerky.

Meng Yi and others around looked at Lin Bei who was not caring about his appearance and remained silent.

Are all foreigners like this? ? ?

Just when they were enjoying their meal, a tall figure appeared at the door.

When Meng Yi and everyone saw him, they quickly stood up and saluted.

"See the leader."

"Ahem! Sit down, all of you."

The man covered his mouth and coughed several times, then forced himself to speak. It was obvious that he was in poor health, but he didn't want his tribe to see it.

Lin Bei held a piece of dried meat in his mouth and turned to look.

I saw this leader with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a decent appearance, but his face was pale and his forehead was filled with black energy.

【bite! System scan: SSS-level beast soul awakener, crazy lion, ability: crazy fighting...Currently, the body is seriously overdrawn and injured, and he can still live for 3 days, 5 hours, 24 minutes, 52 seconds...51 seconds . 】

Lin Bei chewed the dried meat and nodded: "Well, it's not good for a child to cough. He is probably going to die soon."


The people around him suddenly looked at him with frowns.


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