No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 363: Preaching and Discussing the Dao

The girls looked happy when they heard his promise.

"Then let's leave quickly. It just so happens that Master Guifu is going to give a lecture later."

"Yeah, okay."

Lin Bei nodded and walked with a few people.

Huang Kai and Xiaotuzi looked at each other in the background. Are they going to look for ghosts and Buddhas now? ? ?

But Dahuang was resentful in his heart.

Thinking that when I meet Gui Buddha later, I must deal with him well.

It's all his fault for brainwashing girls.

That's why they despise themselves...


After a while, they walked into a village, with wooden houses scattered in an orderly manner.

Huang Kai lay down in front of a wooden door, staring at the door panel with his little eyes.

Because on it, there is actually a picture of "erotic palace" carved on it.

"Tsk...that's really good."

Dahuang feels very artistic.

Lin Bei turned around and looked curiously.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

"Ahem! It's nothing. There is dust on this door. Let me help you wipe it."

Dahuang explained.

In the village, there are many women, generally wearing black robes, with nothing inside to go into battle.

It's just that there are a lot of girls with pillows tied around their waists.

It looks very out of place, and I don’t know what it is for.

Xiaotuzi looked surprised and asked in a low voice.

"Eh? Why are they hanging pillows around their waists?"

"You don't understand this, of course it's for convenience..."

The corners of Huang Kai's mouth curled up slightly.

He thought of the traditional costumes of the islanders in romantic action movies, with pillows hanging on their waists.

It is said that it was specially designed this way for the convenience of reproduction.

Moreover, after a child is born in the island country, he or she is named after the place where the child was bred.

That's why there are such surnames as Inoue, Shanshan, Shanxia, ​​and Tan.

The girl in black robe in front of me looks exactly like them, so it's probably the same principle.

Xiaotuzi gave a thumbs up.

"As expected of Chief Huang, he is so knowledgeable..."

Lin Bei didn't understand, "'s convenient, what on earth are you doing???"


Three people passed by in the village.

Attracting many people's attention.

Of course, in addition to girls, there are also some men, but they are all shaved bald, and they are probably at the level of disciples of ghosts and Buddhas.

It didn't take long.

When they came to the middle of the village, a temple-like building appeared.

At the door.

Two black-robed monks stopped several people.

"Amitabha, what do you want to do when you come to this important place?"

"They want to join Master Guifu, so I bring them to see him."

One girl said impatiently.

The monk glanced at the three people in Lin Bei, clasped his hands together, and chanted the Buddha's name.

"Amitabha, yo yo yo yo..."


Huang Kai raised his eyebrows.

Now it is almost certain that the ghost Buddha master here is definitely an awakened person from the island country...

Lin Bei and others entered the temple and came to the attic hall.

"Please wait a moment, let's ask the master for instructions first," the girls said.

"Well, go ahead."

Lin Bei nodded.

When Huang Kai came in, he couldn't help but glance around, because there were many paintings hanging on the walls of the attic, all of which he liked to see.

When Xiao Tuzi saw that everyone was gone, he suddenly sighed.

"It's so sad that so many people are controlled by ghosts and Buddhas!"


Huang Kai nodded repeatedly, "Sad! So sad! Those girls were used by ghosts and Buddhas to give birth to children and practice evil practices, but they didn't know it. They thought it was for their own good!"

The more Dahuang talked, the angrier he became.

It feels like a pure and kind girl was tricked into sleeping with a scumbag.

However, these girls still believed in him after being hurt.

Protecting the scumbag everywhere...

Huang Kai felt a dull pain in his heart when he thought of this.


Xiaotuzi suddenly made a silent gesture.

Because the girls from before came back quickly, followed by a few monks.

on these monks.

The power of the undead is faintly flowing.

He is obviously a core disciple of Ghost Buddha.

Perhaps they were afraid that Lin Bei and others would run away or cause trouble, so they sent 'experts' to watch them.

If an ordinary awakened person comes here.

The moment these monks appeared, the outcome was already decided.

"Amitabha Buddha! Our master has agreed that you should go and listen to his lectures and discussions." said a fat monk.

"Oh, okay, then go quickly."

Lin Bei wanted to hear what the ghost Buddha said.

Several monks seemed to be surrounding them, surrounding the three of them.

"Three donors, please!"

Of course Lin Bei didn't care. Instead, he took out a lollipop from his backpack, tore off the candy wrapper and put it in his mouth.

The monks raised their eyebrows.

I think this guy is a bit weird.

The girls, on the other hand, were in high spirits and excited. They had another wave of ghost Buddha masters saying that they were very good people and knew a lot of truths and so on...

Huang Kai glanced at the collar of the girl's black robe.

"Tch, you have big breasts and no brains."


After a while, they came to a Buddhist hall, where many girls were kneeling on the ground piously.

A circle of monks stood around.

A kind-hearted old man sat cross-legged on the futon in the front.

But this futon is extremely special.

It is actually made up of skulls and looks very scary.

The fat monk lowered his voice.

"You three just arrived, just stand in the back and listen."


Lin Bei agreed.

Huang Kai's little eyes stared at the old man, trying to confirm whether he was the ghost Buddha.

The old man actually talked about the meaning of life at this time.

"Everyone, what is the meaning of our lives?"


The girls below said in unison.

The ghost Buddha nodded.

"Yes, the purpose of human beings' lifelong pursuit is the continuation of genes. All our efforts are for the development of human civilization. Listen to the applause!"

'Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa! '

The people below applauded enthusiastically.


Huang Kai stared at the scene in front of him, and his whole body was numb.

Is this called preaching?

It's simply the leader of a pyramid scheme! ! !

The ghost Buddha in front continued.

"Our bodies are just shells, machines, and everything else. They all serve the continuation of genes. Many creatures in nature will sacrifice their lives to protect their offspring. Do you think that is maternal love? Wrong! That is all controlled by the genes in the body and set for continuation."

"Oh, that's it..."

The people below nodded repeatedly, saying: Master, I understand!

Huang Kai was speechless.

He felt that he was getting more and more outrageous.

He is really a logical genius. Don't call him Ghost Buddha in the future. Just call him Half Buddha...

The old man nodded with satisfaction.

"So... everyone, hurry up and find my disciples to reproduce and contribute to the continuation of human civilization. You are the greatest pioneers! And your children will also receive my blessing and become the best human beings."

"Thank you, Master!"

The girl below put her hands together and bowed deeply to express her gratitude.

Huang Kai couldn't stand it anymore.

He knew that the Ghost Buddha wanted to use the fetus to refine evil magic.

This guy.

It's so hateful!

He only allows girls and his disciples to reproduce....


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