"What the hell?"

Lin Bei didn't understand what it meant.

The red light has broken through the mountain and filled the sky.

Huang Kai also seemed to understand.

"It's said that we want to attract civilization from outside the territory."

"The monsters are all dead, but still have this function?"

Lin Bei asked.

Li Muxue nodded.

"After some bugs die, their blood will emit a smell, warning fellow species of danger, or attracting fellow species to seek revenge. Although foreign civilizations and monsters are not considered members of the same species, can they still feel its magnetic field, right?"

"Yes, the monster just said that it sensed that an extraterrestrial civilization was on its way."

Dahuang seemed to understand, "In other words... the monsters can't defeat us, so we might as well break the jars and use flesh and blood to guide us, so that the extraterrestrial civilizations can find our location and arrive early."

"That's what happened."

Lin Bei understood a little bit.

But I don't care.

Come on, come on...

You have to come sooner or later anyway.

"Eh? Look at the sky! Something seems wrong." Dahuang looked horrified.

Lin Bei looked up.

After discovering that the monster's flesh and blood rushed into the sky, the entire sky was dyed blood red, including the light from the sun, which was full of strange crimson.

at this time.

The red sun is in the sky.

Not only this island, but the whole world is like this, the top of the head is crimson.

Even in the land of darkness, one can still see a blood moon hanging high.

"Eh? What's going on?"

"I don't know, why is the moon red?"

"If Mom sells batches, it won't be the end of the world, right?"


People all over the world started talking about it.

Some took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Post it online.

Or call your friends and come out to see this spectacle.

In the technological city of Atlantis, alarms sounded throughout the city, and red lights flashed, which was particularly harsh.

"Dr. Wendong, it has been detected that the magnetic field outside the territory is extremely strong, and a creature is about to arrive!" A researcher said solemnly.

"So fast?"

Wen Dong frowned, obviously exceeding his expectations, "Quick! Prepare to resist the invasion of foreign lands and release this warning message to the world!"

Now the entire planet is covered in a layer of blood red.

Within the Dragon Kingdom.

It is dark night in a certain area.

On a bustling high-rise building, a young couple cuddled up on the balcony.

"Husband, look at the red moon today. It's so beautiful!"

"Hehehe, that's not as beautiful as you."

The man said with a smile and took her into his arms.

The two of them admired the red moon together.

But at this moment, the clouds in the sky rotated and twisted, the space trembled, and black cracks appeared.

"Eh? What's going on?"

The young couple looked stunned.


There was a sound in the sky, and the space was completely torn apart!

A giant centipede-like monster.

He actually emerged from the whirlpool!

Its body can reach up to a hundred meters, its skin is like rock, tumbling in the air, and its hundreds of claws are like sharp blades.

Wherever the centipede monster flew, high-rise buildings collapsed and smoke filled the air.

"Fuck! There's a monster!"

The man exclaimed.

But the appearance of the giant centipede is just the beginning. The huge vortex in the sky is like opening Pandora's box.

More monsters rushed out.


The roars shook the sky. Among them were pterosaurs the size of airplanes, giant dogs with three heads, parasitic brainworms, and terrifying alien-like monsters.

They all feed on humans.

Is a natural hunter.

Monsters appeared one after another, all rushing towards the humans on the ground.

"Ah - help!"

"There's a monster, run away."

"Mom, woo woo woo~~~"


The originally bustling streets suddenly became chaotic, with various vehicles colliding and buildings collapsing.

People are exhausted.

A scene of doom.

But in an alley, a woman in black stopped and looked up at the sky, her bright eyes flashing with luster, and she murmured softly.


In an instant, countless black roses bloomed, forming a sea of ​​flowers that almost covered the entire city.

Black roses surround the monster.

Drag them to the ground and kill them one by one.


At the critical moment of crisis, in the endless sea, tens of thousands of mermaids emerged from the water. Among them was a graceful and luxurious woman, who was the overlord of the sea - the Mermaid Queen.

Her beautiful eyes were cold and her face was expressionless.

"Generals, listen to my orders and follow me to kill the enemy!"

At the entrance to the Earth's Core World, the Earth's Core King Meng Qi appeared, followed by the masters of the Twelve Kings City, who also began to fight bloody battles!

this time...

They won't hide anymore....

In Dragon Kingdom Academy, Ji Yunqing stood on the tallest bell tower, looking at the crimson sky where countless monsters were circling.

The pupils suddenly shrank to the size of pinholes, and thousands of evil spirits swept out.

Instantly covering the entire sky.

Above the sky in Kyoto, there is also a huge Taotie shadow condensed, raising its head and roaring.

The vicious energy spread for three hundred miles, swallowing up numerous monsters.

The bloody sun was in the sky, and amid the chaos, the exiled members ushered in a carnival.

"Hahahaha, extraterrestrial civilization has arrived, and order will eventually be chaotic. This day has finally arrived, hahaha!"

A lean man looked up at the sky and laughed wildly on the messy street.

Full of madness.


But behind him, a girl patted him on the shoulder.

"You are too happy too early."


The thin man turned his head in confusion, only to see red light flickering in his pupils.

Then the scorching flames of the Vermillion Bird swept out.

Everything around was reduced to ashes.

"Xiaobai, maintain order." Liu Yun turned his head and said.

"Don't worry! I will protect the order of Dragon Country!"

Bai Chengxiao's figure turned into a gust of wind and swept across the sky in an instant.

The Paw Patrol took action collectively.

Not only that, there were also Ye Feng's team, Niu Yi's team, and all the members of the Dragon Group, all dispatched.

Jiangdong City.

In a magnificent and luxurious manor, Lin Xiangdong was originally drinking with his father-in-law.

At this time, he ran outside the villa.

There were also monsters hovering in the sky, and a huge pterosaur flew by, making a sharp and long cry, and a series of sonic booms came from the air.

It was extremely ferocious!

"What...what is this???"

Lin Xiangdong was frightened and stunned, his legs were shaking.


A burp sounded, and Zhao Jiufeng's old face turned red. He seemed to be a little drunk, and walked out of the villa unsteadily.

His drunken eyes were hazy, and he scanned the sky and couldn't help curling his lips.

"These lackeys finally found us..."

Then he pointed to the sky.

Those ferocious monsters seemed to be paused.

They were frozen here.

Then their bodies turned into powder and disappeared in the air.

It was as if they had never appeared!

Lin Xiangdong rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"What happened? Did I drink too much just now?"

"Look, it's the end of the world, why doesn't my grandson come back to see me?"

Zhao Jiufeng muttered dissatisfiedly.

Lin Xiangdong was embarrassed.

"Are you talking about Lin Bei? He said he wouldn't come back, and asked me to drive you away."

"........" Zhao Jiufeng was speechless, "Well, you did drink too much."


On the other side.

Lin Bei was still in the belly of the mountain.

It's just that the warning bracelet on my hand keeps beeping.

'Grilled chicken wings~~~I love it the most~~'

"BB, Amul! BB Amul!"

"Run~~Proud boy!!!"

Director Lin frowned and patted his bracelet.

"Is it broken? Why did you put skewers on it?"

"Could it be that the extraterritorial magnetic field is too strong and can't be detected?"

Da Huang pinched his chin and analyzed seriously.


Lin Bei looked up at the sky, his eyes reflected a strange red.

It was like a flame jumping.

[Ding! System detection: Extraterritorial civilization is about to come in full... The dispute has begun! ]


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