Lin Bei was pulled out by her, stuffing candies into his pockets.

"Where are you taking me?"

"A safe place, of course."

Sikong Ying explained.

Lin Bei didn't know why.

Isn’t the candy house quite safe? ✩✥

This woman is so strange....

The two came to the street. The monsters kept roaring and people were still fighting.

Li Muxue was also killing monsters when she turned around and realized that something was wrong.


What's going on?

She happened to see Lin Bei being pulled away by a girl and walking away.

Moreover, the two of them actually held hands!

Li Muxue's brows suddenly wrinkled.

It seemed that... I had never held Lin Bei's hand.

Who is that guy?

He actually kidnapped Lin Bei and ran away!

She was about to catch up.

But five or six beetle monsters rushed towards it, blocking the way.

"Damn it! Get out of my way!"

Li Muxue clenched her silver teeth and struck out in anger. She swept the long sword in her hand, and suddenly a blazing light flashed.

The sword's edge was like cutting through tofu, easily engulfing the beetle's body.

The surrounding monsters exploded into pieces.

Huang Kai stood on the top of the building not far away and noticed strong energy fluctuations.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, he felt strange as well.

Didn’t you just say you were tired?

Why is it so violent all of a sudden?


Lin Bei was dragged by Sikong Ying to a shopping mall. Her teammates were fighting nearby to protect the place and establish a temporary safe zone. There were many ordinary people among them.

They were visiting the mall, but a monster suddenly attacked and they were trapped here.

"Sister Sakura, you are back!"

A little lolita, about thirteen or fourteen years old, hurriedly came up to her.

She is Sikong Ying's teammate. Although she is young, she is not weak in strength. She is an SS-level awakener.

Sikong Ying nodded.

"How's the situation here?"

"I can withstand it for the time being, but there are so many monsters, it seems endless, and I can't kill them all!"

The little loli looked solemn.

Sikong Ying also frowned.

The monster attack has lasted for two hours. Even a high-level awakened person would find it difficult to sustain the fight for such a long time. She herself was somewhat exhausted.

But there is really no way.

"Keep fighting!"


The little loli agreed.

Lin Bei looked around and found that it was quite lively. It turned out that he was allowed to go shopping...

Sikong Ying turned around and reminded.

"It's safe here now. Just stay here and stop running around."

"Huh? Are you talking to me?"

Lin Bei said doubtfully.

He never runs around because no matter where he goes, he is always right.

Sikong Ying had no time to reply, so she went out to fight with the little Loli without looking back.

Seeing the two people leaving, Lin Bei turned around and started wandering around.

The first floor of the mall sells luxury watches and gold and silver jewelry. There are many salespeople huddled under the counter, shivering.

Lin Bei was not interested in these.

Keep going upstairs.

There are clothing, furniture, electrical appliances, etc...

Up to the top floor are restaurants and specialty snacks.

"'s nice here."

Lin Bei smelled the aroma and walked into a sushi restaurant.

There is no longer any business here, and customers and shop assistants are hiding together with frightened expressions.

"Why...are there so many monsters suddenly appearing?"

"I don't know, I don't know if this mall can hold on."

"It will definitely happen! If you believe in our Self-Defense Forces, and the Sakura Goddess has taken action, there will definitely be no problem!"

"I hope..."


Several people were praying nervously when a voice came from their ears.

"Bring me something delicious."


The clerk turned around and saw Zhang's handsome face.

It’s already this time... you’re still in the mood to eat?

"Give it to you, give it all to you. It was just made and the customer didn't come to pick it up." The clerk was very generous.

"Well, okay, thank you."

Lin Bei was holding a box of sushi, which had various flavors, such as foie gras sushi, salmon sushi, etc.

I ate a few happily.

It tastes pretty good.

"Hiccup~~Do you have a drink?"


The clerk was ashamed, thinking that what he wanted was quite good.

Grab a bottle of lime juice...

Very refreshing and sour.

The roars of monsters outside continued, sometimes far and sometimes near, and even made the glass tremble.

The clerk looked up.

Since it is the top floor of the shopping mall, there is a huge skylight on the shed, which provides good lighting and allows you to see the blue sky.

"The monster won't come in, right?"

"Probably not..."

A customer analyzed: "Although those giant centipedes and beetles can burrow into the ground, we are on the top floor, which is theoretically the safest."


The clerk was somewhat skeptical.

At this time, Lin Bei happened to finish a glass of lime juice, picked up three pieces of foie gras sushi, put them together in his mouth and chewed them, his cheeks bulging like a hamster.

But suddenly a red light flashed on his wrist, and a burst of music sounded.

'Come on, come on, finish this glass, there are three more...'

"Are there any monsters approaching?"

Lin Bei raised his head.

Through the skylight, I saw a black spot, which quickly enlarged. It was a pterosaur.

And the pterosaur actually held an awakener in its huge mouth, and it fell down like a meteor.


The skylight was smashed, and glass fragments flew all over the ground.

The pterosaur monster also fell with it.


"The monster is coming!"

"Everyone run, go downstairs!"


People screamed in surprise.

Now I remember that monsters can not only drill into the ground, but also fly.....

The pterosaur monster hit the ground heavily, and the awakener in its mouth also rolled out. It was a young man who was not dead, but was seriously injured.

His clothes were tattered and his body was covered with blood.

Some places were pierced by the monster's teeth, and blood was still flowing, but fortunately, the recovery ability was good and it was healing.

The young man supported the ground with one hand and turned over.

Confronting the monster.

But when he turned around, he saw that the people had all fled, but there was still one person eating sushi there.

"Hey, why don't you run away?"

"Uh... Uh... Uh."

Lin Bei stuffed his mouth with food and spoke hesitantly.

The young man looked anxious.

"Hurry up! I can't hold on for too long!"

"Uh, Uh."

Lin Bei continued.

"............" The young man was full of black lines, "Did you meet an idiot?"

However, the pterosaur monster didn't give him time, and rushed over suddenly with a flap of its wings.

The huge wings, like steel, swept across countless walls, unstoppable.

The young man looked solemn, as if a plane was crashing into him.

"How can I repair it!"

"What should I do?"

He frowned, and was very anxious.

This time he couldn't hold on!

But at this time, Lin Bei saw the pterosaur attacking, pulled out the magic cannon, raised his hand and fired a shot.


The energy ball flew out and hit the pterosaur's head accurately, and it exploded instantly.

The pterosaur's skull was blown to pieces, green blood splashed, but due to inertia, the headless body still slid more than ten meters and stopped accurately at the feet of the young man.


The young man widened his eyes and stared at the broken body in front of him.

Such a strong destructive power!

He felt incredible and turned his head to look.

Lin Bei's Adam's apple moved slightly.

With a "gulp", he finally swallowed all the sushi.

Then he slowly spoke.

"Hey, what were you barking at just now?"


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