No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 529: Legend of the Mountains


The entire mountain trembled, and a huge pit appeared on the ground, with gravel collapsing one after another.

Under Qiongqi's claw, the Savage King was shattered into pieces and completely destroyed.

Not far away, thousands of evil ghosts were still roaring, harvesting all the escaping savages.

The battle was over.

The resentful spirits in the sky disappeared, and Qiongqi's shadow dimmed.

Everything around him became calm again.

It's just that it's a mess now, with savage corpses lying everywhere. They died in different ways, their faces were hideous, or they were full of fear, and they were extremely miserable.

Xue Yongan stared at all this.

It's just too strong.

In fact, the entire battle lasted only two or three minutes, and all the savages were killed.

And it can be seen that Lin Bei and others did not try their best... It was like having a snowball fight, killing people was just for fun.

"Let's go to the savages' lair and see. There are still people waiting to be rescued." Dahuang greeted.

"Oh, yes, yes."

Xue Yongan agreed quickly, his Adam's apple twitched slightly, he swallowed, and walked towards the mountains ahead with an anxious mood.

The light in the cave was dim, and there was a foul smell in the air.

It was spread with hay and used as beds and chairs. In addition, there were some simple tools.

Everyone walked to the center.

The entire mountain was hollowed out, and a spacious hall appeared.

Lin Bei looked up and found that there was a huge statue in the middle, leaning against the rock wall, with a height of five or six meters.

And the statue is extremely weird.

A human figure sits cross-legged, with a green face and fangs, eyes glaring angrily, and eight arms. It looks extremely weird.

In front of the weird statue, there is an offering table.

There were actually three human heads and hearts placed on it as offerings.


Xue Yongan was frightened and took a breath. Just looking at this statue made him feel ominous.

Lin Bei looked at it.

"What is this tribute from the savages?"

"I don't know."

Zhan Tianming and others shook their heads, feeling strange as well.

Xue Yongan calmed down and gradually frowned

"Could this be the beast god?"

"Beast God? What is it?"

Lin Bei asked.

Xue Yongan swallowed and organized his words.

"The Beast God... is a very ancient legend. It is said that he was once the ruler of the Ten Thousand Beasts Snow Mountain. He was extremely powerful, commanding trillions of mutated beasts, including alien races, and was the overlord of the entire Blue Star. But then the human race rose, A totem-level strongman entered the mountain, and then the Beast God never appeared again..."

"He was killed?"

Dahuang asked quickly, feeling that the story was not very exciting, too bland, and had no twist.

Xue Yongan shook his head.

"No, I heard some old hunters say that there were violent roars from the snowy mountains of beasts, accompanied by the sound of iron chains, causing landslides, avalanches and other disasters. Some people speculate that the terrifying roar is the beast god, and he is not dead. But he was chained."


Dahuang scratched his head.


He said it as if he was tying up Xiao Huang at home.

Zhan Tianming looked forward to it.

"Who is that human totem-level strong man? He is so strong!"

"I don't know that."

Xue Yongan shook his head like a rattle.

"Because it's been too long, and what I said was passed down by word of mouth, and it's not accurately recorded."


Huang Kai couldn't help but guess.

"Could it be Aunt Zhao? She must have the strength."

"No, it doesn't feel like there's much connection between the two, and the time is wrong."

Xin Tong analyzed.

Zhan Tianming thinks about everything.

"Then...could it be the Phoenix Totem? The Blue Star Totem level powerhouse can only think of her."

"Tch, I think you want to meet the girl from Fengge, right?"

Huang Kai joked.

Zhan Tianming quickly shook his head in denial.

"No, no, I didn't miss her."

"But I haven't said who it is yet."

Huang Kai plays with taste.

Zhan Tianming: "......"

However, according to Xue Yongan, the image of the legendary beast god is exactly the same as the statue in front of him, with eight arms, a green face and fangs, and is extremely ferocious.

Moreover, it is reasonable for the savages to worship the beast god.

So the legend is probably true.

People in Feixue City have a natural fear of the beast god, because if a child is disobedient, the adults will use the beast god to eat the child to scare him, forming a shadow in his childhood.

Xue Yongan is no exception, so he is full of fear of this statue.

Afterwards, no one did much research.

Rushed to the depths of the cave to rescue people.

Thanks to the perception of Xin Tong and others, they have long known the location where people were imprisoned.

Through lengthy caves.

There was a faint sound of whispers ahead.

"The savages seem to have stopped moving."

"Should we run away?"

"Are you crazy! Savages can smell smells from several kilometers away. You know the consequences of being caught by them."


At this point, there was a silence.


Lin Bei and others stepped on hay and came to a huge stone room.

It's dim here.

There were more than a dozen thin and thin figures, disheveled and with messy hair, all kneeling on the ground.

Some people even had dull eyes and were in a trance, obviously having been tortured.

But a few people think clearly.

He looked at the several figures walking in in shock.

"Is it... a human..."

"Am I dreaming?"

"It's over, I really miss home."


The women whispered to themselves, all of them couldn't believe it.

Until Xue Yongan's trembling voice sounded.

"Fellow villagers... I'm here to save you."


The woman looked up and stared, her eyes seemed to shine in the dim light, and she recognized Xue Yongan's slightly old face.

Many people stood up with help.

One of the women cried.

"Yongan! Yongan! Is it really you?"

"Cai Lian..."

Xue Yongan's lips trembled.

Because the woman in front of him was his wife who was abducted by the savages for a year.

The two looked at each other in silence.

It seemed that they had never thought that they would meet again in their lifetime.

At this moment, everything else was unimportant.

The two hugged each other.

Tears burst out of their eyes and wet each other's clothes.

After a while,

Xue Yongan calmed down a little, grabbed his wife's shoulder and asked.

"Cai Lian, where is our daughter?"

"Over there."

Cai Lian was slightly startled and pointed to the deepest part.

Lin Bei and others looked over and found that there was indeed a girl sitting in the corner facing the wall, as if facing the wall to reflect on her mistakes.

She was silent and very quiet.

Xue Yongan felt something was wrong.

He walked over, his footsteps rustling on the dry straw, and quickly came behind the girl.

"My daughter, you..."

The girl was still silent, turned around, but her body shrank desperately into the corner, her eyes were filled with tears, full of fear and worry.

Xue Yongan looked down.

He found that the girl was holding a baby in her arms, and her body was covered with white hair...


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