No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 53 Special Personnel

Zhang Hongda was a little melancholy.

He was an S-level awakener, so his strength was not weak.

But compared with these four people.

He was a little bit inferior. ✬

"Old Zhao, tell me, what can we teach them? Aren't we here to spoil the show?"

"We can... teach them about the culture of the academy and humanistic feelings."

Director Zhao suggested.

Zhang Hongda thought about it, and he was right.

The strength is not good.

Then we can only talk about feelings...

At worst, even if we tell two jokes, we have to keep them stable, and never make trouble in the academy. What if someone gets hurt? Even if the flowers and plants are hurt, it's not good!

"Old Zhao, we have to find an opportunity to talk to them together."

"Well, no problem."

Director Zhao nodded.


At this time, Lin Bei.

was still wandering around the academy.

He came to a small playground, which was still bustling and lively.

But only at the flower bed.

A vacuum zone was formed.

There was only one person there, sticking his butt out and inserting his head into the flowers, as if looking for something.

The people around him avoided that figure as if they were avoiding the plague god, their eyes full of fear. Even those who passed by would take a detour.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Bei was curious, walked over and sat down on the edge of the flower bed.

"Hey, is there anything fun here?"

"Ah? Are you asking me?"

The man pulled his head out of the flowers, revealing a handsome young face, with a few leaves on his head...

Lin Bei nodded.

Who else could it be if he didn't ask him?

There were no other people around...

"I'm looking for this to eat."

The boy raised his hand, holding a white worm between his fingers.

Then he stuffed it directly into his mouth.

He started chewing.

His face was full of satisfaction.


Lin Bei pouted.

"Why do you eat bugs?"

"Yes, this kind of bug is called a flower bug. It grows up eating pollen and tastes sweet."

The boy grinned, with half of the bug stuck in his teeth.


He looked around.

Suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, by the way, aren't you afraid of me???"

"Why should I be afraid of you?"

Lin Bei squinted at him.

The boy scratched his head, "Because they all say I'm a monster..."

"You're not a monster, I've seen real monsters, but they're ugly."

Lin Bei recalled human facial tumors, vampires and so on.

The boy's eyes lit up.

As if he had found a soulmate.

"Right, I said I'm not a monster! When I was a kid, they always said I was a monster, and then they threw stones at me and hit me with sticks."

"Then what?"

Lin Bei was very curious.


The boy's eyes showed a look of reminiscence, as if it was a long-forgotten memory.



"It tastes good..."


Lin Bei seemed to understand.

The first impression was that this guy was a foodie.

It seemed that he would eat anything.

Everything could be related to taste....

The boy smiled slightly, finally finding someone who recognized him.

So he picked up another twisting worm and asked.

"Here, let you taste it too."

"No, no, I don't eat worms."

Lin Bei shook his head.

The boy froze, and his bright eyes seemed to dim a little.


Lin Bei reached into his pocket, fumbled around, and took out a piece of White Rabbit candy.

"Since you gave me a worm, I'll treat you to a piece of candy."

"Oh? Thank you."

The boy's eyes brightened up again in an instant.

He likes to eat sweet things.....

So he was not polite.

He peeled off the candy wrapper.

He put the candy into his mouth.

He smiled with satisfaction.

Lin Bei thought this guy was interesting.



"What's your name?"

"Zhang Tian."


The friendship between the two was established in this way.

After chatting with him for a few words.

Lin Bei went to find his place to live.

As a special recruit, he was different from other students.

Lin Bei did not live in a dormitory.

But in a single-family villa.

After going around for a long time, Lin Bei finally found it.

Finally, he did not get lost.......

The three-story villa looked very exquisite, and it also had a small yard with flowers and plants planted in it, and the scenery was pleasant.

Lin Bei was very satisfied with his new home.

The villa had all kinds of facilities, and even some snacks and small toys were prepared.

This was arranged by Chen Hua before.

Lin Bei rested here for one night.

The next day.

The college assessment was completely over, and the number of admissions had been determined.

The next step was to assign classes.

Lin Bei was still looking forward to his new classmates.

Early in the morning.

Lin Bei rushed to a specific location under the notification of the broadcast.

Above the main entrance of the teaching building.

There is an electronic screen.

The screen scrolls, showing the names of people and the classes they are assigned to.

There are hundreds of people gathered in front of the screen.

It is bustling and lively.

After all, it is a good thing to be admitted to Longguo College.

Many people are still excited.

Lin Bei scanned the screen and began to look for his name.

Lin Bei...

Where is it?


"I see!"

"First grade, class three!"

Lin Bei quickly found the corresponding class, secretly thinking that he was really a clever little ghost...

"Brother, brother, are you in class three?"

At this moment, a duck-voiced voice suddenly came from the side.


Lin Bei turned his head and looked.

A wretched face suddenly appeared in front of him.

This person had a pointed face, small eyes, and a mustache, and looked like he was in his thirties or forties.

"Yes, is your child also in class three?"

Lin Bei thought it was a parent who sent the child here.


The man was stunned and explained quickly.

"I'm not a parent, I'm just a child, I'm also in class three, we are classmates!!!"

"Classmate? Then you look too old, right?"

Lin Bei's expectations for new classmates were instantly shattered.

Is this what his classmates look like? ? ?

The mustache was very indignant.

"How am I old? I'm just 18 this year, in the prime of life, handsome, elegant, and suave..."

"Okay, stop it, put away your spell, I'm going to find my class."

Lin Bei turned around and left.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

The man with the mustache immediately followed his steps, suddenly smiled, and put his hand into his arms, "Brother, I have something good here, do you want to try it?"

"What is it?"

Lin Bei was quite curious.

The man with the mustache slightly lifted his clothes, revealing a booklet in his arms.

There were a few big words written crookedly on the cover.

'First-year freshman school beauty ranking'

There were small words below: Produced by Huang Kai, must be a fine product.

"Brother, this is all the first-hand information I have collected. It records all the beauties in our class and notes their interests and hobbies. It is definitely a great tool for picking up girls! Today, you and I are destined to meet. Don't ask for 998 or 888, just 98, and I will pick up the school beauty!"

"So you are a book seller, I don't need it."

Lin Bei was very disappointed and felt that this guy was a little abnormal, like a fool...


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